7 min

My 8-question UX writing checklist The Gig Gal Radio

    • Emprendimiento

Episode 6: My 8-question UX writing checklist

Quality assurance can be challenging, especially when you’re assessing your own work.

While every project is different, I find it helpful to quality check every line of microcopy I ship with key UX writing strategies to make sure I’m hitting all my bases.

In this episode, I share the 8-question checklist I use to QC my work in hopes it’ll be helpful for you, too.

At the end of this episode, you'll have learned:

How to ship content that solves the problem
How to write for mobile
How to account for people scanning, not reading
Why it’s important to lead with the ‘why,’ not the ‘how’
Why it’s important to avoid jargon
And more


To read the original blog post, visit: https://www.madebyslater.com/advice/ux-writing-checklist

Connect with Slater Katz: https://www.linkedin.com/in/slaterkatz/

By madebyslater.com

Episode 6: My 8-question UX writing checklist

Quality assurance can be challenging, especially when you’re assessing your own work.

While every project is different, I find it helpful to quality check every line of microcopy I ship with key UX writing strategies to make sure I’m hitting all my bases.

In this episode, I share the 8-question checklist I use to QC my work in hopes it’ll be helpful for you, too.

At the end of this episode, you'll have learned:

How to ship content that solves the problem
How to write for mobile
How to account for people scanning, not reading
Why it’s important to lead with the ‘why,’ not the ‘how’
Why it’s important to avoid jargon
And more


To read the original blog post, visit: https://www.madebyslater.com/advice/ux-writing-checklist

Connect with Slater Katz: https://www.linkedin.com/in/slaterkatz/

By madebyslater.com

7 min