234 episodios

Rebel Therapist is the podcast where you'll get support in being a therapist entrepreneur. I'm Annie Schuessler, therapist and business coach and strategist for therapists. I'll support you in taking your work beyond the therapy room to make an even bigger impact. I interview Rebel Therapists who are already doing work beyond the therapy room, from running workshops to writing books to creating online courses. You'll hear about how they created their unique businesses, the mindset work they've done, and the mistakes they've made along the way. Get the inspiration and information you need to be a Rebel Therapist, starting now.

Rebel Therapist Annie Schuessler

    • Economía y empresa

Rebel Therapist is the podcast where you'll get support in being a therapist entrepreneur. I'm Annie Schuessler, therapist and business coach and strategist for therapists. I'll support you in taking your work beyond the therapy room to make an even bigger impact. I interview Rebel Therapists who are already doing work beyond the therapy room, from running workshops to writing books to creating online courses. You'll hear about how they created their unique businesses, the mindset work they've done, and the mistakes they've made along the way. Get the inspiration and information you need to be a Rebel Therapist, starting now.

    Is It OK To Do Less Long-Term Work?

    Is It OK To Do Less Long-Term Work?

    This is a short episode and it’s really about you giving yourself permission to do the work that is going to feel most joyful and sustainable for you.
    I’m going to talk about two different roles we might choose for ourselves as therapists, healers and coaches:
    A catalyst who helps people through a big and clear change in a particular area of their lives.
    An integrator who helps people grow and maintain changes over a long period of time in many areas of their lives.
    I know there’s a lot of overlap and nuance between these 2 roles.
    Therapists I work with who want to create signature programs beyond private practice often want to be in the role of catalyst more of the time, and long-term integrator less of the time.
    They’re feeling over-full on the long-term work of helping their clients day-by-day, week-by-week, month-by-month and year-by-year.
    They value that long-term work and are honored to get to do it, but they fear that if they keep doing it full time, they’re going to burn out, or maybe just not love their work so much.
    In the programs they create, these therapists want to be in the role of short-term change catalyst.
    They want to step further into their role as teacher, presenter, and facilitator.
    They want to create a container that moves participants through a process of profound growth in a particular area that they really care about.
    The topics of these programs include: sexuality, relationships, parenting, money, business, and particular life experiences like divorce and grief…and on and on. I’ll give you a few examples of programs folks have created in a minute.
    These programs are time-limited, usually happening over a number weeks or just a few days.
    These therapists find it satisfying to watch their people have big insights and make big changes and progress in their programs.
    But when folks are getting ready to create their programs, they sometimes think…
    “Wait a minute. Even if I help people create a lot of change quickly, maintaining those changes takes long-term work. It’s not just one and done.
    So then is my program valuable enough if it doesn’t help people through the long-term maintenance of that change?”
    Here’s my answer: YES. The focused change your program creates is highly valuable.
    Both kinds of work are totally valuable and necessary.
    Neither kind of work is more or less valuable.
    As a therapist, I was trained with a bit of either/or thinking. I remember learning that REAL change takes time, and that rapid change is probably fleeting.
    Perhaps as therapists, sometimes this is a defensive stance. Sometimes the long-term, subtler work of a therapist doesn’t get enough credit because it’s less obvious than the change that happens during something like a retreat or a workshop.
    But you, my friend, are not going to devalue that long-term work. AND you still might not always want to do that long-term work yourself.
    You can choose to run a time-limited program and you can also encourage your participants to keep doing long-term work after they are done with your program.
    Think of this from the participant’s point of view. I’ll use myself as an example.
    When a topic really matters to me, I want to work with someone who is obsessed with that topic for a period of time. I want to be held in a container where I’ll get to focus on topic only. I want a curated experience that is designed to help me make a significant change.
    This happened to me recently.
    I was a participant last year in Deb Benfield’s program: Aging With Vitality And Body Liberation.
    As a 52 year old who has a body, I loved the idea of putting myself in Deb’s hands to go through a big transformative experience over 8 weeks.
    I wanted to deprogram myself from ageism and step further into body liberation. I know Deb is an expert in both of these areas, and is one of the ONLY people who is really a badass in both areas.
    In the venn diagram of body liberation and pro-aging, you

    • 11 min
    A Program For Moms With ADHD | Robin Gibler

    A Program For Moms With ADHD | Robin Gibler

    Some people create the program they needed for themself.
    As you move through a challenging situation and you grow from it, learn about yourself, and find community, you realize:
    “This did not need to be QUITE this hard! I want to create a process or a container to help people move through this with more support.”
    If you also happen to be a therapist or healer, you may realize you’re uniquely equipped to create something really effective and powerful.
    My guest Robin Gibler did just that when she created a program for moms with ADHD.
    Robin is a licensed professional counselor specializing in maternal mental health. As a mom with ADHD herself, she is passionate about providing education and support for other women to create their own version of what motherhood looks like and care for kids who may also be neurodivergent.
    Here's some of what we talked about:
    What ADHD feels like for moms who are overburdened by the impossible cultural standards of motherhood Why moms with ADHD often feel: “I must not be trying hard enough.” How our hormones impact our ADHD symptoms Why Robin started a group program for moms with ADHD How Robin designed her group program and decided what to include and what not to Developing a longer program including guest speakers and a community cohort How ADHD shows up in Robin’s business and how she works with her strengths How she gives herself time to be the visionary in her business with solo mini retreats Giving up her group practice with 11 therapists because it wasn’t the right business model for her strengths and challenges Show notes at https://rebeltherapist.me/podcast/226

    • 37 min
    Do Less Emotional Labor In Your Business

    Do Less Emotional Labor In Your Business

    At first this will seem like a story about my online yoga instructor.
    But it’s really a story about making your business more sustainable by stopping unnecessary and exhausting emotional labor.
    First of all, I know what you’re thinking. It’s so unexpected to hear about a 52-year-old white woman doing yoga. Kidding.
    This past fall I was getting back into yoga after several years away. I started with a 30-days-of-yoga video series by an instructor. I sensed that I’d like her in real life. She had spunk, made kind of inapropriate jokes, wore fun rocker outfits, and had good banter. She even had a sweet dog who joined her on the mat.
    It took me about 3 months to get through all 30 videos.
    When I was done with those, I wanted to do more of her videos. I searched her name on YouTube again, and a different instructor came up.
    I started trying one of this new person’s videos. It was OK, but this person wasn’t telling jokes. Her voice was lower. There was more silence.
    I was kinda pissed. I called my partner over and said: “Isn’t this illegal? She’s got the same name, she even has a dog who looks like the other instructor’s dog. Can she DO this? It’s like identity theft.”
    And Ames said: “That’s her. That’s the same person.”
    “NO it can’t be” I said.
    I looked back and discovered the 30 days of videos I had watched were from 9 years ago.
    This new video was her now.
    I’m used to all of us aging. This is not ONLY about aging.
    Something else really big had shifted. I was bummed at first. Where are the inapropriate jokes? Where’s the banter? where’s the rocker vibe?
    And then I followed the new video and realized her teaching had gotten even better. She was suggesting small adjustments that were gentler on my body.
    I was relieved that no one had stollen the instructor’s identity. And of course this was the same sweet dog 9 years later.
    As I like to do, I made up a whole story about this instructor. This is ONLY my conjecture, based on my own projections.
    I decided that between those videos 9 years ago and now, this instructor decided to stop doing the emotional labor of trying to be liked.
    When she started her youtube channel, she truly enjoyed making those videos. For the first 10 or 20 or even 50 videos, she enjoyed being silly, providing banter, and dressing with a rocker vibe. She felt satisfied expressing real parts of her personality on her channel.
    She got feedback from her fans that they loved it, so she gave even more of the same.
    The pressure to get more subscribers and to make a living as an entrepreneur led her to keep performing these parts of her personality.
    And then little by little, she stopped having fun with it. It started feeling like emotional labor.
    For a while, she kept performing this way. The videos were popular, and she wasn’t exactly being inauthentic. It was just a little tiring, but work is supposed to be tiring, she told herself. It’s better than working in a mine.
    But working in this way was feeling less and less sustainable until she began to DREAD making those videos.
    She decided she either needed to consider letting the whole channel go, or to start doing the videos in a more easeful way.
    She decided to just teach the yoga. She decided to focus on delivering great yoga instruction, but to let the rest of the effort go. She decided to just stop performing, and wear what felt appealing and comfortable to her NOW.
    She decided to let people be disappointed by her more boring clothing and lack of jokes.
    She started with “Let’s start in a seated position.” rather than “OK it’s day seven. Let’s go to heaven!” with a wink.
    Her voice came out a little lower because that’s how her body was naturally changing AND because she was relaxing into her easiest way of speaking.
    She decided that this was the only sustainable and joyful way for her to continue.
    I’m an entrepreneur too, and I can relate to this story. And yes, I hav

    • 10 min
    Neurodivergence And Liberation In Your Business With Jennifer Alumbaugh

    Neurodivergence And Liberation In Your Business With Jennifer Alumbaugh

    Join me for a Free Open Coaching Call on Thursday, May 9th at 11 am PT. A recording will be available if you sign up. Grab your seat at https://rebeltherapist.me/question.
    Do you identify with the word neurodivergent? Or not?
    Either way, stay with us. In today’s episode we’re talking about getting curious about yourself, the way your particular brain works, and what that means about what kind of business will really work for you.
    You’ll hear my guest and I both talk about some big changes we’ve each made to our work lives in order to honor our operating manuals.
    I loved hearing how Jennifer gave herself permission to close her therapy practice and create a new business as a consultant instead.
    And if you’re wondering how to use LinkedIn effectively, you want to hear Jennifer break it down.
    Meet Jennifer Alumbaugh, MS.
    They are here to help change the cultural narrative for late identified Autistic and ADHD founders, executives, and professionals.
    She built Expansive Expressions in order to create and deliver neurodivergent business & marketing training, support systems, and business strategies so that neurodivergent entrepreneurs can build profitable and sustainable businesses.
    Here's some of what we talked about:
    Why Jennifer closed their therapy practice Divesting from licensure for ethical AND capacity reasons Building a consulting business as a neuroinclusion DEI consultant Issues that come up for neurodivergent microbusiness owners The masking neurodivergent people do at work and what that costs us Exactly how Jennifer uses LinkedIn to create relationships and find speaking opportunities Show notes at https://rebeltherapist.me/podcast/224

    • 49 min
    The Most Important Marketing Strategy (It Doesn’t Require Social Media)

    The Most Important Marketing Strategy (It Doesn’t Require Social Media)

    Today I’m talking about the most effective way to fill a signature program beyond private practice:
    Creating and nurturing Ideal Referral Partnerships.
    If I were to coach my clients to do only ONE kind of marketing, this would be it.
    Another word for this is networking.
    You’re probably already doing this, but you might not be doing it very strategically.
    When I meet someone who says they don’t do any marketing, but they’ve got customers or clients, I know they HAVE been marketing. They just didn’t see their behavior as marketing.
    I often find out that the marketing they’ve been doing has been networking.
    If you have relationships with people who refer to you, even if you don’t do any of it on purpose, you’ve been marketing.
    Maybe you’ve been networking with colleagues you met at trainings, at agencies you worked at, or from working with the same client at some point. You hit it off with these folks.
    Some of these people have referred clients to you or introduced you to other people who referred clients to you.
    If you're an extrovert, you might have experienced a TON of this with very little conscious effort.
    It’s time to get strategic because your time is limited.
    Michelle Warner teaches a course called Networking That Pays. She points out that we can each only maintain a finite number of meaningful relationships (between 100 to 250, according to British anthropologist Robin Dunbar, author of How Many Friends Does One Person Need).
    We need to be strategic about WHO we spend our limited networking time and energy with.
    You’ll also need to be more strategic when you’re selling a signature program because you’ll probably be serving MORE new people each year than you do in your private practice.
    If you do long term work, you may only need 10 new clients a year to keep your practice full, or even less in some cases.
    To keep a signature program full, on the other hand, you might need 30 or 100 or more new participants each year.
    The math is a bit different, so the networking will be a bit more strategic.
    I just peeked at my own statistics. This year, over half of my participants have come through my referral partners, NOT by stumbling upon my podcast or finding me through IG or google or paid ads.
    But let’s look for a moment at the OTHER kinds of marketing activities I do and you might do too:
    Sending out a weekly or biweekly email.
    Creating a podcast episode.
    Delivering a free live event.
    Updating my website.
    Creating a new lead magnet.
    Setting up an ad funnel.
    Posting on social.
    Some of these things do help people find me, and I love that I can do these things in relative isolation.
    AND… It’s a really bad idea to leave relationships out of our marketing practices. Networking will help to amplify the effectiveness of those other activities.
    Dialing down your time spent on solo digital marketing activities and dialing UP your time and energy spent with ideal referral partners is going to grow your business WAY more quickly and more reliably.
    Why is this kind of strategic networking so effective?
    LOTS of your future participants are already in someone else’s audience.
    The people who created those audiences are your Ideal Referral Partners.
    By PLACE I mean things like:
    a podcast, a free online community, a paid community, an email newsletter list, or a paid small group program.
    When the person who leads and curates that gathering place invites you in and vouches for you and the work you do, you’re MUCH more likely to have the trust of members of that community.
    Compare that to the trust that you can establish in a video on IG that is 60 seconds long.
    I created a step-by-step process for this activity, not because it comes easily to me. Rather I created it because it is very important and does NOT come easily to me.
    Here’s a quick summary of that process.
    First, you figure out: Who are my Ideal Referral Partners?
    They serve your niche
    They probably serve

    • 23 min
    The Email You’re Afraid Of Getting

    The Email You’re Afraid Of Getting

    If you fear bothering people with your marketing, this is for you.
    I recently got the worst email I’ve opened in over a year.
    I’m gonna share the actual email with you and I’m gonna share my internal reactions and the decisions I made after.
    In the context of life, this email is really NOT that bad at all. No trigger warning necessary.
    I’m sharing this because I know many of you are really afraid of getting an email like this.
    I’m hoping hearing about my experience will help you feel less afraid of getting an email like this. I’m hoping that you feeling less afraid will help you make aligned decisions. I’ll explain all of that in a moment.
    The email I’ll share was a response to one of my sales emails promoting Create Your Program, the high touch program I run 3 times a year.
    Here’s what the email said:
    “Way too many emails with not much info. Blocking your email and please remove me from your waitlist.
    Feels like clickbait.”
    I said “ouch!”
    My partner looked over my shoulder and said “that’s not nice!”
    I had a moment of panic. I thought: Am I a fraudster? Am I a villian? Am I a jerk who never provides value?
    AND…Does this person hate me?
    And then paused and I said to my partner: “No it’s OK. She’s right to tell me. She’s annoyed.”
    Now I did feel a little peeved with the email sender. I thought: “She could have just unsubscribed. There’s a link in every single email to unsubscribe! Why didn’t she just unsubscribe? Why be like that?”
    And I wished I could write back to her and explain about unsubscribing and also say I’m sorry you didn’t get value…and maybe you should check out this or that free resource I provide.
    But I couldn’t write her back because she told me not to contact her.
    But you know what? She might not know that unsubscribing works. She’s totally within her rights to tell me about her experience and to set a digital boundary. She was clear. She did not call me names or behave abusively. She let me know that she’s withdrawn her consent to be emailed.
    I very much WANT people to be able to withdraw their consent.
    So as she asked, I went into my email platform and deleted her from it.
    Then while I was there I looked into what emails I had sent her, so I could better understand her experience.
    She had signed up for a free workshop through an instagram ad that I run. Then she’d gotten follow up emails reminding her to watch that free workshop, and then some sales emails about my program.
    It’s likely that she didn’t actually watch the workshop…which is totally understandable. I’ve signed up for a free workshop or class and then not hit play on it.
    She also signed up for the waitlist for Create Your Program.
    She received the maximum amount of emails someone could ever get from me, about 2 a day for a handful of days. That’s because she signed up for my free workshop and then my waitlist, all during a launch of my program,
    I took a step back and considered…is there anything I want to change about this email flow going forward?
    In this case, there’s not much I wanted to change.
    I want people who are new to my list to have a chance to jump on the wait list for CYP, which functions as an interest list. Often people find me right when they’re looking for a program like mine, and it’s important that they CAN sign up right away if that’s what they want. I only run CYP 3 times a year right now, so I don’t want people to have to wait months to have a chance to jump in.
    I did make one change to my email flow.
    I already have an opt OUT email that I send to my list when I’m launching. It basically says: “I’m gonna be promoting my program for a couple of weeks. If you want to stay on my list but you don’t want to hear about CYP this round, click here. I’ll be quiet for a couple weeks.”
    I learned this opt-out approach from Kelly Diels, and I always hat tip to her in that email.
    Here’s the change: I adde

    • 10 min

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