2 min

Welcome Message to UWI Cave Hill Freshers 2020 PSSA

    • Política


A pleasant and warm welcome from your Political Science Students’ Association 2020/2021! If you are starting a degree in Political Science or International Relations at Cave Hill, then PSSA is the right fit for you! PSSA is a family of students from any and all faculties who enjoy critical thought and diverse engagements with future and current diplomats, analysts, and renowned political thinkers.

As you embark on this new and exhilarating journey within the University of the West Indies, we wish you nothing but the best and hope that you make the most of the years to come. You are studying, in perhaps, the most exciting time in recent international political history, with an overabundance of subject matter coming to life before our very eyes. Recent challenges to the global status quo have manifested in movements which have more than just touched our region – but which our region shares a foundational role and legacy. We, therefore, encourage you to keep an open mind. Do not shy away from embracing your new surroundings and integrate yourselves into the campus. PSSA will be there to aid you in getting your voice heard!

We hope that you will attend our PSSA events and join other campus clubs with the hope of making new friends and establishing yourself as a well-rounded student. Whatever you may choose to do with your time, ensure that it aids not only in your self-development but also in the development of others. Strive earnestly for your goals and pursue your degree with passion!

Most Sincerely,

Richard Williams
President, The Political Science Students’ Association


A pleasant and warm welcome from your Political Science Students’ Association 2020/2021! If you are starting a degree in Political Science or International Relations at Cave Hill, then PSSA is the right fit for you! PSSA is a family of students from any and all faculties who enjoy critical thought and diverse engagements with future and current diplomats, analysts, and renowned political thinkers.

As you embark on this new and exhilarating journey within the University of the West Indies, we wish you nothing but the best and hope that you make the most of the years to come. You are studying, in perhaps, the most exciting time in recent international political history, with an overabundance of subject matter coming to life before our very eyes. Recent challenges to the global status quo have manifested in movements which have more than just touched our region – but which our region shares a foundational role and legacy. We, therefore, encourage you to keep an open mind. Do not shy away from embracing your new surroundings and integrate yourselves into the campus. PSSA will be there to aid you in getting your voice heard!

We hope that you will attend our PSSA events and join other campus clubs with the hope of making new friends and establishing yourself as a well-rounded student. Whatever you may choose to do with your time, ensure that it aids not only in your self-development but also in the development of others. Strive earnestly for your goals and pursue your degree with passion!

Most Sincerely,

Richard Williams
President, The Political Science Students’ Association

2 min