8 min

E-Newsletter June 2024 Retina UK

    • Non-Profit

The latest e-Newsletter from Retina UK.

Please consider donating to Retina UK through a monthly or quarterly direct debit if you can. Regular donations provide a reliable source of income to help us to plan effectively for the future. Visit www.RetinaUK.org.uk/regular-giving/ to sign up, or, if your prefer, call us on 01208 821334.

The latest e-Newsletter from Retina UK.

Please consider donating to Retina UK through a monthly or quarterly direct debit if you can. Regular donations provide a reliable source of income to help us to plan effectively for the future. Visit www.RetinaUK.org.uk/regular-giving/ to sign up, or, if your prefer, call us on 01208 821334.

8 min