Jurnal Week 2 (Diva Anisa Rahmawati)

Jurnal Week 2 (Diva Anisa Rahmawati) Podcast

Self-swab experience with covid 19 patient According to some people to start a swab test to be one of the many people who believe in the benefits of the swab test. Indeed, the swab test must be carried out properly to avoid invalid results. As stated in the news, swab testing has now spread to areas prone to COVID-19, namely the work environment. The swab was carried out three times by the health officer or staff on the condition that the staff should not have any health problems such as no nosebleeds, no facial injuries. This antigen test is rated to have an 82 percent rapid ability to identify infected people as positive cases and uninfected people as negative cases. To find out the results of the swab to be truly valid, it is recommended to go to a doctor for a Pcr test. The Pcr test was able to correctly identify at a 93 percent rate. The swab test is usually done by inserting the swab into the nostrils and it is recommended to do ten turns in each nostril 2 centimeters deep. A good test time is around day 5-7 during the 14-day incubation period. Regular COVID-19 testing aims to minimize the transmission of the virus, especially the risk of large clusters. According to some residents' thoughts, many claim to be happy with the implementation of this swab, there are many conveniences and benefits such as the staff can be in a safe environment, actors do not need to cover up during filming so they are not too separated from each other between actors, the time needed to The test is relatively short, namely five minutes, and many think that this swab test can make people feel comfortable and calm because they believe that this swab test can bring our body's safety in monitoring, controlling, and preventing the transmission of COVID-19. From the quote above I get some new vocabulary that I can take lessons from. I am very happy and feel wow because I can learn words that I do not understand through the news that I include. By learning to interpret the meaning of difficult words in English, I am very enthusiastic in learning and applying them in everyday life.

  1. Journal Week 16


    Journal Week 16

    Hi everyone!!! I'm Diva Anisa Rahmawati ( NIM : 6411421040). In journal Week 16 with the topic is reading children book and watch cartoon movie. CHILDREN BOOK *Story title : "Hansel and Gretel". *Summary: Once upon a time there lived a woodcutter who had children named Hansel and Gretel. But they couldn't be taken care of so the woodcutter's wife had evil intentions to leave them in the middle of the forest. Hansel and Gretel find out about his parents' plans so they plan to drop pebbles on the road to carry him until they see a hut made of chocolate. While they were eating chocolate, a cruel witch appeared and locked Hansel up. Gretel helps by heating the water in a large pot. As the witch bent down, Gretel pushed her down. Finally Hansel was rescued and they managed to find their way home. CARTOON MOVIE *Movie title: "The Frog Prince". *Summary: There lived a young and beautiful princess. While she was playing ball, the ball was lost by the lake. She was so sad that suddenly a frog shouted at her and spoke. It was agreed that the princess's ball would return if she wanted to be friends and live with the frog. The princess agreed. Until one day a frog appeared in the palace surprising the princess until the princess called her father. There the frog explained that his goal was only to collect promises. Then the princess lifted the frog gently and disgustedly. The touch succeeded in changing the magic spell on the frog and the frog turned into a young and handsome prince. Now both are living happily. MY EXPERIENCE My experience after practicing new vocabulary from reading children's books and watching cartoons, I feel happy and not bored. By practicing new vocabulary can improve my memory in constructing sentences, speaking better in everyday life. I think practicing vocabulary in both ways is very interesting, entertaining and effective.

    3 min
  2. Journal Week 15


    Journal Week 15

    Hi everyone! I'm Diva Anisa Rahmawati(NIM : 6411421040) in journal Week 15 I Will sing song. FIRST SONG *Title : I love you 3000 - Stephanie Poetri. -Baby, take my hand -I want you to be my husband -Cause you're my Iron Man -And I love you 3000 -Baby, take a chance -Cause I want this to be something -Straight out of a Hollywood movie *Song description: This song tells the story of a woman who considers her partner as an iron man who saves the earth. It was because he took care of his lover and loved his lover three thousand times. The female figure wants a relationship similar to a Hollywood movie and imagines when her boyfriend proposes she wears the image of the hulk. Until it was time for the proposal, the girl was so happy that she immediately said "yes". The point is girls don't want spoilers when they are proposed. SECOND SONG *Title : Make you Mine - Danielle Bradbery. -Put your hand in mine -You know that I want to be with you all the time -You know that I won't stop until I make you mine -You know that I won't stop until I make you mine -Until I make you mine *Song description: This song tells about the struggle to conquer the heart of a person who is his first love. The songwriter is separated from his lover so they can only meet through video calls. Until one day they met and joined hands. Then there is a stage where there is a fight between the two, so one party decides to apologize. The songwriter is infatuated with his girlfriend and willing to do anything to stay together. MY EXPERIENCE My experience after practicing new vocabulary from listening to the two songs I really enjoyed it. Many of the vocabulary is easy to understand but there are some that are foreign to me. I try to memorize it so that later it can make it easier for me to practice it in everyday life. The more vocabulary I get will help me in making more varied sentences. I think learning vocabulary through songs is very easy and interesting. This makes me even more excited to learn English.

    3 min
  3. Journal Week 14


    Journal Week 14

    Hi everyone!! I'm Diva Anisa Rahmawati (NIM : 6411421040). In journal week 14 ,I will read you some news. FIRST NEWS *Title : Amazon to Stop Accepting Visa Credit Cards in UK. *Summary : Credit card payments on Amazon will be discontinued starting next year. The change will affect the UK Visa card. This led to clashes between the two companies. They stated that they would no longer accept credit cards issued in the UK as visa fees were too high in processing transactions. Many thought it was a restriction from Amazon. But the visa itself will continue to work towards a resolution to the unlimited use of credit cards issued by Amazon. SECOND NEWS *Title: The Danger of Wildfires Followed by Floods in California. *Summary: There has been a hurricane in California that is a record-breaking hurricane after years of devastating heat waves. Indeed, some areas experienced rain to landslides and floods, but the storms were not enough to end the fire season. Therefore, steps such as making storms are needed to add to the rainy season. With the creation of these storms, it will provide assistance in predicting winter. So what is really needed is a strong winter to help people escape the drought. MY EXEPRIENCE: My experience after practicing the new vocabulary that I got from the two news stories, I felt that the vocabulary I got was not familiar so it was quite difficult. But behind that, I also feel happy because the more new vocabulary that is less familiar, the more trained my English skills will be in everyday life. So that by studying it regularly I can make more varied sentences to help talk in life.

    2 min
  4. Journal Week 13


    Journal Week 13

    Hi Everyone!! I'm Diva Anisa Rahmawati (NIM : 6411421040). In journal Week 13 the topic is reading children book and watch cartoon movie. CHILDREN BOOK *Story title : "The Hare and the Tortoise" *Summary: Once upon a time there was a hare who was arrogant. When walking to meet the tortoise, he laughed at it because of its slow pace. The turtles were irritated, they decided to run a race. The hare ran ahead of the tortoise and he was sure he would win because he ran faster. After a long wait, the rabbit got bored and slept in the tree. The tortoise continued to walk past the hare. The hare was surprised and ran as fast as possible but was too late. The tortoise reached the finish and won the race. Rabbit was so disappointed and admitted his mistake. CARTOON MOVIE *Movie title : "Beauty and the Beast" *Summary: In a country there lived a beautiful daughter named Belle. The merchant, Belle's father one morning looked for flowers for his daughter. But an ugly figure came and screamed thinking that Belle's father was a thief. The beast promised to release the merchant if he brought his daughter to the palace. When Belle came, she was given a mirror by the Beast. She was sad to see his father sick. The ugly one couldn't bear to let him go home. One time the ugly man was also sick, Belle visited him and kissed him and confessed his love. Instantly the ugly turned into a handsome prince. MY EXPERIENCE: My experience after practicing using vocabulary from children's books and cartoons I feel that there is progress in English. I can understand the sentences in the plot and the message of the story. The new vocabulary I found, was not too foreign because I had heard it before but didn't know what it meant. In addition, through these two things, I can practice my skills about reading, listening, and speaking. I think learning new vocabulary through watching cartoons and children's books is fun and I really enjoy it.

    3 min
  5. Journal Week 12


    Journal Week 12

    Hi everyone!! I'm Diva Anisa Rahmawati ( NIM : 6411421040). On this podcast I will have a dialogue with my partner named Ika. *SCRIPT Diva : "Hi Ika." Ika : "Hi Diva." Diva : "Are you relaxed?" Ika : "Yes, I'm relaxed. Why Diva?" Diva : "It's okay, I just wanted to chat with you." Ika : "Oh, it looks like you look happy today, just from your voice I can absorb it. What happened?" Diva : "Guess why I'm happy now?" Ika : "mmm..." Diva : "Yes today I am very happy more than anything." Ika : "why?" Diva : "I'm so happy sorry I forgot to wait for you to come home from school." Ika : "Take it easy. Is it about your test scores? Your physics test results are out? Have you seen it?" Diva : "Yes I have seen. I got a score of 90 Ika. I was really surprised to be one of those who passed the exam." Ika : "Wow cool! Oh because of this you are happy. I am also happy. I know you will definitely get good grades. You're good at Div physics. Safe!" Diva : "Thank you. I'm sure you will always support me. Thanks to your support and prayers, I was able to escape this time. Thank you." Ika : "You're welcome, Diva." Diva : "Oh, how about your physics exam today? did you get good grades too?" Ika : "I'm grateful today I got good grades. It's also thanks to you." Diva : "Wow that's amazing. But why thanks to me?" Ika : "Last night, you taught me all the material to be tested. I think when you explained it, I understood more than what the teacher said. All the material you teach comes out a lot. Although there are a few things I forgot." Diva : "You are exaggerating. Let's just say that time we studied together. Anyway, I'm glad I could help you Ika." Ika :" Yes, Diva, thank you. I'm glad we both got good grades. Hope it stays like this." Diva : "Yes Ika I hope. If you need anything, just say so, don't hesitate. I will try to fulfill it." Ika : "Yes Diva. You are very considerate. Next time we will study together again..." Diva : "Yes Ika gladly. Oh, it's getting late, I'll hang up. Evening. Thank you for accompanying me." Ika :" Okay, night too. Goodbye Diva." Diva : "See you soon Ika." *MY EXPERIENCE WITH PARTNER: My experience is that after I practice speaking English with my partner, I feel happy, of course, to be challenged too. But I'm a little nervous. When I talking to a partner, I have to think about the pronunciation of each word in the correct sentence so that my partner can understand. I also have to understand every sentence spoken by my partner. In conducting dialogue, intonation, fluency of pronunciation and clarity of words when speaking is very important to note. From these conversations I also get new vocabulary that I can use to practice speaking in everyday life. I think practicing speaking English with a partner is interesting and easy to understand because we can correct each other. *MY EXPERIENCE AFTER PRACTICING VOCABULARY: My experience after practicing the new vocabulary that I got from conversations with my partner, I feel happy. I feel there is progress and get used to it. Conversational vocabulary that is easy to understand and related to everyday life makes it easy for me to practice it in life. In addition, the vocabulary helps me to make sentences in life, so that when I speak English, the sentences I use are more coherent and easy to understand.

    5 min
  6. Journal Week 10


    Journal Week 10

    Hi everyone!! I'm Diva Anisa Rahmawati (NIM : 6411421040). In journal week 10 ,I will read you some news. FIRST NEWS *Title : New Species of Dinosaur with Unusually Large Nose Discovered. *Summary: A new species of dinosaur has been discovered by a retired doctor in southern England. The dinosaur has a unique shape and found its bones which are about 40 years old. Now the bones have been kept by dr. Jeremy Lockwood decides to reconstruct the Dinosaur's skills. This dinosaur has a shape that is not too small, a round skull and a large nose tip. Of course this is clearly different from dinosaurs in general. An examination of the dinosaur bones was held because it was quite interesting but it took about two years. SECOND NEWS *Title: Suicide Bombers Target Ugandan Capital. *Summary: There were two explosions in the center of the Ugandan capital, Kompala. The first explosion occurred near the City headquarters, which is close to the police station and right in the heart of busy Kompala. The first explosion killed six people. The second explosion occurred less than a kilometer away from the first explosion. Currently the police are still detecting the perpetrators using bomb detection dogs throughout the city. It became a scene on social media because the explosion occurred suddenly. Experience: From the two news quotes above, I got some new vocabulary that I can learn from watching news videos on YouTube. My feeling of course after knowing and learning vocab in the news that I heard, was quite happy. Even though the language is foreign, I believe if I memorize the vocab regularly, I will get used to it and memorize it so that later it can be applied in everyday life.

    2 min
  7. Journal Week 11


    Journal Week 11

    Hi everyone! I'm Diva Anisa Rahmawati(NIM : 6411421040) in journal Week 11 I Will sing song First song Title : You Are The Reason – Calum Scott -I'd climb every mountain - And swim every ocean - Just to be with you - And fix what I've broken - Oh, why cause I need you to see - That you are the reason *Song description: This song tells about someone who wants to get back with his lover, even though he has to go through various obstacles. But he still tries to fix all the mistakes that have been made before. In this song, it is explained that the songwriter is fully aware that the presence of his lover is very important in his life. Second song Title : Imagination" - Shawn Mendes -In my dreams you're with me -We'll be everything I want us to be -And from there, who knows? -Maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time -Or is that just me and my imagination? *Song description: This song tells about the fond memories of a man dating a beautiful woman. It all started with the woman who always passed in front of her house, making the man fall in love with her. But the man did not have the courage to express his feelings. He could only crave the beautiful woman in his imagination. He fantasized that they had become lovers and spent time together. But that's just his imagination. Experience: My experience after practicing sentences on new vocabulary in songs makes me happy. Besides being able to understand the translation of the song, I can also practice vocabulary from the song snippets that I have made in sentences. I got enough knowledge. The change I felt after practicing the sentences was that I was more fluent in pronouncing them. The meaning of the new vocabulary is familiar enough to be applied in everyday life.

    3 min
  8. Journal week 11


    Journal week 11

    Hi everyone! I'm Diva Anisa Rahmawati(NIM : 6411421040) in journal Week 11 I Will sing song First song Title : You Are The Reason – Calum Scott -I'd climb every mountain - And swim every ocean - Just to be with you - And fix what I've broken - Oh, why cause I need you to see - That you are the reason *Song description: This song tells about someone who wants to get back with his lover, even though he has to go through various obstacles. But he still tries to fix all the mistakes that have been made before. In this song, it is explained that the songwriter is fully aware that the presence of his lover is very important in his life. Second song Title : Imagination" - Shawn Mendes -In my dreams you're with me -We'll be everything I want us to be -And from there, who knows? -Maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time -Or is that just me and my imagination? *Song description: This song tells about the fond memories of a man dating a beautiful woman. It all started with the woman who always passed in front of her house, making the man fall in love with her. But the man did not have the courage to express his feelings. He could only crave the beautiful woman in his imagination. He fantasized that they had become lovers and spent time together. But that's just his imagination. Experience: My experience after practicing sentences on new vocabulary in songs makes me happy. Besides being able to understand the translation of the song, I can also practice vocabulary from the song snippets that I have made in sentences. I got enough knowledge. The change I felt after practicing the sentences was that I was more fluent in pronouncing them. The meaning of the new vocabulary is familiar enough to be applied in everyday life.

    1 min


Self-swab experience with covid 19 patient According to some people to start a swab test to be one of the many people who believe in the benefits of the swab test. Indeed, the swab test must be carried out properly to avoid invalid results. As stated in the news, swab testing has now spread to areas prone to COVID-19, namely the work environment. The swab was carried out three times by the health officer or staff on the condition that the staff should not have any health problems such as no nosebleeds, no facial injuries. This antigen test is rated to have an 82 percent rapid ability to identify infected people as positive cases and uninfected people as negative cases. To find out the results of the swab to be truly valid, it is recommended to go to a doctor for a Pcr test. The Pcr test was able to correctly identify at a 93 percent rate. The swab test is usually done by inserting the swab into the nostrils and it is recommended to do ten turns in each nostril 2 centimeters deep. A good test time is around day 5-7 during the 14-day incubation period. Regular COVID-19 testing aims to minimize the transmission of the virus, especially the risk of large clusters. According to some residents' thoughts, many claim to be happy with the implementation of this swab, there are many conveniences and benefits such as the staff can be in a safe environment, actors do not need to cover up during filming so they are not too separated from each other between actors, the time needed to The test is relatively short, namely five minutes, and many think that this swab test can make people feel comfortable and calm because they believe that this swab test can bring our body's safety in monitoring, controlling, and preventing the transmission of COVID-19. From the quote above I get some new vocabulary that I can take lessons from. I am very happy and feel wow because I can learn words that I do not understand through the news that I include. By learning to interpret the meaning of difficult words in English, I am very enthusiastic in learning and applying them in everyday life.

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