291 episodes

The New Evangelicals Podcast is here to push the Evangelical Church forward and to re-think how it approaches key cultural issues.

The New Evangelicals Podcast Tim Whitaker

    • Religion & Spirituality

The New Evangelicals Podcast is here to push the Evangelical Church forward and to re-think how it approaches key cultural issues.

    277. TNE TALKS: The Holy Spirit? Or "Just the Drums"? (Sarah Lane Ritchie & You Have Permission)

    277. TNE TALKS: The Holy Spirit? Or "Just the Drums"? (Sarah Lane Ritchie & You Have Permission)

    In this conversation, Dan Koch and Sarah Lane Ritchie discuss the challenges and complexities of worship music in evangelical and mainline churches. They explore the role of music in worship and the potential for manipulation and harm.


    Music can be a powerful tool in worship, but it can also be used to manipulate and harm individuals.

    The assumption that if something is God, it cannot be described or understood is a dualistic perspective that limits our understanding of the divine.

    Music can be seen as a spiritual technology that helps individuals connect with the divine and create meaningful experiences.

    The conflation of music with God can lead to harmful beliefs and practices, particularly in evangelical contexts.

    The cultural reaction against evangelical worship music is often rooted in the harm caused by these practices, but it is important to recognize that music can have different effects on individuals. Worship music plays a significant role in both evangelical and mainline churches, but it can also be a source of tension and trauma for many individuals.

    There is a need for intentional curation of worship experiences to ensure they are emotionally and cognitively engaging, while also avoiding manipulation and harm.

    Embodied community is essential for a fulfilling worship experience, as digital communities cannot fully replace the benefits of in-person connection.

    Finding a balance between the positive and negative aspects of religious traditions is a challenge, but it is possible to navigate a path that allows for personal growth and flourishing.

    Worship music has the potential to cultivate a dispositional openness to what is both communal and divine, providing a sense of belonging and connection to something greater than oneself.

    00:00 Introduction and Self-Description
    03:22 Exploring the Role of Music in Worship 
    10:40 The Harm of Conflating Music with God 
    25:09 The Cultural Reaction Against Evangelical Worship Music
    37:27 The Cognitive and Emotional Challenges of Worship Music
    41:39 The Perception of Modern Evangelical Worship
    46:25 Religion as Nuclear Fission: The Power and Potential Dangers
    59:39 The Dispositional Openness Cultivated by Worship Music
    01:09:29 Navigating the Complexities of Faith and Tradition

    You Have Permission Podcast

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    The New Evangelicals exists to support those who are tired of how evangelical church has been done before and want to see an authentic faith lived out with Jesus at the center.
    We are committed to building a caring community that emulates the ways of Jesus by reclaiming the evangelical tradition and embracing values that build a better way forward. If you’ve been marginalized by your faith, you are welcome here. We’ve built an empathetic and inclusive space that encourages authentic conversations, connections and faith. Whether you consider yourself a Christian, an exvangelical, someone who's questioning your faith, or someone who's left the faith entirely, you are welcome here!
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    • 1 hr 28 min
    276. TNE RECAPS: Christian Nationalism invades Louisiana Classrooms

    276. TNE RECAPS: Christian Nationalism invades Louisiana Classrooms

    In this episode, Tim and April discuss various aspects of Christian culture, including tattoos, the recent presidential debate, and a church selling plots of land in heaven. They are joined by Andrew Whitehead to explore the rise of Christian nationalism and its impact on issues like abortion. They highlight the increase in infant mortality rates in Texas after the abortion ban and critique the extreme views of some pro-life activists. The discussion covers the complexities within the pro-life movement, emphasizing the need for a nuanced understanding of reproductive rights, including access to healthcare, economic support, and comprehensive sex education. They also critique pro-life groups and politicians who fail to support policies that genuinely help mothers and children. The conversation then shifts to Christian nationalism's influence on American society, particularly the display of the Ten Commandments in public schools, exploring the motivations behind this push and the need for a more inclusive and compassionate understanding of patriotism and democratic responsibilities.


    The rise of Christian nationalism has had a significant impact on issues like abortion, with some activists pushing for extreme measures and equating abortion to murder.

    The recent abortion ban in Texas has led to an increase in infant mortality rates and birth defects, highlighting the unintended consequences of restrictive abortion laws.

    There is a lack of compassion and nuance within the pro-life movement, with some activists failing to consider the real-life implications of their beliefs on women and families.

    The pro-life movement needs to address the complexities of reproductive rights and focus on supporting women and families beyond just advocating for the end of abortion.

    The rise of Christian nationalism and its influence on political discourse is a concerning trend that requires greater attention and understanding. Abortion is a complex issue that requires a nuanced understanding and consideration of various factors, including access to healthcare, economic support, and comprehensive sex education.

    Pro-life groups and politicians should advocate for policies that support mothers and children, such as affordable childcare, healthcare, and livable wages.

    00:00 Introduction and Fun Banter
    03:01 The Impact of Christian Nationalism on Abortion
    09:29 Unintended Consequences: The Rise in Infant Mortality Rates in Texas
    13:14 Lack of Compassion and Nuance in the Pro-Life Movement
    25:19 The Rise of Christian Nationalism and its Influence on Politics
    37:51 Understanding Abortion and the Need for Nuance
    48:02 The Influence of Christian Nationalism
    52:44 The Ten Commandments in Public Schools and Christian Nationalism
    58:25 Redefining Patriotism: Justice, Equality, and Compassion
    01:05:38 The Responsibility of Citizens in a Democratic Society
    01:13:35 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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    The New Evangelicals exists to support those who are tired of how evangelical church has been done before and want to see an authentic faith lived out with Jesus at the center.
    We are committed to building a caring community that emulates the ways of Jesus by reclaiming the evangelical tradition and embracing values that build a better way forward. If you’ve been marginalized by your faith, you are welcome here. We’ve built an empathetic and inclusive space that encourages authentic conversations, connections and faith. Whether you consider yourself a Christian, an exvangelical, someone who's questioning your faith, or someone who's left the faith entirely, you are welcome here!
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    • 1 hr 23 min
    275. TNE RESPONDS: Gateway Church’s Statement on Robert Morris Falls Short

    275. TNE RESPONDS: Gateway Church’s Statement on Robert Morris Falls Short

    In this episode, Tim and April respond to the elder statement made by Gateway Church regarding the allegations against their lead pastor, Robert Morris. They express disappointment with the statement and discuss the lack of accountability and transparency. They highlight the need for Gateway Church to take concrete actions to address the harm caused and support the survivors. Tim and April also criticize the church's focus on the show and the institution rather than the well-being of the victims. They call for a halt in services, a thorough investigation, and financial reparations for the survivors. The conversation discusses the response of Gateway Church to the allegations against their former lead pastor, Robert Morris, who was accused of molesting a 12-year-old girl. The hosts criticize the church's lack of accountability and deflection of responsibility. They highlight the problematic mindset of some evangelical churches that prioritize success and money over addressing systemic issues and protecting victims. The conversation also touches on the comparison between leaving a church due to disappointment and leaving a church due to abuse, as well as the interconnectedness of charismatic leaders and the need for systemic change.

    Gateway Church's elder statement regarding the allegations against Robert Morris lacked accountability and transparency.

    Concrete actions, such as halting services and conducting a thorough investigation, are necessary to address the harm caused and support the survivors.

    The focus on the show and the institution rather than the well-being of the victims is problematic.

    Financial reparations should be considered to acknowledge the decades of harm and trauma experienced by the survivors. Some evangelical churches prioritize success and money over addressing systemic issues and protecting victims.

    The response of Gateway Church to the allegations against Robert Morris lacked accountability and deflected responsibility.

    Leaving a church due to disappointment is not the same as leaving a church due to abuse.

    Charismatic leaders are often interconnected and need to be held accountable for their actions.

    Systemic change is necessary to address the issues within evangelical culture.

    00:00 Introduction and Background
    03:16 Allegations against Robert Morris
    08:16 Lack of Accountability and Transparency
    12:07 The Resignation of Robert Morris
    13:36 Pattern of Similar Incidents
    20:11 Frustration with the Church's Handling
    21:20 Call for Financial Reparations
    21:45 The Problematic Response of Gateway Church
    22:42 The Prioritization of Success and Money in Evangelical Culture
    23:24 Leaving Church: Disappointment vs. Abuse
    25:17 The Interconnectedness of Charismatic Leaders
    27:06 The Need for Systemic Change in Evangelical Culture

    Gateway's Elder Response Video
    Read the Initial Article on Robert Morris
    Robert's Full Response Video
    If you'd like to support our work, you can DONATE here!
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    The New Evangelicals exists to support those who are tired of how evangelical church has been done before and want to see an authentic faith lived out with Jesus at the center.
    We are committed to building a caring community that emulates the ways of Jesus by reclaiming the evangelical tradition and embracing values that build a better way forward. If you’ve been marginalized by your faith, you are welcome here. We’ve built an empathetic and inclusive space that encourages authentic conversations, connections and faith. Whether you consider yourself a Christian, an exvangelical, someone who's questioning your faith, or someone who's left the faith entirely, you are welcome here!
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    • 1 hr 16 min
    274. TNE TALKS: Fighting Christian Nationalism with Rep James Talarico

    274. TNE TALKS: Fighting Christian Nationalism with Rep James Talarico

    In this conversation, Representative James Talarico and Tim Whitaker discuss topics such as Christian nationalism, faith, and navigating political differences. Talarico shares his background growing up in a conservative Christian home but attending a church that emphasized love for all people. He explains how his faith has informed his political views and motivated him to run for office. The conversation also touches on the importance of maintaining a spiritual foundation in politics, finding common ground with ideological opponents, and the challenges of addressing issues like Christian nationalism. In this conversation, Tim Whitaker and James Talarico discuss the importance of engaging in conversations to advocate for marginalized communities, the need for affordable healthcare and paid family leave, the role of right-wing media in spreading misinformation and fear, the threat of Christian nationalism, and the actions individuals can take to make a difference.

    Growing up in a conservative Christian home, Representative James Talarico attended a church that emphasized love for all people, regardless of race, class, gender, or sexual orientation.
    Talarico's faith has informed his political views and motivated him to run for office, with a focus on dismantling unjust systems and advocating for the well-being of all constituents.
    Maintaining a spiritual foundation is crucial in navigating the challenges of politics, helping to control emotions and channel anger into productive and loving actions.
    Finding common ground with ideological opponents is possible through personal connections and shared values, even while maintaining clear policy differences.
    Addressing issues like Christian nationalism requires resisting harmful ideas and systems while avoiding personal attacks, focusing on the moral contrast and expanding the circle of concern for all people. Engaging in conversations and advocating for marginalized communities is crucial, as it relieves the burden on those directly affected by discriminatory policies.
    Affordable healthcare and paid family leave are not radical ideas, but necessary measures to support families and ensure their well-being.
    Right-wing media plays a significant role in spreading misinformation and fear, often prioritizing profit over truth.
    Christian nationalism poses a threat to democracy and the values of equality and justice.
    Individuals can make a difference by staying informed, supporting organizations working for change, and actively participating in the democratic process.

    00:00 Introduction and Background
    09:29 Understanding Christian Nationalism
    16:08 The Role of Faith in Politics
    24:27 Addressing Christian Nationalism and Expanding the Circle of Concern
    26:51 Affordable Healthcare and Paid Family Leave
    29:33 Finding Common Ground
    33:11 The Influence of Right-Wing Media
    36:06 The Threat of Christian Nationalism
    45:57 Taking Action for Change

    Jame's Website
    James on Twitter
    James on TikTok

    if you'd like to support our work, you can DONATE here!
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    The New Evangelicals exists to support those who are tired of how evangelical church has been done before and want to see an authentic faith lived out with Jesus at the center.
    We are committed to building a caring community that emulates the ways of Jesus by reclaiming the evangelical tradition and embracing values that build a better way forward. If you’ve been marginalized by your faith, you are welcome here. We’ve built an empathetic and inclusive space that encourages authentic conversations, connections and faith. Whether you consider yourself a Christian, an exvangelical, someone who's questioning your faith, or someone who's left the faith entirely, you are welcome here!
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    • 1 hr 4 min
    273. TNE RECAPS: Gateway Church Covers Up the Truth

    273. TNE RECAPS: Gateway Church Covers Up the Truth

    The conversation discusses the technical difficulties faced before the recording and the humorous incidents that occurred. It then delves into the scandal surrounding Robert Morris and Gateway Church, where allegations of sexual abuse have been made against Morris. The conversation highlights the contradictory statements made by Gateway Church and the need for a thorough investigation. It also addresses the toxic culture within evangelical churches, the impact of purity culture, and the importance of holding leaders accountable. Cindy, the alleged victim, releases a statement expressing her disappointment in the church's response and calling for justice and reform. In this conversation, Tim and April discuss the hypocrisy and lack of accountability within certain religious circles, particularly in relation to the handling of sexual abuse allegations. They highlight the case of Robert Morris, a megachurch pastor who platformed Mark Driscoll, despite Driscoll's history of abusive behavior. They also criticize the selective outrage and silence of certain evangelical influencers, such as Meg Basham and Allie Stuckey, who condemn Morris but defend John MacArthur, despite his involvement in covering up child abuse within his own church. The conversation emphasizes the need for accountability and the dismantling of toxic systems within religious institutions.

    Technical difficulties can occur before a recording, but it is important to persevere and find solutions.

    The scandal surrounding Robert Morris and Gateway Church highlights the need for thorough investigations and accountability within religious institutions.

    Toxic culture and purity culture within evangelical churches contribute to the protection of abusive leaders and the blaming of victims.

    Victims of abuse should be supported and encouraged to come forward, and justice and reform should be pursued.

    The statements made by Gateway Church and the alleged victim, Cindy, reveal the need for transparency and genuine repentance. There is a lack of accountability and hypocrisy within certain religious circles when it comes to handling sexual abuse allegations.

    Some religious leaders and influencers selectively condemn certain individuals while defending others, based on their theological alignment or personal biases.

    The focus should be on protecting victims and holding abusers accountable, rather than protecting the reputation of religious institutions.

    Toxic systems within religious institutions need to be dismantled in order to prioritize the well-being and safety of individuals.

    Accountability and transparency are essential in creating a healthy and safe environment within religious communities.

    Check out our website for merch, educational materials, and how to join our community!
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    The New Evangelicals exists to support those who are tired of how evangelical church has been done before and want to see an authentic faith lived out with Jesus at the center.
    We are committed to building a caring community that emulates the ways of Jesus by reclaiming the evangelical tradition and embracing values that build a better way forward. If you’ve been marginalized by your faith, you are welcome here. We’ve built an empathetic and inclusive space that encourages authentic conversations, connections and faith. Whether you consider yourself a Christian, an exvangelical, someone who's questioning your faith, or someone who's left the faith entirely, you are welcome here!
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    • 1 hr 50 min
    272. TNE RESPONDS: Robert Morris, Molestation Allegations, and Evangelical Corruption

    272. TNE RESPONDS: Robert Morris, Molestation Allegations, and Evangelical Corruption

    In this episode, Tim discusses the recent allegations against Robert Morris, the lead pastor of Gateway Church, who admitted to engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior with a 12-year-old girl when he was in his early 20s. Tim criticizes the response from Gateway Church and highlights the systemic issues within the evangelical church that enable and protect abusive pastors. He also addresses the harmful narratives propagated by conservative media about the supposed dangers of drag queen story hour, while ignoring the real threat of sexual abuse within churches. Tim calls for accountability and a dismantling of the toxic structures within American evangelicalism.

    The allegations against Robert Morris are serious and have not been disputed by Gateway Church or Morris himself.

    The response from Gateway Church and the language used in their statement minimizes the gravity of Morris' actions and prioritizes his healing journey over the survivor's experience.

    The American evangelical church operates as a corporate entity focused on growth and spectacle, often prioritizing the protection of the organization over the well-being of survivors.

    The evangelical church needs to address the systemic issues that enable and protect abusive pastors rather than blaming individuals or dismissing the problem.

    Conservative media's focus on supposed threats outside of the church, like drag queen story hour, distracts from the real issue of sexual abuse within churches.

    The current structures of American evangelicalism need to be dismantled in order to restore the witness of Christianity and prioritize truth, character, and integrity.

    00:00 Introduction and Content Warning
    00:41 Unpacking the Allegations Against Robert Morris
    10:27 The Toxicity of American Evangelicalism
    24:53 The Need for Church Accountability
    26:19 Dismantling the Structures of Evangelicalism

    Read the Article on Robert Morris
    Robert's Full Response Video
    If you'd like to support our work, you can DONATE here!
    Get Tickets to Beer Camp (PROMO: TNEHOBBIT)
    Follow Us On Instagram @thenewevangelicals 
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    The New Evangelicals exists to support those who are tired of how evangelical church has been done before and want to see an authentic faith lived out with Jesus at the center.
    We are committed to building a caring community that emulates the ways of Jesus by reclaiming the evangelical tradition and embracing values that build a better way forward. If you’ve been marginalized by your faith, you are welcome here. We’ve built an empathetic and inclusive space that encourages authentic conversations, connections and faith. Whether you consider yourself a Christian, an exvangelical, someone who's questioning your faith, or someone who's left the faith entirely, you are welcome here!
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    • 41 min

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