29 min

Ep 40 How to Reverse Diabetes Step-by-step plan towards the reversal by Jyotindra Zaveri 04 Oct 2021 Scientific Meditation Health Podcast AUDIO by Jyotindra Zaveri

    • Alternative Health

Reverse Diabetes/ Without Medicine! If you or anyone you know suffers from Diabetes ask them to listen to this episode to get rid of the 'sugar' challenge. Get a proven step-by-step plan for the reversal.
Subscribe https://youtu.be/o7gT8fWtObk

Kirti: Today's topic is to discuss Reversing Diabetes!
It is possible to both prevent as well as reverse Diabetes.
Unfortunately, a lot of people are told that it is lifelong.

Some people are getting Diabetes after a coronavirus infection.
What is the root cause?

Jyotindra: Most people are treating the symptoms, not treating the root cause! The root cause is stress, food habits, not doing exercise.
K: How to Reverse Diabetes?
JZ: There are three things required.
K: Let us understand the diet part first. What to eat and what not to eat?
JZ: The body breaks down carbs into sugar, also called "glucose", for energy.

K: What is a green SMOOTHIE?
JZ: Green smoothie

For 1 glass 300 ml
5 leaves of spinach
1/2 of that Ambat chuka ( khatta bhaji)
10 leaves of mint
8-10 leaves curry patta
1 beetle leaf
WhatsApp Jyotindra Zaveri to get a complete recipe for the GREEN SMOOTHIE.

Drink within 30 minutes as you wake up or at 5 pm
K: If you need a recipe for a green smoothie, send a WhatsApp message to 9552946949
Any more diet discipline to reverse Diabetes?
JZ: For breakfast, no-carb - eat dal-chilla or sprouts.
No milk. No Milk-products. Stop immediately.
Green Tea or Black Tea, but no milk in Tea, also

Soak four Almonds and one walnut in a glass of water for 24 hrs. Eat every day.
Slit two bhindi (ladies-finger), Soak in 30 ml water overnight! Squeezed out bhindi and drink the juice (that water)
K: What about Lunch?
JZ: Lunch dal one bowl - veg - roti (only 1) and salad. Lots of green chutney.

No bakery products are allowed. No bread.
Eat low-Glycemic Fruits only.
K: What is low-glycemic?
Low glycemic foods have a more negligible effect on blood sugar than medium or high glycemic foods.

Here's how the scale is broken into low, medium and high.
Observe juice-feasting.
K: What is juice-feasting?
JZ: Various types of liquid diets. Soup, juice, etc.
Slow juicer machine.

Have early dinner. If possible, before sunset. Have an early dinner. Four hours between dinner and sleep time.

" Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

K: Let us now talk about the exercise.
JZ: Exercise two hours after every meal ( either walk or do 15 staircases five times up n down )

K: Last but not least. Tell us about meditation.
JZ: Scientific Meditation includes not only meditation but also diet and exercise.
We have discussed diet tips and exercise. Meditation plays an important role.

Stress management. Learn to relax—autosuggestion method.
Visit the insulin factory.
K: Where is the insulin factory?
JZ: The pancreas is an organ behind the stomach that is the main source of insulin in the body. Clusters of cells in the pancreas called islets produce the hormone and determine the amount based on blood glucose levels in the body.

K: Can you share a success story?
JZ: Listen to Mr Joisher https://youtu.be/yjI5KONHJ-8
"I am Mukul Joisher from New Jersey, USA. I was taking insulin four times a day, has reduced to one time. My HbA1c numbers have reduced a lot. My endocrinologist is happy with my numbers, and he told me to do what I'm doing magic. Thank you very much, JYOTINDRA!"

K: We have got many diet tips. What to eat and what not to eat. The idea of ladies fingers (bhindi) is interesting. Must try.

Last but not least, do SCIENTIFIC MEDITATION as per guidance and method taught by Jyotindra Zaveri in the workshop. You may organise a group workshop or have a one to one consultation.
How to register for the workshop?

Please fill Group Scientific Meditation Workshop Registration FORM https://bit.ly/ScientificMeditationTr....

JZ: Comprehensive Meditation for Diabetic-Care session empowers patients to control blood sug

Reverse Diabetes/ Without Medicine! If you or anyone you know suffers from Diabetes ask them to listen to this episode to get rid of the 'sugar' challenge. Get a proven step-by-step plan for the reversal.
Subscribe https://youtu.be/o7gT8fWtObk

Kirti: Today's topic is to discuss Reversing Diabetes!
It is possible to both prevent as well as reverse Diabetes.
Unfortunately, a lot of people are told that it is lifelong.

Some people are getting Diabetes after a coronavirus infection.
What is the root cause?

Jyotindra: Most people are treating the symptoms, not treating the root cause! The root cause is stress, food habits, not doing exercise.
K: How to Reverse Diabetes?
JZ: There are three things required.
K: Let us understand the diet part first. What to eat and what not to eat?
JZ: The body breaks down carbs into sugar, also called "glucose", for energy.

K: What is a green SMOOTHIE?
JZ: Green smoothie

For 1 glass 300 ml
5 leaves of spinach
1/2 of that Ambat chuka ( khatta bhaji)
10 leaves of mint
8-10 leaves curry patta
1 beetle leaf
WhatsApp Jyotindra Zaveri to get a complete recipe for the GREEN SMOOTHIE.

Drink within 30 minutes as you wake up or at 5 pm
K: If you need a recipe for a green smoothie, send a WhatsApp message to 9552946949
Any more diet discipline to reverse Diabetes?
JZ: For breakfast, no-carb - eat dal-chilla or sprouts.
No milk. No Milk-products. Stop immediately.
Green Tea or Black Tea, but no milk in Tea, also

Soak four Almonds and one walnut in a glass of water for 24 hrs. Eat every day.
Slit two bhindi (ladies-finger), Soak in 30 ml water overnight! Squeezed out bhindi and drink the juice (that water)
K: What about Lunch?
JZ: Lunch dal one bowl - veg - roti (only 1) and salad. Lots of green chutney.

No bakery products are allowed. No bread.
Eat low-Glycemic Fruits only.
K: What is low-glycemic?
Low glycemic foods have a more negligible effect on blood sugar than medium or high glycemic foods.

Here's how the scale is broken into low, medium and high.
Observe juice-feasting.
K: What is juice-feasting?
JZ: Various types of liquid diets. Soup, juice, etc.
Slow juicer machine.

Have early dinner. If possible, before sunset. Have an early dinner. Four hours between dinner and sleep time.

" Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

K: Let us now talk about the exercise.
JZ: Exercise two hours after every meal ( either walk or do 15 staircases five times up n down )

K: Last but not least. Tell us about meditation.
JZ: Scientific Meditation includes not only meditation but also diet and exercise.
We have discussed diet tips and exercise. Meditation plays an important role.

Stress management. Learn to relax—autosuggestion method.
Visit the insulin factory.
K: Where is the insulin factory?
JZ: The pancreas is an organ behind the stomach that is the main source of insulin in the body. Clusters of cells in the pancreas called islets produce the hormone and determine the amount based on blood glucose levels in the body.

K: Can you share a success story?
JZ: Listen to Mr Joisher https://youtu.be/yjI5KONHJ-8
"I am Mukul Joisher from New Jersey, USA. I was taking insulin four times a day, has reduced to one time. My HbA1c numbers have reduced a lot. My endocrinologist is happy with my numbers, and he told me to do what I'm doing magic. Thank you very much, JYOTINDRA!"

K: We have got many diet tips. What to eat and what not to eat. The idea of ladies fingers (bhindi) is interesting. Must try.

Last but not least, do SCIENTIFIC MEDITATION as per guidance and method taught by Jyotindra Zaveri in the workshop. You may organise a group workshop or have a one to one consultation.
How to register for the workshop?

Please fill Group Scientific Meditation Workshop Registration FORM https://bit.ly/ScientificMeditationTr....

JZ: Comprehensive Meditation for Diabetic-Care session empowers patients to control blood sug

29 min