34 episodes

Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?

Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!

FluentFiction - Estonian FluentFiction.org

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Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?

Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!

    Exploring Tallinn's Old Town: A Day of Discoveries and Delights

    Exploring Tallinn's Old Town: A Day of Discoveries and Delights

    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Exploring Tallinn's Old Town: A Day of Discoveries and Delights
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Et: Karl ja Liina kõndisid Tallinna vanalinna kitsaid ja käänulisi tänavaid mööda.
    En: Karl and Liina walked along the narrow and winding streets of Tallinn's old town.

    Et: Päike paistis nende peale.
    En: The sun shone upon them.

    Et: See oli üsna külm sügispäev.
    En: It was quite a cold autumn day.

    Et: Õhk oli käre, aga värske.
    En: The air was brisk but fresh.

    Et: Linna vanad majad olid kaunid ja ajaloohõngu täis.
    En: The town's old buildings were beautiful and full of historical charm.

    Et: Iga pood ja kohvik tundus olevat omaette maailm.
    En: Every shop and café seemed like its own little world.

    Et: "Karl, see pood tundub huvitav," ütles Liina ja osutas väikesele poekesele, kus müüdi käsitööd.
    En: "Karl, this shop looks interesting," said Liina, pointing to a small store selling handicrafts.

    Et: "Läheme sisse!"
    En: "Let's go inside!"

    Et: Karl noogutas ja nad astusid poodi.
    En: Karl nodded, and they stepped into the shop.

    Et: Selles poes oli palju kauneid asju.
    En: The place was filled with many beautiful items.

    Et: Igasuguseid asju, nagu villaseid sokke, keraamilisi tasse ja puidust nikerdusi.
    En: All sorts of things, like woolen socks, ceramic mugs, and wooden carvings.

    Et: Liina silmad särasid.
    En: Liina's eyes sparkled.

    Et: Ta armastas käsitööd.
    En: She loved handicrafts.

    Et: Samas oli vanalinna teises osas Aleksander.
    En: Meanwhile, in another part of the old town, Aleksander was exploring.

    Et: Ta oli Eestis turistina ja otsis erilisi suveniire koju viimiseks.
    En: He was a tourist in Estonia, looking for special souvenirs to take home.

    Et: Aleksander polnud kunagi varem käinud Eestis.
    En: Aleksander had never been to Estonia before.

    Et: Tal oli kaamera käes ja sinna oli ta pildistanud kõike huvitavat.
    En: He had a camera in hand, and he had been taking pictures of everything interesting.

    Et: Aleksander tahtis leida midagi unikaalset.
    En: Aleksander wanted to find something unique.

    Et: Karl ja Liina valisid mõnda aega poes.
    En: Karl and Liina spent some time in the shop.

    Et: Nad leidsid ilusaid salle ja kindaid.
    En: They found beautiful scarves and gloves.

    Et: Liina leidis eriti kauni paari kõrvarõngaid.
    En: Liina found an especially lovely pair of earrings.

    Et: "Need oleksid ideaalsed mu õele," ütles ta naeratades.
    En: "These would be perfect for my sister," she said with a smile.

    Et: Karl leidis enda jaoks huvitava mustriga mütsi.
    En: Karl found a hat with an interesting pattern for himself.

    Et: Samal ajal leidis Aleksander väikese muuseumi, kus müüdi vanu Eesti postkaarte ja vanu raamatuid.
    En: At the same time, Aleksander found a small museum that sold old Estonian postcards and books.

    Et: Ta oli õnnelik, sest need oleksid ideaalne kingitus tema sõpradele ja perele.
    En: He was happy because these would be the perfect gifts for his friends and family.

    Et: Kui nad päeval jälle kohtusid, näitasid nad teineteisele, mida olid leidnud.
    En: When they met up again during the day, they showed each other what they had found.

    Et: Aleksander naeratas ja ütles: "Mul on Eesti postkaarte!
    En: Aleksander smiled and said, "I have Estonian postcards!

    Et: Need on tõesti...

    • 14 min
    Discovering Tallinn: A Day of Treasures in the Old Town

    Discovering Tallinn: A Day of Treasures in the Old Town

    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Discovering Tallinn: A Day of Treasures in the Old Town
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Et: Kaarel ja Liisa jalutasid Tallinna vanalinnas.
    En: Kaarel and Liisa walked through Tallinn's old town.

    Et: Päike säras kõrgetes majades.
    En: The sun shone on the tall buildings.

    Et: Turuplats oli täis inimesi.
    En: The marketplace was full of people.

    Et: Nad otsisid erilisi käsitööd.
    En: They were looking for special handicrafts.

    Et: "Kust me alustame?"
    En: "Where do we start?"

    Et: küsis Liisa.
    En: asked Liisa.

    Et: "Lähme sinna poodi," vastas Kaarel ja näitas väikesele puumajale.
    En: "Let's go to that shop," Kaarel replied, pointing at a small wooden house.

    Et: Nad läksid sisse.
    En: They went inside.

    Et: Poemüüja tervitas neid.
    En: The shopkeeper greeted them.

    Et: "Tere tulemast!
    En: "Welcome!

    Et: Kas otsite midagi kindlat?"
    En: Are you looking for something specific?"

    Et: "Me tahame vaadata Eesti käsitööd," ütles Liisa.
    En: "We want to see Estonian handicrafts," said Liisa.

    Et: Poemüüja naeratas.
    En: The shopkeeper smiled.

    Et: "Vaadake neid kootud kindaid.
    En: "Look at these knitted gloves.

    Et: Need on meie vanaema tehtud."
    En: They were made by our grandmother."

    Et: Kaarel ja Liisa uurisid kindaid.
    En: Kaarel and Liisa examined the gloves.

    Et: "Need on väga ilusad," ütles Kaarel ja võttis kindad kätte.
    En: "These are very beautiful," said Kaarel, picking up a pair.

    Et: Nad jätkasid oma teekonda edasi.
    En: They continued on their way.

    Et: Järgmisena nägid nad savikauplust.
    En: Next, they saw a pottery shop.

    Et: "Lähme vaatame," ütles Liisa ja astus sisse.
    En: "Let's go have a look," said Liisa, stepping inside.

    Et: Seal nägid nad peeneid keraamikatöid.
    En: There they saw fine ceramic works.

    Et: "Osta need taldrikud," ütles Kaarel.
    En: "Buy these plates," said Kaarel.

    Et: "Need sobivad ideaalselt meie kodusele lauale."
    En: "They would be perfect for our dining table."

    Et: Nad ostsid kaks taldrikut.
    En: They bought two plates.

    Et: Poemüüja pakkis taldrikud hoolikalt.
    En: The shopkeeper carefully packed the plates.

    Et: Kaks sõpra kõndisid tänaval edasi.
    En: The two friends walked further down the street.

    Et: Äkki nägid nad muusikamängijat.
    En: Suddenly, they saw a musician.

    Et: Muusik mängis kannelt.
    En: The musician was playing a kannel.

    Et: "Kuula, kui kaunis see on," ütles Liisa ja peatus.
    En: "Listen, how beautiful it is," said Liisa, stopping.

    Et: Muusik mängis vana lugu, mis rääkis armastusest ja kodust.
    En: The musician played an old song about love and home.

    Et: Inimesed kogunesid tema ümber.
    En: People gathered around him.

    Et: Kaarel ja Liisa andsid muusikule mõned mündid.
    En: Kaarel and Liisa gave the musician some coins.

    Et: "Aitäh," ütles muusik ja kummardas.
    En: "Thank you," said the musician, bowing.

    Et: Lõpuks jõudsid nad väikese puutöökotta.
    En: Finally, they reached a small wood workshop.

    Et: Seal oli palju ilusaid puunikerdusi.
    En: There were many beautiful wood carvings.

    Et: "Mis see on?"
    En: "What is this?"

    Et: küsis Kaarel ja osutas väikesele karbile.
    En: asked Kaarel, pointing at a small box.

    Et: "See...

    • 15 min
    Handcrafted Love: A Day in Tallinn's Historic Market

    Handcrafted Love: A Day in Tallinn's Historic Market

    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Handcrafted Love: A Day in Tallinn's Historic Market
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Et: Küpsetel sügishommikutel Tallinnas paistab päike vana- ja hallide katuste kohal.
    En: On crisp autumn mornings in Tallinn, the sun shines over the old, gray rooftops.

    Et: Maarika ja Toomas jalutavad käsikäes mööda munakivitänavaid.
    En: Maarika and Toomas walk hand in hand along the cobblestone streets.

    Et: Tallinna vanalinn on täis inimesi ja värvilisi turuletti.
    En: The old town of Tallinn is filled with people and colorful market stalls.

    Et: Igalt poolt kostab naeru ja rõõmsaid hääli.
    En: Laughter and joyful voices can be heard from everywhere.

    Et: Maarika ja Toomas on noorpaar.
    En: Maarika and Toomas are a young couple.

    Et: Nad armastavad koos aega veeta.
    En: They love spending time together.

    Et: Sel nädalavahetusel otsustasid nad külastada kohalikku käsitööturgu.
    En: This weekend, they decided to visit the local handicraft market.

    Et: Maarika armastab kauneid käsitööesemeid.
    En: Maarika loves beautiful handcrafted items.

    Et: Tal on eriline nõrkus keraamika ja eheteenuste vastu.
    En: She has a special fondness for ceramics and jewelry.

    Et: Toomas, kuigi vähem huvitatud, naudib aega Maarikaga ja selle linna erilist atmosfääri.
    En: Toomas, although less interested, enjoys the time with Maarika and the unique atmosphere of the city.

    Et: Nad peatuvad esimese leti juures.
    En: They stop at the first stall.

    Et: Seal müüakse käsitsi kootud salle ja kindaid.
    En: Hand-knitted scarves and gloves are sold there.

    Et: Maarika silitab pehmeid villaseid esemeid ja naeratab.
    En: Maarika strokes the soft woolen items and smiles.

    Et: "Toomas, vaata seda kaunist salli, kas pole võrratu?"
    En: “Toomas, look at this beautiful scarf, isn’t it wonderful?”

    Et: Toomas naeratab vastu.
    En: Toomas smiles back.

    Et: "Jah, see on tõesti ilus. Kas sa sooviksid selle osta?"
    En: “Yes, it is really beautiful. Would you like to buy it?”

    Et: Maarika noogutab ja nad lepivad müüjaga hinna kokku.
    En: Maarika nods, and they agree on a price with the seller.

    Et: Järgmises letis nad leiavad kauneid keraamilisi tasse ja taldrikuid.
    En: At the next stall, they find beautiful ceramic mugs and plates.

    Et: Maarika silmad säravad, kui ta leiab siniste mustritega tassi.
    En: Maarika’s eyes sparkle when she finds a mug with blue patterns.

    Et: "See sobib meie uusasse korterisse, Toomas. Mida arvad?"
    En: “This would match our new apartment, Toomas. What do you think?”

    Et: Toomas kallistab Maarikat ja naeratab.
    En: Toomas hugs Maarika and smiles.

    Et: Nad võtavad ka tassi.
    En: They also take the mug.

    Et: Läbi turu liikudes kuulevad nad muusikat ja näevad inimesi tantsimas.
    En: As they move through the market, they hear music and see people dancing.

    Et: Maarika ja Toomas ühinevad rõõmsas tantsus.
    En: Maarika and Toomas join in the joyful dance.

    Et: Naer ja muusika täidavad õhu.
    En: Laughter and music fill the air.

    Et: Päike on kõrgel taevas ja nende hing on kerge.
    En: The sun is high in the sky, and their spirits are light.

    Et: Nad ostavad veel paar käsitööeset enne, kui lähevad kohvikusse.
    En: They buy a few more handicraft items before heading to a café.

    Et: Seal nad joovad sooja kohvi ja naudivad mõnusaid saiakesi.
    En: There they drink...

    • 14 min
    Treasures of Tallinn: A Hearty Hunt in the Old Town Market

    Treasures of Tallinn: A Hearty Hunt in the Old Town Market

    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Treasures of Tallinn: A Hearty Hunt in the Old Town Market
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Et: Tallinna vanalinnas, laupäeva hommikul, oli turg täis sagimist.
    En: In Tallinn's Old Town on a Saturday morning, the market was bustling with activity.

    Et: Maarika, Juhan ja Liisa jalutasid mööda vanalinna väljakut.
    En: Maarika, Juhan, and Liisa strolled through the old town square.

    Et: Õhk oli täis pitsileiva ja kuuma kohvi lõhna.
    En: The air was filled with the scent of fresh bread and hot coffee.

    Et: Maarika oli rõõmsas tujus.
    En: Maarika was in a cheerful mood.

    Et: Ta armastas turgu.
    En: She loved the market.

    Et: Iga nädalavahetus leidis ta midagi uut.
    En: Every weekend, she found something new.

    Et: Juhan oli tema vend ja Natalie on nende sõber.
    En: Juhan was her brother, and Liisa was their friend.

    Et: Nad otsisid kingitusi ema sünnipäevaks.
    En: They were searching for gifts for their mother’s birthday.

    Et: "Näe, see keraamikakaup on ilus," ütles Maarika ja osutas värvilistele taldrikutele.
    En: "Look, these ceramic goods are beautiful," said Maarika, pointing to the colorful plates.

    Et: "Ema armastab käsitööd!"
    En: "Mom loves crafts!"

    Et: Juhan nõustus.
    En: Juhan agreed.

    Et: "Ja need kohvikruusid on täiesti ainulaadsed."
    En: "And these coffee mugs are absolutely unique."

    Et: Liisa vaatas edasi.
    En: Liisa kept looking around.

    Et: Ta peatus müüja ees, kes müüs magusat mett.
    En: She stopped in front of a vendor who sold sweet honey.

    Et: "Meie ema armastab mett," ütles ta.
    En: "Our mom loves honey," she said.

    Et: "Kuidas oleks purgiga mett?"
    En: "How about a jar of honey?"

    Et: "See on hea mõte," vastas Maarika.
    En: "That's a good idea," Maarika replied.

    Et: "Võtame ühe purgi!"
    En: "Let’s get a jar!"

    Et: Nad jalutasid edasi, nautides turgu.
    En: They continued to walk, enjoying the market.

    Et: Iga putka pakkus midagi uut.
    En: Every stall offered something new.

    Et: Oli villaseid sokke, käsitöövillasid ja isegi koduseid õunu.
    En: There were woolen socks, handmade wool crafts, and even home-grown apples.

    Et: Juhan nägi ilusat puidust nikerdatud karpi.
    En: Juhan saw a beautiful wooden carved box.

    Et: "Mis see maksab?"
    En: "How much does this cost?"

    Et: küsis ta.
    En: he asked.

    Et: "Nelikümmend eurot," vastas müüja naeratades.
    En: "Forty euros," the vendor replied with a smile.

    Et: "Nelikümmend eurot on kallis," ütles Juhan.
    En: "Forty euros is expensive," said Juhan.

    Et: "Aga see karp on väga ilus."
    En: "But this box is very beautiful."

    Et: "Võib-olla saame soodustust," ütles Maarika ja astus lähemale.
    En: "Maybe we can get a discount," said Maarika, stepping closer.

    Et: "Kas saaksite hinda alla lasta?"
    En: "Could you lower the price?"

    Et: Müüja mõtles hetkeks.
    En: The vendor thought for a moment.

    Et: "Kolmkümmend viis eurot.
    En: "Thirty-five euros.

    Et: Rohkem ma ei saa alla lasta."
    En: I can't lower it more than that."

    Et: "Tehing tehtud," ütles Maarika rõõmsalt.
    En: "Deal," said Maarika happily.

    Et: "See on täiuslik kingitus."
    En: "This is a perfect gift."

    Et: Õhtupoolikul oli nende lemmikuum koht.
    En: In the afternoon, they went to their favorite spot.br...

    • 14 min
    A Serene Adventure: Hiking Through Lahemaa's Viru Bog

    A Serene Adventure: Hiking Through Lahemaa's Viru Bog

    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: A Serene Adventure: Hiking Through Lahemaa's Viru Bog
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Et: Mari ja Jaan ärkasid varahommikul.
    En: Mari and Jaan woke up early in the morning.

    Et: Neil oli plaanis matk Viru rabas, Lahemaa rahvuspargis.
    En: They had planned a hike in the Viru Bog, in Lahemaa National Park.

    Et: Taevas oli sinine ja päike paistis eredalt.
    En: The sky was blue, and the sun shone brightly.

    Et: Nad jõudsid raja algusesse ja alustasid kõndimist.
    En: They reached the start of the trail and began walking.

    Et: Rada oli kaunis ja vaikne.
    En: The trail was beautiful and quiet.

    Et: Mari vaatas ringi ja naeratas.
    En: Mari looked around and smiled.

    Et: "Vaata, Jaan, kui ilusad puud ja lilled!"
    En: "Look, Jaan, how beautiful the trees and flowers are!"

    Et: ütles ta.
    En: she said.

    Et: "Jah, tõesti on imekaunis," noogutas Jaan.
    En: "Yes, it really is stunning," nodded Jaan.

    Et: Nad kõndisid läbi metsade ja mööda järvesid.
    En: They walked through forests and past lakes.

    Et: Iga samm tõi uusia vaateid ja helisid.
    En: Every step brought new views and sounds.

    Et: Linnud laulsid ja tuul sosistas puude vahel.
    En: Birds sang, and the wind whispered between the trees.

    Et: "Näed, seal on laudtee," ütles Mari ja osutas kaugusse.
    En: "Look, there’s a boardwalk," said Mari, pointing into the distance.

    Et: "Näen, lähme vaatame," vastas Jaan.
    En: "I see it, let’s go check it out," replied Jaan.

    Et: Nad astusid õrnalt laudteele ja hakkasid üle raba sammuma.
    En: They gently stepped onto the boardwalk and started walking across the bog.

    Et: Laudtee oli pikk ja sirge.
    En: The boardwalk was long and straight.

    Et: Vesi rabas oli rahulik.
    En: The water in the bog was calm.

    Et: "Veel natuke ja jõuame vaatetornini," ütles Jaan.
    En: "A bit further and we’ll reach the observation tower," said Jaan.

    Et: Nad jätkasid kõndimist, kuni torn hakkas paistma.
    En: They continued walking until the tower came into view.

    Et: Torn oli kõrge ja tugev.
    En: The tower was tall and sturdy.

    Et: "Vaatame üleval olevat vaadet," soovitas Mari.
    En: "Let’s go see the view from up there," suggested Mari.

    Et: Nad ronisid redelist üles ja vantsid platvormile.
    En: They climbed the ladder and stepped onto the platform.

    Et: Ülevalt oli vaade hingemattev.
    En: The view from the top was breathtaking.

    Et: Näha oli rohelist metsa ja sinist taevast.
    En: They could see green forests and the blue sky.

    Et: Raba ulatus silmapiirini.
    En: The bog stretched out to the horizon.

    Et: "Näe, seal on ka lõkkeplats," osutas Jaan.
    En: "Look, there’s also a campfire site," pointed Jaan.

    Et: Nad ronisid tagasi alla ja läksid lõkkeplatsile.
    En: They climbed back down and went to the campfire site.

    Et: Jaan süütas lõkke ja Mari võttis välja matkapaki.
    En: Jaan lit the fire, and Mari took out the hiking bag.

    Et: Nad sõid võileibu ja jõid sooja teed.
    En: They ate sandwiches and drank warm tea.

    Et: "Päev on täiuslik," ütles Mari ja vaatas kaugusesse.
    En: "The day is perfect," said Mari, gazing into the distance.

    Et: "Jah, siin on nii rahulik," nõustus Jaan.
    En: "Yes, it’s so peaceful here," agreed Jaan.

    Et: Neil polnud kuhugi kiiret.
    En: They were in no hurry.

    Et: Nad nautisid...

    • 14 min
    Unexpected Kindness in the Heart of Tallinn's Old Town

    Unexpected Kindness in the Heart of Tallinn's Old Town

    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Unexpected Kindness in the Heart of Tallinn's Old Town
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Et: Tallinna vanalinn on alati imeilus.
    En: The old town of Tallinn is always beautiful.

    Et: Seal on kitsad tänavad ja vanad majad.
    En: There are narrow streets and old houses.

    Et: Ühel päeval jalutas seal noor naine nimega Liina.
    En: One day, a young woman named Liina was walking there.

    Et: Ta oli rõõmus ja imetles vaateid.
    En: She was happy and admired the sights.

    Et: Liina armastab ajalugu ja vanaaegseid hooneid.
    En: Liina loves history and old buildings.

    Et: Äkki, kui ta astus pisut kiiremini, komistas ta.
    En: Suddenly, as she took a step a bit more quickly, she stumbled.

    Et: Liina jalg keeras valele poole.
    En: Liina's foot twisted the wrong way.

    Et: Ta tundis teravat valu ja kukkus kivisillutisele.
    En: She felt a sharp pain and fell onto the cobblestone pavement.

    Et: Kivi oli libe ja terav.
    En: The stone was slippery and sharp.

    Et: Liina jäi maapinnale istuma ja hoidis oma pahkluud.
    En: Liina sat on the ground, holding her ankle.

    Et: Ta teadis kohe, et midagi on viga.
    En: She knew immediately that something was wrong.

    Et: Turistid ja kohalikud inimesed kõndisid mööda.
    En: Tourists and local people walked by.

    Et: Keegi ei märganud teda kohe.
    En: Nobody noticed her right away.

    Et: Liina tundis end natuke hirmunult.
    En: Liina felt a bit scared.

    Et: Kuidas ta nüüd edasi saab?
    En: How would she get on now?

    Et: Tema pahkluu oli väga valus ja ta ei saanud astuda.
    En: Her ankle was very painful, and she couldn't walk.

    Et: Veidi aja pärast tuli ligi üks eakas naine.
    En: After a short while, an elderly woman approached.

    Et: Ta nimi oli Maarika.
    En: Her name was Maarika.

    Et: Maarika kummardus ja küsis: „Kas sa vajad abi?
    En: Maarika bent down and asked, "Do you need help?"

    Et: “ Liina noogutas peaga.
    En: Liina nodded.

    Et: Maarika aitas tal püsti tõusta ja pakkus tuge.
    En: Maarika helped her to stand up and offered support.

    Et: „Tule, lähme apteeki,“ ütles Maarika soojalt.
    En: "Come, let's go to the pharmacy," said Maarika warmly.

    Et: „Seal saab sidemeid ja valuvaigisteid.
    En: "There you can get bandages and painkillers."

    Et: “ Liina tänas teda ja nad hakkasid aeglaselt liikuma.
    En: Liina thanked her, and they started moving slowly.

    Et: Maarika toetas Liinat ja nad liikusid aeglaselt vanalinna apteegi poole.
    En: Maarika supported Liina as they made their way slowly to the old town pharmacy.

    Et: Apteegi ukse juures oli väike trepp.
    En: At the entrance to the pharmacy, there was a small step.

    Et: Maarika aitas Liinat sisse.
    En: Maarika helped Liina inside.

    Et: Apteekri nimi oli Rein.
    En: The pharmacist's name was Rein.

    Et: Ta nägi kohe, et Liina vajab abi.
    En: He immediately saw that Liina needed help.

    Et: Ta tõi välja jääpaki ja mähised.
    En: He brought out an ice pack and bandages.

    Et: „Pane oma jalg siia,“ ütles Rein lahkelt.
    En: "Put your foot here," Rein said kindly.

    Et: Liina istus ja Rein sidus hoolikalt tema pahkluu.
    En: Liina sat down, and Rein carefully bandaged her ankle.

    Et: Jää leevendas valu natuke.
    En: The ice eased the pain a bit.

    Et: Rein õpetas, kuidas kodus edasi hoolitseda.br...

    • 16 min

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