2 episodes

Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?

Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!

FluentFiction - Estonian FluentFiction.org

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 1 Rating

Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?

Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!

    Latte Splatter Turns Lucky

    Latte Splatter Turns Lucky

    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Latte Splatter Turns Lucky
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Et: Tallinnas oli üks mees nimega Kristjan.
    En: In Tallinn, there was a man named Kristjan.

    Et: Tema süda peksis kiiresti, sest täna oli tähtis päev.
    En: His heart was beating fast because today was an important day.

    Et: Kristjanil oli tööintervjuu, millest ta oli unistanud.
    En: Kristjan had a job interview that he had been dreaming of.

    Et: Ta oli ärkamas vara, söömas head hommikusööki ja valimas oma parimat ülikonda.
    En: He woke up early, had a good breakfast, and picked out his best suit.

    Et: Kõik oli täiuslik, kuni...
    En: Everything was perfect, until...

    Et: Kohvikus, kus Kristjan tellis endale kiire kohvi, oli kiire ja sagin.
    En: At the café where Kristjan ordered a quick coffee, it was busy and bustling.

    Et: Järsku tormas sisse tüdruk, kes oli niivõrd kiirustades, et põrkas Kristjanile otsa.
    En: Suddenly, a girl rushed in so fast that she bumped into Kristjan.

    Et: Tema nimi oli Liisa.
    En: Her name was Liisa.

    Et: Oi! Kohv valgus üle Kristjani pükste.
    En: Oh! The coffee spilled all over Kristjan's pants.

    Et: Ta vaatas alla ja ohkas sügavalt.
    En: He looked down and sighed deeply.

    Et: Täna ta ei paistnud õnnega koos olevat.
    En: Today, luck didn't seem to be on his side.

    Et: Äkki astus ligi kolmas inimene – Karl.
    En: Suddenly, a third person approached – Karl.

    Et: Karl töötas kohvikus ja nägi juhtunut.
    En: Karl worked at the café and saw what had happened.

    Et: Kiiresti toimus arutelu, kuidas Kristjani aidata.
    En: Quickly, there was a discussion on how to help Kristjan.

    Et: Liisa oli väga kahetsev ja pakkus oma vabandust.
    En: Liisa was very apologetic and offered her apologies.

    Et: Karl jooksis tagaruumi ja tõi Kristjanile puhaste riiete.
    En: Karl ran to the back room and brought clean clothes for Kristjan.

    Et: Need olid küll veidi suurevõitu, aga parem kui märgade ja kohviplekiliste pükstega intervjuule minna.
    En: They were a bit oversized, but better than going to the interview with wet and coffee-stained pants.

    Et: Aeg oli käes ja Kristjan jooksis intervjuule.
    En: The time had come and Kristjan rushed to the interview.

    Et: Ta selgitas juhtunut ja naeris selle üle koos tööandjaga.
    En: He explained what had happened and laughed about it with the employer.

    Et: Kristjani huumorimeel ja positiivne suhtumine väiksesse õnnetusse avaldasid muljet.
    En: Kristjan's sense of humor and positive attitude towards the small mishap impressed the employer.

    Et: Lõpuks sai Kristjan töö ja tänas südamest Liisat ja Karli nende abi eest.
    En: In the end, Kristjan got the job and thanked Liisa and Karl sincerely for their help.

    Et: Ta mõistis, et isegi halvad olukorrad võivad tuua head, kui suhtuda neisse positiivselt.
    En: He realized that even bad situations can bring good things if approached positively.

    Vocabulary Words:
    Tallinn: TallinnasMan: meesNamed: nimegaHeart: südaBeating: peksisFast: kiirestiImportant: tähtisJob interview: tööintervjuuDreaming: unistanudWoke up: ärkamasEarly: varaGood breakfast: head hommikusöökiPicked out: valimasBest suit: parimat ülikondaPerfect: täiuslikCafé: kohvikOrdered: tellisQuick coffee: kiire kohviBusy: kiireBustling: saginGirl:...

    • 11 min
    Revolving Door Mayhem: Mati's Hilarious Misadventure

    Revolving Door Mayhem: Mati's Hilarious Misadventure

    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Revolving Door Mayhem: Mati's Hilarious Misadventure
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Et: Mati oli üks rõõmsameelne poiss, kes elas Tallinnas.
    En: Mati was a cheerful boy who lived in Tallinn.

    Et: Ühel päeval läks ta koos sõprade Anu ja Kadriga suurde kaubanduskeskusesse.
    En: One day, he went to a large shopping center with his friends Anu and Kadri.

    Et: Nad olid just lõpetanud lõunasöögi ning tahtsid veidi poodides uudistada.
    En: They had just finished lunch and wanted to browse through the shops for a bit.

    Et: Nad naersid ja jutustasid lugusid, kui jõudsid keerlevate uste juurde, mis viisid kaubanduskeskuse südamesse.
    En: They laughed and told stories as they reached the revolving doors that led to the heart of the shopping center.

    Et: Mati, olles alati valmis nalja viskama, hüppas uste vahele, kuid sattus seda tehes hoopis lõksu.
    En: Mati, always ready to make a joke, jumped between the doors but ended up getting stuck in the process.

    Et: Kui Anu ja Kadri märkasid, et Mati on uste vahel ja liikuda ei saa, hakkasid nad naerma.
    En: When Anu and Kadri noticed that Mati was trapped between the doors, they started laughing.

    Et: Ka teised kaubanduskeskuse külastajad jäid seisma ja vaatasid seda veidrat vaatepilti.
    En: Other visitors to the shopping center also stopped and looked at this strange sight.

    Et: Mõned naersid, teised aga pakkusid abi.
    En: Some laughed, while others offered help.

    Et: Anu ja Kadri üritasid ustest Matit välja lükata, aga asjatult.
    En: Anu and Kadri tried to push Mati out of the doors, but in vain.

    Et: Mati keeras ja pööras, kuid uks lihtsalt ei liikunud.
    En: Mati twisted and turned, but the door just wouldn't budge.

    Et: Ta hakkas teesklemas, et on uste vang, mis muutis olukorra veelgi lõbusamaks.
    En: He pretended to be a prisoner of the doors, making the situation even more humorous.

    Et: Siis tuli turvamees, kes vaatas kogu seda segadust.
    En: Then a security guard arrived and observed the whole commotion.

    Et: Tema näol oli tõsine ilme, kuid silmad särasid mõistmisest.
    En: He had a serious expression, but his eyes sparkled with understanding.

    Et: Ta mõistis, et keegi ei olnud viga saanud ja see oli lihtsalt üks suurepärane juhus eksida.
    En: He realized that no one was hurt and it was just a fantastic mishap.

    Et: Turvamees vajutas mõnele nupule ja uksed hakkasid taas liikuma.
    En: The security guard pressed a few buttons, and the doors started moving again.

    Et: Mati astus naerdes välja, tervitades kogunenud inimesi nagu kuulus staar.
    En: Mati stepped out, laughing, greeting the gathered crowd as if he were a famous star.

    Et: Pärast seda intsidenti oli Mati väga populaarne.
    En: After that incident, Mati became very popular.

    Et: Inimesed tervitasid teda igal pool ja ta lugu keerlevate uste vangist oli kaubanduskeskuses pikka aega jutuaineks.
    En: People greeted him everywhere, and his story of being trapped in the revolving doors became a topic of conversation in the shopping center for a long time.

    Et: Mati, Anu ja Kadri jätkasid oma poodlemist, kuid nüüd naerdes veelgi rohkem kui enne.
    En: Mati, Anu, and Kadri continued their shopping, but now laughing even more than before.

    Et: Mis kõige tähtsam, Mati oli õppinud, et mõnikord võib isegi väike äpardus tuua naeru ja toredaid hetki.
    En: Most importantly, Mati had learned that sometimes even a small mishap can bring laughter and...

    • 12 min

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