2 episodes

Andy and SBJ bring you a weekly dose of truth and relevancy. With quips and insights on weekly news and media from social sites. Opinions and experiences shared from a different perspective.

Pain or Pain Killa‪'‬ Pain or Pain Killa'

    • Comedy

Andy and SBJ bring you a weekly dose of truth and relevancy. With quips and insights on weekly news and media from social sites. Opinions and experiences shared from a different perspective.

    Pain or Pain Killa : The Twerk Parade

    Pain or Pain Killa : The Twerk Parade

    Andy and SBJ are back! Yeah, we lost an episode in there due to a technical glitch, but it’s all…

    #001: The Beginning of it all.

    #001: The Beginning of it all.

    Sweet Baby Jay and Andy kick off their show with some interesting news, opinions, insights, and plans for their upcoming…

    • 52 min

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