33 episodes

A podcast created for people where listeners will hear experiences of the host and his guests on overcoming challenges and embracing the values of P.O.T.N👑. It aims to indirectly inspire people to better themselves and their lives by hearing the testimonies of people who have conquered difficult challenges in their lives and how they used that momentum to push on. The show serves to be a beacon of hope for all of you who need the inspiration to make breakthroughs and build an extraordinary resilience that will drive you on to achieve great things for yourselves in your lives.

Have a listen and Enjoy!!

For Enquiries please email - potnofficial@gmail.com

Prince Of The North👑 (P.O.T.N👑) Podcast Takura M Sibanda

    • Society & Culture

A podcast created for people where listeners will hear experiences of the host and his guests on overcoming challenges and embracing the values of P.O.T.N👑. It aims to indirectly inspire people to better themselves and their lives by hearing the testimonies of people who have conquered difficult challenges in their lives and how they used that momentum to push on. The show serves to be a beacon of hope for all of you who need the inspiration to make breakthroughs and build an extraordinary resilience that will drive you on to achieve great things for yourselves in your lives.

Have a listen and Enjoy!!

For Enquiries please email - potnofficial@gmail.com

    Terrific Tobi

    Terrific Tobi

    On the thirty third episode of the P.O.T.N👑. Podcast Takura was joined by Tobi Aroyehun, who is a passionate, adaptable, and determined individual. In his episode, he shares his passions for self-improvement, fitness, and creating redpill content. Tobi takes us on an insightful journey of how he created his YouTube channel and developed his love for fitness. He states his YouTube channel aims to provide men with knowledge of dating and fitness, as well as how they can make themselves more attractive in the dating market. He also tells us how he transitioned from an electrical engineer to a software engineer, and how that has improved his organisational, time management and communication skills. Since 2019, Tobi has been an advocate for fitness, as he shares how it positively impacted his life, mental health and stress management. As a fitness enthusiast, Tobi encourages us to become more active and eat more nutritious foods. At present, he is actively working towards becoming a personal trainer in the future, as he wants to share his passion for fitness and help his clients achieve their fitness targets. On the subject of training, Tobi breaks down some myths associated with fitness. In addition, he tells us who his inspirations are in the fitness realm. Tobi mentions his admiration for his inspirations and fitness journeys, but he doesn't 100% agree with their approach of promoting fitness because it is unrealistic. Tobi states that in fitness, it is important to be transparent and honest with those looking to become better versions of themselves. This way, people looking to become healthier can have a more realistic view of their expectations. When asked about a positive moment he has experienced, Tobi shares a story of how his high school bullies turned their lives around, and even praised Tobi’s growth. Even the fact that they were able to display maturity and courage to apologise for their past wrongdoings towards him. Additionally, Tobi says if anyone does wrong by us, it is important that we do not seek revenge on these individuals, and we must respect ourselves to move on from these past events. He understands that emotions might be hard for people. To overcome challenging situations, Tobi believes that having the mental fortitude to look through problems and find solutions is extremely important. Additionally, he also adds that exercise can help us problem solve more efficiently, as well as cope better with high pressure situations. When it comes to the topic of failure, Tobi believes that the most important thing about failure is the experience we gain. He adds on to say that each time we experience a failure, we become wiser and more competent at successfully completing things we have failed at before. He also says it is OK to feel angry, sad and disappointed when we fail, but it is important to remember that failure is an opportunity for us to learn and grow. Tobi shares his experience of failing a driving test after months of practice, and how he responded to the failure. Going forward, Tobi is excited for his plans, which include the growth of his YouTube channel and starting his own business. He believes that “failure to plan is planning for failure.” So he encourages us to have a plan on how to live, instead of going with the flow. He also shares his excitement for the developments happening in the tech industry, and how we could potentially have artificial organs that can help us live longer lives in the future. To stay productive, Tobi always thinks of the reward he is working toward, as it helps him grind through difficult moments. Additionally, he says motivation will be key in the initial stages, but as time progresses, discipline will take us the furthest in helping us succeed and accomplish things. Tobi enjoys leading initiatives and connecting with new people. He strongly believes that “Network is our net worth” because building and maintaining relationships has helped him achieve ma

    • 1 hr 1 min
    Magnificent Muyiwa

    Magnificent Muyiwa

    On the thirty second episode of the P.O.T.N👑. Podcast Takura was joined by Muyiwa Adebiyi, who is an enthusiastic, adaptable, and hardworking individual. In his episode, he shares his passions for self-improvement, fitness and podcasting. Muyiwa takes us on a journey of what motivated him to set up his podcast, and also run the London Marathon. He talks about the importance of prioritising health and self-education, which he believes are key to personal growth. He also shares his inspirations, the main being David Goggins, and how his mentality and example inspired him to become a fitness enthusiast and also become a pioneer of spreading positive content and energy. He is also inspired by podcasters who have difficult conversations on many of the world's issues. Muyiwa admires their professionalism and courage for creating the space for these conversations to happen. For all the negative things we witness, Muyiwa believes that we as the human race are capable of doing positive and great things. There are many instances where the world responded well to a negative situation during the pandemic. Muyiwa and Takura applaud the courageousness of the many who stepped up to make a positive difference during the pandemic. As an active trainer, Muyiwa enjoys running, which helps his physical and mental strength. He believes exercising helps create artificial environments of discomfort, which help him overcome some of the challenges he faces. He admits that situations can bring us to our knees in life, but he encourages us to stay strong and utilise our support networks to find solutions to overcome current challenges. Muyiwa then shares a valuable life lesson where “Life is a Contact sport” where he shares the importance of having great relationships with friends, family, colleagues and business connections. He enlightens Takura on the journey of life, where you can have many friends. However, as you grow older, the friendship circle gradually decreases as those friends take on other commitments. With that said, he advises us to adapt with the times and ensure that we can adapt our lives to new circumstances. Muyiwa believes the most important things failure can give us are learning and experience. Which will help us build character and increase mental fortitude. Going forward, Muyiwa is excited about being a parent and guiding his child’s growth and development. He admits it will be no easy task, but is excited and grateful for the opportunity to be a parent. Muyiwa tells us that starting his podcast allowed him to improve his productivity and set goals for each episode and the podcast's growth. He also shares that starting a podcast is a journey where the creator goes through constant improvement. Muyiwa reminds us that if we want to be great, we have to show up every day and be consistent. Muyiwa would love to teach us how to become more adaptable in life and adapt to the varying situations we face. He quotes the late great Bruce Lee, “Be like Water!!”. In the future, Muiywa would like to become a better marketer, improve his fitness and run an ultra marathon. In his closing remarks, Muyiwa leaves us with the following words “Do More to Be More & Be More to Do More”, which means we must put in a lot of effort to reach the level of impact we desire, and that impact should inspire us to increase our impact. An impeccable testimony that encompasses all the values of P.O.T.N👑.

    Connect with Muyiwa, & the Day In Day Out Podcast below

    ɪɴstaɢʀᴀᴍ: https://www.instagram.com/muui23/?hl=en

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/muyiwa8888

    LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/muyiwa-adebiyi-07a13ba/

    LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/day-in-day-out-podcast/

    DAY IN DAY OUT PODCAST LINKS: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/day-in-day-out/id1479896577 // https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/day-in-day-out-muyiwa-adebiyi-tuG2E8S0Cqo/

    YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@muyiwaadebiyi5100

    Website - h

    • 1 hr 28 min
    Brilliant Ben

    Brilliant Ben

    On the thirty-first episode of the P.O.T.N👑. Podcast Takura was joined by Ben Dunn-Flores, who is a hardworking, practical, and curious individual. In his episode, he shares his passions for Rentless Co, his startup company, and how design can influence how well something may function. Ben takes us on a journey of what motivated him to setup Rentless Co, and the process he went through to get it started. As an entrepreneur, he tells us that a startup requires a lot of focus and time to build, but it is worth doing if we know it will deliver a positive return. Ben tells us that design played a major role in his approach to work and everything else he has taken on in his life. Since he is keen on finance, he illustrates how we can use leverage to benefit us in the finance world. Which is an eye opener. He also shares Rentless Co's mission statement and its goals to provide an alternative in the housing market and make things easier for tenants, landlords and property investors. Ben tells us about his inspirations, who are mostly writers capable of writing and telling captivating stories. Popular essayists like Paul Graham, Scott Alexander are among his favourites. One of those in particular Iain Banks shares that we can create a better future by being nice. Mr. Banks believes that culture has a major impact on behaviour and how we treat others. So if we can improve culture, we can improve how we treat each other. He also shares great admiration for his partner, family & friends, who have also been an inspiration to him, and how they have motivated him to work hard and seek ways to make a positive difference in the world. One example that impresses him was that his grandmother was one of the secretaries who worked with Cobol, a computer programming language designed for commerce, which launched in 2002. Ben believes that some challenges can be addressed and others cannot. He uses the example of job searching, which can be daunting, but the best we can do for ourselves is prepare. Once we apply, it's now up to the company to decide the outcome. Additionally, he advises us that worrying about something we can't change is pointless, and it would be best to use our remaining energies to focus on other meaningful things. When faced with challenges, Ben tells us to take an active approach by discussing them and writing them down, which helps identify a solution and the reasoning why that solution is the best. He shares a real life example of how to take active action in problem solving when he visited Pallermo on holiday. When it comes to failure, Ben believes it is better to fail while attempting to do something rather than doing nothing. We learn from those failures, where we try to gather better ways to do what we want to do. Going forward, Ben is excited about building Rentless Co into an organisation that can continue to operate for 100s of years. He adds that the work he is doing will help shape that. To help him stay focused and productive, Ben uses a colour coded calendar where he puts his tasks and activities. The visual view helps him plan and maintain discipline while working on the tasks. He also adds that breaking larger tasks into smaller manageable tasks helps him get more done. If ever presented with the opportunity to teach us anything. Ben would love to show us how to write effectively, as well as become curious individuals who always seek knowledge and understanding. In the future, Ben would like to learn quantitative and coding skills that will help him understand technical information and communicate effectively with individuals with a technical background. In his closing remarks, Ben encourages us to do the work. Our time is valuable, and we should always try our best to complete the tasks we commit to, and not procrastinate. An impressive testimony that encompasses all the values of P.O.T.N👑.

    Connect with Ben, & Relentless below

    ɪɴstaɢʀᴀᴍ: https://www.instagram.com/rentless.co/?hl=en


    • 1 hr 10 min
    Buoyant Ben

    Buoyant Ben

    On the thirtieth episode of the P.O.T.N👑. Podcast Takura was joined by Ben Bressington who is a hardworking, determined, and composed individual. In his episode, he shares his passions for technology, cycling, and becoming an effective communicator. Ben takes us on a journey of how he has used his life experiences to shape him as a person, build his business ventures and deal with challenges he faces. He also breaks down social engineering “which is hacking human Behaviour and getting the best out of people” and how his business behaviour sales is making strides in helping people identify their personalities and improve their ability to communicate but also how to approach people with different personalities. Ben believes the best way to improve performance and productivity is by aiming to complete 1% a day and take a step at a time. He believes when we break down our goals into workable tasks then we are slowly working towards our goals and most importantly we are building confidence and momentum which is crucial in anything we do. Through his businesses, Ben is creating systems that will help all of us understand ourselves better and become better versions of ourselves. When dealing with uncertainty we should be comfortable with not knowing what is ahead of us he encourages all the listeners to be flexible with the future because we don’t know how the world may change in the future. He wants all the listeners to be open-minded and take on new situations with open arms. Ben also believes that failure is the best teacher and every moment or event that happens in our lives is an opportunity to improve and learn. He encourages all of us to always be accountable and self-aware of things that happen to us. The moment we learn from our mistakes we stop making the same mistakes repeatedly. He shares a unique example of how he overcame adversity as an Australian national he relocated to the United States to start a business with a business partner. However, things didn’t go as planned and his business partner pulled out of the business as He was settling in a new country. The situation was dire but that didn’t deter Ben as he began planning, problem-solving, and strategizing operations for his business. This experience taught him to always be marketing and network with people because that is what will help us thrive and make our businesses and lives flourish.
    To help Ben stay productive when he is working towards his targets and hobbies, he likes to listen to music and cut out distractions. He advises us that the best way to get things done is to cut out all distractions and set ourselves targets to achieve. This way we are practising good habits and slowly eradicating bad habits that are inhibiting our progress. Going forward Ben is excited at the prospect of growth and potential that is out there for him and his businesses. He is looking to create new partnerships and travel the world. He is also looking forward to cycling more miles and breaking his fitness targets. On top of that, he also wants to continue improving his ability to communicate and bolstering the performance of his business. In his closing remarks, Ben leaves us with a statement in life the opportunities presented in front of us are either a HELL YES or a HELL NO. If it is going to help us and improve our position in life pursue it relentlessly, but if it doesn’t have the same feel then we should not be doing it. Our time is valuable, and we should prioritise the things that will help us succeed and learn and become better people. An outstanding testimony that encompasses all the values of P.O.T.N👑.
    Connect with Ben, Chat Fortress, & Behaviour Sales below
    ɪɴstaɢʀᴀᴍ: https://www.instagram.com/behaviorsales/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chatfortressllc/
    LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjaminbressington/
    LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/chatfortress/
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtgUK4Q8b

    • 48 min
    Exceptional Gemma

    Exceptional Gemma

    On the twenty-ninth episode of the P.O.T.N👑. Podcast Takura was joined by the exceptional Gemma Perkins who is creative, organised and is a problem solver. In her episode, she shares her passions for coaching, education, cooking, working with young people, and participating in arts & crafts. She takes us on her journey of wanting to become a teacher at first and then changing directions to pursue youth work and coaching after attending a leadership program when she was a teenager. Gemma now runs her very own business called the Self Leadership Initiative which serves to help people understand themselves better, help them develop crucial soft skills like teamwork & communication, as well as improve their health and wellbeing. She is extremely grateful for the impact Krish Raval has had on her own life and the inspiration he has given her. Attending his leadership camp inspired her to learn more about coaching and mentoring. From her time as a coach and mentor, Gemma believes we should walk alongside those who wish to develop and overcome challenges. She shares that we must encourage the growth of our problem-solving skills so we can innovatively produce solutions to overcome the challenges we face. Upon reflection, some of the most positive experiences Gemma has witnessed have come from attending conferences and networking events that work to encourage self-development and leadership. She tells us how attending groups like School for Changemakers helped her learn more about other cultures and inspired her to become more multicultural where she prepares customary dishes from different countries and cultures. She also shares inspirational stories of refugees she’s worked with and their ambition to succeed regardless of their circumstances. Hearing such a story shows the power that taking initiative can do for changing our circumstances. When faced with challenges, Gemma prioritises self-care, which means she looks at managing her time accordingly, she works on tasks in priority order, and she engages in exercise to keep herself fit and relax her brain. Another technique she uses to help her overcome challenges she may face is by gaining support through her social support network. She feels being able to speak to friends who use non-traditional techniques such as active listening help her analyse her challenges from a holistic point of view and the support space created helps her identify solutions that can help her overcome the challenges she is facing. Gemma has a different view on failure which has changed from the times when she was a teacher. She believes failure has a lot of grey areas that tend to go unnoticed because all of us tend to focus on not attaining what we were working towards. She states that we tend to forget the effort and time we’ve put in to get that point. We are people who have attained growth and wisdom even though we did not achieve the outcome we wanted. Gemma believes we should use this as motivation to push on to achieve our goals even after encountering failures.

    To help her stay productive Gemma uses a Vision board where she puts her goals, passions, people she cares for and more. This vision board is used to remind her of her objectives and the motivations for why she completes those tasks. She also utilises Eisenhower’s box which helps her plan and organise the tasks she wants to achieve. Going forward Gemma is excited about improving her knowledge and capability to strategize effectively and she is also excited about enrolling in the Transformational Coaching Diploma. She is also excited about how people are now starting to do things differently from traditional norms and how technology can open us up to new possibilities. For instance, we can now pursue our dreams if technology takes over our occupations. She believes we can take the time to identify what makes us happy and truly invest in that. As Jimmy Carr would say it is better to lean into our strengths and passions than waste

    • 1 hr 39 min
    Talented Takura

    Talented Takura

    On the twenty-eighth episode of the P.O.T.N👑. Podcast Takura S was joined by Takura C who is a reflective, adaptable, and composed individual. In his episode, he shares his passions for photography and learning new skills. Takura C takes us on his journey of growing up in Zimbabwe, attaining his academic and work experience in South Africa, and successfully completing an MBA in Business. Takura C praises the support and guidance he received from his parents and his brothers. He is grateful for all the lessons he learnt and the wisdom they imparted to him which has helped his development and view on life. Takura C also shares his perspective of the positive response he witnessed as the world entered the Covid-19 pandemic. He shares how inspiring and heart-warming it was to witness many people stepping up to help others and the bravery and sacrifice of others for all of us to navigate a way of managing the pandemic. He shares that being Zimbabwean has developed unique psychological traits that help him through challenging times. He believes from the previous experiences he has encountered that his ability to problem solve, persevere, and remain composed has helped him overcome many challenges he has faced. He advises us that the best way to manage stress is through a variety of methods that cover the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects. By giving ourselves the time to understand our situations and develop unique plans of action he believes all of us can overcome any challenge we face. Takura C shares that going through a failure helps us learn from our mistakes, he encourages us to adopt a reflective mindset. By doing this it helps preparations for overcoming the challenges we face and include contingencies in future projects we decide to take on, so we alleviate the impacts caused by failures. To help stay productive Takura C uses music and silence to get things done. For more intense work Takura C prefers silence as this allows him to focus on the tasks at hand without any outside distractions. Going forward Takura C is excited about learning how to market himself more emphatically like American Salespeople. He also wants to be able to absorb, process and make decisions using large data sets. In addition to that, he is excited about the direction in which Africa is going with the youth of Africa stepping forward and introducing more innovative and impactful businesses that will help boost Africa’s economy and influence on the world. In his closing remarks, Takura C encourages us to become more self-reflective, be comfortable in silence and try our best to stay calm and always composed. In addition to that, he encourages us to always ask the right questions and not solely focus on having the right answers. Having the right questions will always lead to the right answers. A marvellous testimony from an outstanding individual that encompasses all the values of P.O.T.N👑.

    Intro Music Basement by Zeek
    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/4AoglKp4WAMhlS5mqcmJqc?si=cTIIuVVhQAWTPdEqSmXdnw
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/zeek_143/
    Twitter - https://twitter.com/zeek_143
    Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/zeek_143
    Outro Music Ease-UP by Justin Vinylz
    Listen: https://soundcloud.com/justinvxnylz/ease-up
    Connect with Justin Vinylz:
    ɪɴstaɢʀᴀᴍ: https://www.instagram.com/justin_vxnylz
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/JustinVxnylz
    ꜰᴀᴄᴇʙoᴏᴋ: https://www.facebook.com/JustinVxnylz/
    SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/justinvxnylz
    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/5ke48AASlXvOScofiEV9rz
    Deezer - https://www.deezer.com/en/artist/53081152
    Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/justin-vinylz/1439941691
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEHHC9qygygHmwGVyhmnKNQ
    Connect with The Afrolution:
    ɪɴstaɢʀᴀᴍ: https://www.instagram.com/theafrolution/
    ꜰᴀᴄᴇʙoᴏᴋ: https://www.facebook.com/theafrolution/
    SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/theafrolution

    • 46 min

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