13 min

Episode 6 – The Power of God Journey of life

    • Christianity

Journey of life (Marathi)

As a disciple of Christ Jesus, I believe the Bible as the Word of God. It has mentioned the name of God as EL-4,379, Elohim- 2,701, Jehovah -6,467, Qualities and titles 74, total 694, Father used by Jesus-176 times. God wanted His people to know Him definitely.

God called Abraham from UR and he obeyed God. He journeyed with his wife and household. God promised him a nation but both were barren and old. It could took only the miraculous Power of God to make both Fertile to conception of a child in Sarah's womb. At the of 75 God said to Abraham to go to an unknown land. He journeyed and had a son at the age of 100. He named it ISAAC.The Psalmist says: Ps 91:14-16: "Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore:  will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him:  I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation."God created a nation out of one son Isaac to Jacob with 12 Patriarchs. In times of Moses, the people of Israel grew and multiplied during the bondage of 430 years or so. Then God sent the Deliverer in the form of Moses. God demonstrated His power through 10 plagues punishing the Pharaohs Kingdom. But he hardened his heart. So God took His people out in a day. He divided the Red Ses and people walked through the walls of waters. Pharoah's army chased the Israelites but were drawn into sea. God brought His people out by delivering them from the bondage according to His promise. He showed His power to create out of nothing. Then He led through 40 years with His Power into the Promised Land. It all began with the test of Abraham. Abraham heard God and believed Him in Genesis ch.17 but in ch.22 he learned to obey God by trusting God's power into Resurrection of his son Isaac. Abraham sacrificed on the Altar of God which he loved most, his son, his hope. It was rewarded by God in returning the son by not allowing him to be offered. Through Isaac and Jacob, God blessed His children. Abraham died but his children went on journeying till they reached the Promised Land. It was a Walk of Faith in the Power of God. 


We as children of God must continue to journey with perseverance and faith in the Promise and the Power of God. Lord Jesus Christ has promised us His ALL POWER to be with us till end of the age. Let us be faithful in our journey with God who will lead us to the Promised Land with His Power.Thank you with blessings
Gladwin Jaykar

Journey of life (Marathi)

As a disciple of Christ Jesus, I believe the Bible as the Word of God. It has mentioned the name of God as EL-4,379, Elohim- 2,701, Jehovah -6,467, Qualities and titles 74, total 694, Father used by Jesus-176 times. God wanted His people to know Him definitely.

God called Abraham from UR and he obeyed God. He journeyed with his wife and household. God promised him a nation but both were barren and old. It could took only the miraculous Power of God to make both Fertile to conception of a child in Sarah's womb. At the of 75 God said to Abraham to go to an unknown land. He journeyed and had a son at the age of 100. He named it ISAAC.The Psalmist says: Ps 91:14-16: "Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore:  will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him:  I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation."God created a nation out of one son Isaac to Jacob with 12 Patriarchs. In times of Moses, the people of Israel grew and multiplied during the bondage of 430 years or so. Then God sent the Deliverer in the form of Moses. God demonstrated His power through 10 plagues punishing the Pharaohs Kingdom. But he hardened his heart. So God took His people out in a day. He divided the Red Ses and people walked through the walls of waters. Pharoah's army chased the Israelites but were drawn into sea. God brought His people out by delivering them from the bondage according to His promise. He showed His power to create out of nothing. Then He led through 40 years with His Power into the Promised Land. It all began with the test of Abraham. Abraham heard God and believed Him in Genesis ch.17 but in ch.22 he learned to obey God by trusting God's power into Resurrection of his son Isaac. Abraham sacrificed on the Altar of God which he loved most, his son, his hope. It was rewarded by God in returning the son by not allowing him to be offered. Through Isaac and Jacob, God blessed His children. Abraham died but his children went on journeying till they reached the Promised Land. It was a Walk of Faith in the Power of God. 


We as children of God must continue to journey with perseverance and faith in the Promise and the Power of God. Lord Jesus Christ has promised us His ALL POWER to be with us till end of the age. Let us be faithful in our journey with God who will lead us to the Promised Land with His Power.Thank you with blessings
Gladwin Jaykar

13 min