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Tips from Tai Lopez Mastermind Your Business Podcast » Your Business Podcast Feed

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Tai Lopez’s Mastermind Talk Recap
This is a recap of the Mastermind Talk with Tai Lopez I attended in California.
In addition to learning from the speakers a big benefit is to meet and hear from other entrepreneurs. Sometimes you realize really successful people are very much like you and thus you gain the confidence to achieve more.
It is great to be around people who in my eyes are more successful than I am. It was also fun to hear new ideas, give advice and get advice.
Jay Samit spoke to us – wikipedia info on Jay Samit

He asked us how many of you would hire a PR agency? I thought I wouldn’t until he explained why we should. You should if you want to partner with a company who has a PR agency and the tip is to higher the same PR agency as the other company you want to work with.
Justin Sener

Known as the T-shirt Cat Guy, who is successful at selling t-shirts online. He talked about how to create T-shirts and how to market them on facebook. I noted that they create 10 T-shirts, market each on facebook for very little ($5) and then increase the marketing for the ones that sell. Tip – women buy the most t-shirts.
Sites that can set up clothing business: THREADMEUP.COM and
Shopify plug in
Book recommendations from Cole Hatter who runs the Thrive Connect conference are:

Persuasion Skills
by Rentu Basu (I’m almost done with this short book)
and Learn how to speak to people to be better in sales:

Spin Selling
by Neil Rackham

And a marketing recommendation (this is a much larger book)The Advertising Effect
by Adam Ferrier and Jennifer Fleming
A great podcast for learning about Facebook, Linked In and Google advertising:
The Art of Paid Traffic Podcast

always do sponsored post, never
advertise on the right side
Utilize Facebook Live and Snapchat

they are the main thing now

Tai Lopez thoughts

Social media should enhance your life

Challenge yourself – do it for practice

Tai Lopez’s Mastermind Talk Recap
This is a recap of the Mastermind Talk with Tai Lopez I attended in California.
In addition to learning from the speakers a big benefit is to meet and hear from other entrepreneurs. Sometimes you realize really successful people are very much like you and thus you gain the confidence to achieve more.
It is great to be around people who in my eyes are more successful than I am. It was also fun to hear new ideas, give advice and get advice.
Jay Samit spoke to us – wikipedia info on Jay Samit

He asked us how many of you would hire a PR agency? I thought I wouldn’t until he explained why we should. You should if you want to partner with a company who has a PR agency and the tip is to higher the same PR agency as the other company you want to work with.
Justin Sener

Known as the T-shirt Cat Guy, who is successful at selling t-shirts online. He talked about how to create T-shirts and how to market them on facebook. I noted that they create 10 T-shirts, market each on facebook for very little ($5) and then increase the marketing for the ones that sell. Tip – women buy the most t-shirts.
Sites that can set up clothing business: THREADMEUP.COM and
Shopify plug in
Book recommendations from Cole Hatter who runs the Thrive Connect conference are:

Persuasion Skills
by Rentu Basu (I’m almost done with this short book)
and Learn how to speak to people to be better in sales:

Spin Selling
by Neil Rackham

And a marketing recommendation (this is a much larger book)The Advertising Effect
by Adam Ferrier and Jennifer Fleming
A great podcast for learning about Facebook, Linked In and Google advertising:
The Art of Paid Traffic Podcast

always do sponsored post, never
advertise on the right side
Utilize Facebook Live and Snapchat

they are the main thing now

Tai Lopez thoughts

Social media should enhance your life

Challenge yourself – do it for practice

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