1h 38 min

13: Kyle Lamb, “Black Hawk Down” Delta Force Veteran Group Coalition

    • Aventuras en la naturaleza

Kyle Lamb is a Delta Force veteran, notably of the “Black Hawk Down” mission. He now runs his company Viking Tactics, where he offers firearm products and training to the shooting community. Kyle is also an instructor for the Sig Sauer Academy. On the episode, Kyle talks with me about his family lineage, history, his experiences in the military, and Viking Tactics. Kyle is a fantastic and highly intelligent gentleman, and I am beyond grateful that he was on the podcast. @vikingtacticsvikingtactics.com Instagram: @groupcoalitionTikTok: @groupcoalitionGroupCoalition.com

Kyle Lamb is a Delta Force veteran, notably of the “Black Hawk Down” mission. He now runs his company Viking Tactics, where he offers firearm products and training to the shooting community. Kyle is also an instructor for the Sig Sauer Academy. On the episode, Kyle talks with me about his family lineage, history, his experiences in the military, and Viking Tactics. Kyle is a fantastic and highly intelligent gentleman, and I am beyond grateful that he was on the podcast. @vikingtacticsvikingtactics.com Instagram: @groupcoalitionTikTok: @groupcoalitionGroupCoalition.com

1h 38 min