1h 15 min

316. Meals By Cug & Sabino Curcio On Their Mindset of Collaboration Vs. Competition, Remaining Authentic & Being You Decoding Success with Matt LeBris

    • Superación personal

Welcome to EP 316 of The Decoding Success Podcast. 
On today's episode, we're joined by Sabino Curcio, Co-Founder of the booming Italian-American movement, Growing Up Italian, and the viral social media star, Meals by Cug. 
Watch all episodes on YouTube here: https://hoo.be/decodingsuccess
In this episode, we explore:
How to adopt a collaboration mindset versus a competition mindset Taking ego out of the drivers seat to create from a place of authenticity  Pursuing things for YOU not for monetary or clout gains Why you shouldn't compare your chapter 1 to someones chapter 30 And so much more... 
To connect with Sabino: https://www.instagram.com/sabinocurcio/
To connect with Growing Up Italian: https://www.instagram.com/growingupitalian/
To connect with Cugine: https://www.instagram.com/meals_by_cug/

Welcome to EP 316 of The Decoding Success Podcast. 
On today's episode, we're joined by Sabino Curcio, Co-Founder of the booming Italian-American movement, Growing Up Italian, and the viral social media star, Meals by Cug. 
Watch all episodes on YouTube here: https://hoo.be/decodingsuccess
In this episode, we explore:
How to adopt a collaboration mindset versus a competition mindset Taking ego out of the drivers seat to create from a place of authenticity  Pursuing things for YOU not for monetary or clout gains Why you shouldn't compare your chapter 1 to someones chapter 30 And so much more... 
To connect with Sabino: https://www.instagram.com/sabinocurcio/
To connect with Growing Up Italian: https://www.instagram.com/growingupitalian/
To connect with Cugine: https://www.instagram.com/meals_by_cug/

1h 15 min