14 min

Atomic Habits Part 1 Make it Obvious Become a Media Maven

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This is the first book I’ve read twice.The first time I listened to it.This last time, I read it with a highlighter.Today, I will let you know what I highlighted and why in part one of this series.I’m doing this selfishly because I think this is a great way for me to retain what I read.I’ve read so many great non-fiction books, but when I try to remember what I learned, I’m blank.So here’s hoping reading it, highlighting it, and sharing it will help you and me remember this to use it in our l...

This is the first book I’ve read twice.The first time I listened to it.This last time, I read it with a highlighter.Today, I will let you know what I highlighted and why in part one of this series.I’m doing this selfishly because I think this is a great way for me to retain what I read.I’ve read so many great non-fiction books, but when I try to remember what I learned, I’m blank.So here’s hoping reading it, highlighting it, and sharing it will help you and me remember this to use it in our l...

14 min