35 min

E.66 Harmony Behind Bars: The Transformative Symphony of Liberty Choir in UK Prisons Rebel Justice - changing the way you see justice

    • Documental

Imagine a world where the reverberations of music echo through the most unexpected places, bringing not just melody but hope and transformation. That's the reality Ginny Dogary and MJ Paranzino have created with Liberty Choir, a program that is changing lives within the UK prison system. Join us as we hear about their incredible journey, the ties that bind them to their work, and the undeniable impact of their program. MJ opens up about her brother-in-law's personal battles, shedding light on...

Imagine a world where the reverberations of music echo through the most unexpected places, bringing not just melody but hope and transformation. That's the reality Ginny Dogary and MJ Paranzino have created with Liberty Choir, a program that is changing lives within the UK prison system. Join us as we hear about their incredible journey, the ties that bind them to their work, and the undeniable impact of their program. MJ opens up about her brother-in-law's personal battles, shedding light on...

35 min