1h 1 min

HONESTY’S THE WORST POLICY w/ Noah Findling Whoa, Dad!

    • Para padres y madres

Even though Noah has good parents, he still wound up in jail because of following his Dad’s cardinal rule ”honesty is the best policy” and to never lie.  The big lesson here is: 1) there’s no such thing as perfect parents. 2) don’t EVER tell the cops the truth when it comes to drugs. And 3) sometimes too much support can make your kid ill prepared for the reality of this cruel and manipulative world.

Even though Noah has good parents, he still wound up in jail because of following his Dad’s cardinal rule ”honesty is the best policy” and to never lie.  The big lesson here is: 1) there’s no such thing as perfect parents. 2) don’t EVER tell the cops the truth when it comes to drugs. And 3) sometimes too much support can make your kid ill prepared for the reality of this cruel and manipulative world.

1h 1 min