1h 19 min

INDIEcent Exposure #41: Navigating a Charming Disaster INDIEcent Exposure – INDIEcent Exposure

    • Entrevistas musicales

Welcome my INDIEcent brothers and sisters to Episode #41 of this musical carnival of dreams, INDIEcent Exposure. I am your host, the mongrel, and, as always, I thank you for tuning in.  And you can tune in to hear the best in new Indie tunes and news through Apple Podcasts. Google Podcasts, and now Spotify. Subscribe and never miss your music fix.

Editor's Note: Musicians' bio info comes from the artists, their websites, or their publicists. Click on names below to visit their websites where you can get the full story, photos, and very often video.

In addition to eight great tracks spanning several genre, I had a great interview with a brilliant duo unexpectedly drop into my lap this week. I think my conversation with Brooklyn-based, Charming Disaster, will more than make up for the lack of one last week. Their new album, SPELLS + RITUALS, just came out, and carries on their craft of spinning whimsically dark, slightly unhinged, stories through song. Although their summer tour has been scotched due to the pandemic, you can catch them outdoors at The Foundry, West Stockbridge, Massachusetts August 7th and 8th, if you happen to be in the neighborhood. I happen to know it’s a great space, a really great venue, so even it’s a bit of a haul for you, what the hell, make a weekend of it. Worse places to be in summer than the Berkshires. Ticket info available in the shownotes.

WELL! I’ve got so, so many great tunes that I wanted to share with you and zero self-control. Makes for a bit of a bloated episode this week, but I doubt you’ll mind. I’ve been cutting back on carbs, so maybe this is my way of filling that pasta hole, I don’t know. But let’s get to it right now with a couple artists who showed up on my radar just in the last little while.

Best Not Broken (6:53)

Ever since the launch of my first podcast, featuring Beantown artists, I’ve always been a sucker for a great Boston band. So there’s a familiar comfort to the sounds of the 2016 New England Music Awards winner, Best Not Broken. Their blend of rock and power pop is infectious, and the lyrics are wicked smaht — all evident in the single, “Red Flags,” released in late 2019. They’ve shared stages with such diverse greats as Pat Benetar to Jason Derulo.

.ugb-6a838cf .ugb-img{width:800px;height:auto !important;-webkit-mask-image:url('');mask-image:url('')}.ugb-6a838cf .ugb-feature__title{font-family:"Roboto Condensed",Sans-serif !important;font-weight:100;letter-spacing:0.5px;color:#eeffb5;margin-bottom:14px !important}.ugb-6a838cf .ugb-feature__description{font-family:"Palatino Linotype",Palatino,Palladio,"URW Palladio L","Book Antiqua",Baskerville,"Bookman Old Style","Bitstream Charter","Nimbus Roman No9 L",Garamond,"Apple Garamond","ITC Garamond Narrow","New Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook L",Georgia,serif !important;font-size:18px;color:#ffffff;margin-bottom:30px !important}.ugb-6a838cf .ugb-inner-block{text-align:left}.ugb-6a838cf.ugb-feature{background-color:#cf2e2e;background-attachment:fixed;background-image:url(https://www.indiecent-exposure.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/20180916_125420.jpg);background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover}.ugb-6a838cf.ugb-feature:before{background-color:#cf2e2e;opacity:0.3}@media screen and (min-width:768px){.ugb-6a838cf .

Welcome my INDIEcent brothers and sisters to Episode #41 of this musical carnival of dreams, INDIEcent Exposure. I am your host, the mongrel, and, as always, I thank you for tuning in.  And you can tune in to hear the best in new Indie tunes and news through Apple Podcasts. Google Podcasts, and now Spotify. Subscribe and never miss your music fix.

Editor's Note: Musicians' bio info comes from the artists, their websites, or their publicists. Click on names below to visit their websites where you can get the full story, photos, and very often video.

In addition to eight great tracks spanning several genre, I had a great interview with a brilliant duo unexpectedly drop into my lap this week. I think my conversation with Brooklyn-based, Charming Disaster, will more than make up for the lack of one last week. Their new album, SPELLS + RITUALS, just came out, and carries on their craft of spinning whimsically dark, slightly unhinged, stories through song. Although their summer tour has been scotched due to the pandemic, you can catch them outdoors at The Foundry, West Stockbridge, Massachusetts August 7th and 8th, if you happen to be in the neighborhood. I happen to know it’s a great space, a really great venue, so even it’s a bit of a haul for you, what the hell, make a weekend of it. Worse places to be in summer than the Berkshires. Ticket info available in the shownotes.

WELL! I’ve got so, so many great tunes that I wanted to share with you and zero self-control. Makes for a bit of a bloated episode this week, but I doubt you’ll mind. I’ve been cutting back on carbs, so maybe this is my way of filling that pasta hole, I don’t know. But let’s get to it right now with a couple artists who showed up on my radar just in the last little while.

Best Not Broken (6:53)

Ever since the launch of my first podcast, featuring Beantown artists, I’ve always been a sucker for a great Boston band. So there’s a familiar comfort to the sounds of the 2016 New England Music Awards winner, Best Not Broken. Their blend of rock and power pop is infectious, and the lyrics are wicked smaht — all evident in the single, “Red Flags,” released in late 2019. They’ve shared stages with such diverse greats as Pat Benetar to Jason Derulo.

.ugb-6a838cf .ugb-img{width:800px;height:auto !important;-webkit-mask-image:url('');mask-image:url('')}.ugb-6a838cf .ugb-feature__title{font-family:"Roboto Condensed",Sans-serif !important;font-weight:100;letter-spacing:0.5px;color:#eeffb5;margin-bottom:14px !important}.ugb-6a838cf .ugb-feature__description{font-family:"Palatino Linotype",Palatino,Palladio,"URW Palladio L","Book Antiqua",Baskerville,"Bookman Old Style","Bitstream Charter","Nimbus Roman No9 L",Garamond,"Apple Garamond","ITC Garamond Narrow","New Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook L",Georgia,serif !important;font-size:18px;color:#ffffff;margin-bottom:30px !important}.ugb-6a838cf .ugb-inner-block{text-align:left}.ugb-6a838cf.ugb-feature{background-color:#cf2e2e;background-attachment:fixed;background-image:url(https://www.indiecent-exposure.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/20180916_125420.jpg);background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover}.ugb-6a838cf.ugb-feature:before{background-color:#cf2e2e;opacity:0.3}@media screen and (min-width:768px){.ugb-6a838cf .

1h 19 min