28 min

Mobile World Content The TBI Podcast

    • Cine y TV

This week’s pod features Gossip Girl's Ed Westwick, writer Jimmy McGovern, journalist Mischa Glenny and director Hossein Amini talking about their new shows at the BBC Worldwide Showcase. Plus, Stuart Thomson from our techy sister title Digital TV Europe reports from Barcelona about the content players wooing the telcos at the gigantic Mobile World Congress trade show, and Jesse Whittock and Stewart Clarke discuss YouTube TV, Netflix’s European spend and the future for ITV

This week’s pod features Gossip Girl's Ed Westwick, writer Jimmy McGovern, journalist Mischa Glenny and director Hossein Amini talking about their new shows at the BBC Worldwide Showcase. Plus, Stuart Thomson from our techy sister title Digital TV Europe reports from Barcelona about the content players wooing the telcos at the gigantic Mobile World Congress trade show, and Jesse Whittock and Stewart Clarke discuss YouTube TV, Netflix’s European spend and the future for ITV

28 min

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