3 min

QNews for May 12th 2024 Q-News AR News from Queensland

    • Pasatiempos

Hello, I’m Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I’ve been thinking. I don’t know about you but I find it hard to pull rabbits out of a hat or even hit the ground running, these days. With the best will in the world I can say that things aren’t what they used to be for me 10, 20 years and more ago. The realisation that one’s circumstances are changing is perhaps the sign of maturity or for some, I believe, its a shock to the whole understanding of life. Now I have raised this contentious subject of age because we have to accept on a personal level that our capacities change but for most of us, we have the memories and understanding of what life was like for us at various ages. This is experience that we should be able to harness in taking an interest in the expanding field of amateur radio. Just because we are young or just because we are mature doesn’t mean our value as a person is any less or more than our fellows. We are unique individuals with a tremendous capacity to learn and grow and be able to share some of that capacity with others. This, of course, is a hobby horse of many in the radio community who wish to see the whole spectrum of activities available to us populated by people with a burning desire to pass the enjoyment on to more and more people. To do that is to ensure that our children and their children will have the opportunity to take part, as we are doing, with the knowledge that a radio ham is a good person. That may seem to be a wishy-washy sentiment but if we all accept the virtues in the Amateurs Code then we have the beacon that has guided our predecessors and our peers through the years. So I suppose the question for each of us becomes, do we want to be ready to help someone join the community? Then what do I do when the opportunity comes knocking? Can I as an individual operator provide the mentoring or can I call on a local club to offer support and friendship, too? Talking of clubs; has your club started the conversation with members as how to progress AR? I suppose after my recent challenge there has been time to really hit the road running on this proposal. With an evolving set of guidelines from the ACMA under the new license regime and a newly constituted WIA Board in place to represent us it really seems to be an opportunity that, as they say, is too good to miss. As much as the activities on air and at the bench must define the role of the wireless enthusiast, the radio amateur, the ham, it is the effort that goes into maintaining the governing structures that sustains this recreation. Moving with the times and not remaining fossilised on the shelf of past glories is as important as gathering entries in the log or chasing another certificate. I’m Geoff Emery VK4ZPP and that’s what I think….how about you? -------------------------------------------------------------------

Hallo everyone, this is Graham VK4BB reminding you that today, being the first Sunday of of the month, it's time for the QNEWS Social Calender for VK4 to go to air. Social Scene Clubs are welcome to submit text with audio for this section Caboolture Radio Club Hamfest July 11 (vk7jea) GOLD COAST HAMFEST OCTOBER 13 at Nerang Country Paradise Parklands 231 Beaudesert-Nerang Road Nerang. (vk4DMH)

Hello, I’m Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I’ve been thinking. I don’t know about you but I find it hard to pull rabbits out of a hat or even hit the ground running, these days. With the best will in the world I can say that things aren’t what they used to be for me 10, 20 years and more ago. The realisation that one’s circumstances are changing is perhaps the sign of maturity or for some, I believe, its a shock to the whole understanding of life. Now I have raised this contentious subject of age because we have to accept on a personal level that our capacities change but for most of us, we have the memories and understanding of what life was like for us at various ages. This is experience that we should be able to harness in taking an interest in the expanding field of amateur radio. Just because we are young or just because we are mature doesn’t mean our value as a person is any less or more than our fellows. We are unique individuals with a tremendous capacity to learn and grow and be able to share some of that capacity with others. This, of course, is a hobby horse of many in the radio community who wish to see the whole spectrum of activities available to us populated by people with a burning desire to pass the enjoyment on to more and more people. To do that is to ensure that our children and their children will have the opportunity to take part, as we are doing, with the knowledge that a radio ham is a good person. That may seem to be a wishy-washy sentiment but if we all accept the virtues in the Amateurs Code then we have the beacon that has guided our predecessors and our peers through the years. So I suppose the question for each of us becomes, do we want to be ready to help someone join the community? Then what do I do when the opportunity comes knocking? Can I as an individual operator provide the mentoring or can I call on a local club to offer support and friendship, too? Talking of clubs; has your club started the conversation with members as how to progress AR? I suppose after my recent challenge there has been time to really hit the road running on this proposal. With an evolving set of guidelines from the ACMA under the new license regime and a newly constituted WIA Board in place to represent us it really seems to be an opportunity that, as they say, is too good to miss. As much as the activities on air and at the bench must define the role of the wireless enthusiast, the radio amateur, the ham, it is the effort that goes into maintaining the governing structures that sustains this recreation. Moving with the times and not remaining fossilised on the shelf of past glories is as important as gathering entries in the log or chasing another certificate. I’m Geoff Emery VK4ZPP and that’s what I think….how about you? -------------------------------------------------------------------

Hallo everyone, this is Graham VK4BB reminding you that today, being the first Sunday of of the month, it's time for the QNEWS Social Calender for VK4 to go to air. Social Scene Clubs are welcome to submit text with audio for this section Caboolture Radio Club Hamfest July 11 (vk7jea) GOLD COAST HAMFEST OCTOBER 13 at Nerang Country Paradise Parklands 231 Beaudesert-Nerang Road Nerang. (vk4DMH)

3 min