3 episodios

The Possession Project is an eclectic audio documentary series exploring the curious and uniquely human impulse to acquire and accumulate stuff. Join journalist Kelly Crowe as she investigates the causes and consequences of our possession obsession. Each episode has 1) an audio documentary which is available on all of the podcast platforms and 2) an original essay with supporting photos, videos and links available at ThePossessionProject.ca

The Possession Project Kelly Crowe

    • Cultura y sociedad

The Possession Project is an eclectic audio documentary series exploring the curious and uniquely human impulse to acquire and accumulate stuff. Join journalist Kelly Crowe as she investigates the causes and consequences of our possession obsession. Each episode has 1) an audio documentary which is available on all of the podcast platforms and 2) an original essay with supporting photos, videos and links available at ThePossessionProject.ca

    Letters in the Attic

    Letters in the Attic

    Amid our chaotic jumble of possessions, there is usually a shoebox in the attic, perhaps many boxes, filled with cards and letters, handwritten fragments of a life. These notes, diaries and journals are uniquely personal records that preserve our stories like fossils for future historians, biographers and archivists. But it’s a vanishing resource as pen and ink are replaced by texting, emailing, and voice messaging—digital communications that are transient and vulnerable to technical obsolesc...

    • 55 min
    The Continental Wanderer: Tales told by a typewriter

    The Continental Wanderer: Tales told by a typewriter

    This episode of The Possession Project is a story about the revealing traces of identity and personality that we leave on our former possessions, told through the history of a typewriter. There’s something appealing about a typewriter—its mechanical precision, its ingenious design, the distinctive tap tap tap of a human thought made suddenly visible, stamped in ink on a piece of paper. The mystique of the typewriter has something to do with the magnetic aura of writers and the physical e...

    • 35 min
    The Day the Music Died at the Dump

    The Day the Music Died at the Dump

    There’s something profoundly unsettling about watching a piano being pushed off the back of a truck. The awful shuddering noise as it flies though the air and lands on the garbage pile. And then there’s the silence as it lays there, a hulking carcass, keyboard face down among the rolls of old carpet and the rest of the household trash. This sad fate awaits many old pianos. I discovered this by accident, while browsing some online buy ...

    • 54 min

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