28 min

秋日野营指南 Autumn Camping: A Guide | Mixtape 银河系漫游手册

    • Design

DJ: Yolling
这一期 Mixtape 里的音乐,很凑巧地组成了几幕秋日野营的图景:
从钻进吉普车从花园里出发,车途中的白日梦,到 hunting,partying on a floating cake,从夜晚伴着肖斯塔科维奇的华尔兹跳舞,到黑夜中的燥郁与自省,最后在雾气蒸腾起来的刹那迎来光亮。
Ready for an autumn camp?
Music credits:
1. Garden View - Hales Corner
2. Sleeping In - The Radio Dept.
3. The Hunt - Youth Lagoon
4. Party on a Floating Cake - Dustin Wong / 嶺川贵子
5. Suite for Jazz Orchestra No.1 - 1. Waltz - Dmitri Shostakovich
6. Keep in the Dark - Temples
7. Glass in the Park - Alex Turner
8. The Fog Rose High - Craft Spells
*This episode was originally aired on Sep 5, 2016.
放松呼吸,精神漫游 –「银河系漫游手册」is curated by Yolling and brought to you by Marcast.

DJ: Yolling
这一期 Mixtape 里的音乐,很凑巧地组成了几幕秋日野营的图景:
从钻进吉普车从花园里出发,车途中的白日梦,到 hunting,partying on a floating cake,从夜晚伴着肖斯塔科维奇的华尔兹跳舞,到黑夜中的燥郁与自省,最后在雾气蒸腾起来的刹那迎来光亮。
Ready for an autumn camp?
Music credits:
1. Garden View - Hales Corner
2. Sleeping In - The Radio Dept.
3. The Hunt - Youth Lagoon
4. Party on a Floating Cake - Dustin Wong / 嶺川贵子
5. Suite for Jazz Orchestra No.1 - 1. Waltz - Dmitri Shostakovich
6. Keep in the Dark - Temples
7. Glass in the Park - Alex Turner
8. The Fog Rose High - Craft Spells
*This episode was originally aired on Sep 5, 2016.
放松呼吸,精神漫游 –「银河系漫游手册」is curated by Yolling and brought to you by Marcast.

28 min

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