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    菜英文- 三間最美星巴克「英語閱讀」220

    菜英文- 三間最美星巴克「英語閱讀」220


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    菜英文- 三間最美星巴克「英語閱讀」220


    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位


    1 A beautiful European-style歐洲風格 garden surrounds周圍 the two-story兩層樓 天母天玉門市, giving people the illusion幻覺 that they are in a European garden.

    2 In 天母, Starbucks opened its first store, making it a unique獨特 landmark地標.

    3 People who like it can also come here for a look and a cup of coffee without having to go to the mountains山 or sea, or take a plane to go overseas海外.

    4 It feels like you're in a foreign外國 country國家.

    5 The "Starbucks 蓮理想門市" in 壽豐鄉, Hualien is the first fairy tale童話 version版本 of Starbucks in Taiwan.

    6 Unlike ordinary平常 Starbucks, this store looks like a log原木 cabin小屋 from a fairy tale童話.

    7 Every angle角度 is as beautiful as a painting繪畫, with cypress柏樹 trees reflecting反射 the lake湖, making Hualien the most beautiful area區域 in Taiwan.

    8Located in the 泰安服務區 , the newly opened "泰安南門市" is Starbucks' first fantasy幻想 building建築 block積木 castle城堡 store!

    9 As part of the overall全面 design設計 concept概念, multiple多個 three-dimensional square正方形 building blocks積木 are used to stack堆 the main body of the building建築, echoing重複 the theme 主題of "Happiness Station.".

    10 Colors in the store are refreshing耳目一新 and bright明亮, making it quite stylish時髦!

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    • 6 min
    菜英文- 悶悶不樂怎麼說?「英語情境」219

    菜英文- 悶悶不樂怎麼說?「英語情境」219

    菜英文- 悶悶不樂怎麼說?「英語情境」219


    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位


    1 Why are you wearing a long face悶悶不樂?

    2 I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling down不開心.

    3 Is there anything specific具體 that happened recently最近 that might be causing引起 your long face?

    4 Sharing your thoughts想法 and feelings can often經常 help in finding a solution解決方案 or providing提供 support支持.

    5 You can start開始 by talking to someone you trust信任, like a friend or a family member家人.

    6 You can also reach out to尋求幫助 a professional專業 counselor顧問 or therapist治療師.

    7 Or, if you need some quiet安靜 time, you can always總是 take a few moments時刻 to yourself你自己.

    8 Taking a few deep breaths深呼吸 or going for a walk can help clear your head and reduce減少 your stress壓力 levels.

    9 Writing down your thoughts can also be beneficial有利.

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    • 7 min
    菜英文- 葫蘆墩「英語閱讀」218

    菜英文- 葫蘆墩「英語閱讀」218

    創造 Podcast 廣告商機,首選 Firstory「DAI 動態廣告服務」。
    一筆預算便可投放至多檔節目,讓您的廣告觸及最大化,即刻來信 Firstory 投放廣告,即享受 85 折優惠。

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    菜英文- 葫蘆墩「英語閱讀」218


    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位


    1 There is also a free parking lot停車處 near 葫蘆墩夜市, and the transportation運輸 is convenient方便.

    2 There are a variety種類 of buses that run to and from the night market, as well as taxis and Ubers.

    3 It is said that during the Qing Dynasty清朝, peopel from 福建 came to Taiwan to open up wasteland未開墾地 and introduced引入 streams溪流 for irrigation灌溉, forming成型 a gourd-shaped mound高地.

    4 葫蘆墩夜市 not only has daily日常 necessities必需品 and various各種各樣 snacks, but also has many game stalls攤位, including包括 claw machines娃娃機, ring traps套圈圈, children's air-cushion氣墊 castles城堡 and other stalls攤位.

    5 Adults and children can have a great time playing.
    東豐自行車綠廊 is the country's first bicycle lane自行車道 converted轉換 from an abandoned廢棄 railway鐵路 track小道 which is nearby the night market.

    6 Parents家長 and children孩子們 who like to visit訪問 台中豐原 can also include 台灣氣球博物館 and 寶熊漁樂館 in their itinerary行程.

    7 The museum features特色 a variety of balloons氣球, from traditional傳統 to more modern現代 designs設計.

    8 寶熊漁樂館 is a fishing-themed釣魚為主題 amusement娛樂 park that is perfect for families with young children.

    9 It offers various attractions景點 and activities活動, such as fishing釣魚 races比賽. 

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    • 6 min
    菜英文- Kia「英語閱讀」217

    菜英文- Kia「英語閱讀」217

    菜英文- Kia「英語閱讀」217


    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位


    The South Korean automaker汽車製造商 Kia produces生產 cars, SUVs, and minivans小型貨車, among other vehicles汽車.

    Known熟悉 for their affordability可購性 and reliability可靠性, Kia cars offer提供 high-quality高質量 features特徵 and technology技術 at an affordable負擔得起 price價格.

    Kia cars are popular受歡迎 worldwide全世界 due to由於 their sleek時髦 designs設計 and efficient高效 performance表現.

    Kia cars can vary變化 in price價格 depending取決於 on the model模型, features特徵, and location地點.

    A new Kia car can cost花費 between $15,000 and $40,000.

    A performance-driven性能驅動 vehicle車輛, the Kia Stinger is a sporty運動 and stylish有型 car.

    Stinger's powerful強大 engine and sleek design make it perfect完美 for those seeking尋求 a balance平衡 between luxury奢華 and speed速度.

    Drivers駕駛 who want an exhilarating振奮 and comfortable舒服 driving experience經驗 will also enjoy its interior's內飾 comfort舒適 and convenience方便.

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    • 5 min
    菜英文- 黑色的力量「英語閱讀」216

    菜英文- 黑色的力量「英語閱讀」216

    🎉宜得利家居 夏日年中慶|6/21~7/23
    ②加碼滿額抽北海道雙人來回機票或Epson 4K電玩雷射大電視 
    ③N COOL涼感系列寢具、寵物床等生活小物指定品95折 

    —— 以上為 FMTaiwan 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

    菜英文- 黑色的力量「英語閱讀」216


    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位


    Cardiovascular心血管 disease疾病 can be prevented阻止 by eating chocolate.

    Dark chocolate contains包含 polyphenols多酚, which are antioxidants抗氧化劑 that can help reduce減少 inflammation炎症 and prevent防止 heart disease心臟病.

    Eating chocolate can also help lower降低 blood血 pressure壓力 and improve提升 cholesterol膽固醇 levels水平.

    Chocolate also contains magnesium鎂, which can help to relax放鬆 the blood vessels血管 and reduce strain on the heart.

    It is also high in potassium鉀, which helps to regulate調節 blood pressure.

    Additionally此外, chocolate contains flavonoids黃酮類, which can reduce減少 blood clot凝塊 risk風險.

    Dark chocolate must contain at least 80% cocoa可可, as well as antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation and reduce cancer癌症 risk.

    White chocolate only contains sugar糖 and fat脂肪.

    It is not chocolate. 

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    • 5 min
    菜英文- 滑動態怎麼說?!「英語閱讀」215

    菜英文- 滑動態怎麼說?!「英語閱讀」215

    🎉宜得利家居 夏日年中慶|6/21~7/23
    ②加碼滿額抽北海道雙人來回機票或Epson 4K電玩雷射大電視 
    ③N COOL涼感系列寢具、寵物床等生活小物指定品95折 

    —— 以上為 FMTaiwan 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

    菜英文- 滑動態怎麼說?!「英語閱讀」215


    目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位


    "Ad breaks" are Instagram's new non-skippable ads, which require要求 users用戶 to watch them before they can continue繼續.

    Instagram's major主要 shift手段 could increase增加 revenue收入 and impact影響 user engagement參與度 by ensuring確保 advertisers廣告商 see their ads.

    Ads on social media社交媒體 have become變得 increasingly日益 prevalent普遍的 in recent最近 years.
    In order to maximize最大化 profits利潤, social media platforms continuously連續 optimize最佳 ad delivery遞送. 

    Furthermore此外, social networks社交網絡 consistently一貫 track追踪 user screen螢幕 time as one of their key metrics指標. 

    In addition to affecting影響 the user experience經驗 on the platform平台, long screen time also leads引領 to more ads being viewed查看. 

    As a result因此, Instagram is testing non-skippable ads as a new way to display展示 ads.

    In the future, Instagram's ads are mandatory強制 pauses停頓 during feeds scrolling 滑動態, when users must watch an ad lasting持久 3 to 10 seconds before continuing. 

    Non-skippable ads on YouTube are similar相似 to this type類型 of ad.

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    • 7 min

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