29 min

185. Overcome Isolation and Loneliness By Plugging Into a Supportive Community Blended Family Breakthrough

    • Parenting

Have the challenges of blending a family ever left you feeling alone?Maybe you've felt like you're the only one experiencing the unique realities of blended family life.Maybe you're struggling with parenting complexities and your friends just don't get it. Or communication is tense in your couple relationship and your extended family can't seem to understand why.Maybe the kids are acting out or shutting down and it's hard to explain to everyone around you. Or maybe there's ongoing...

Have the challenges of blending a family ever left you feeling alone?Maybe you've felt like you're the only one experiencing the unique realities of blended family life.Maybe you're struggling with parenting complexities and your friends just don't get it. Or communication is tense in your couple relationship and your extended family can't seem to understand why.Maybe the kids are acting out or shutting down and it's hard to explain to everyone around you. Or maybe there's ongoing...

29 min