
Entrepreneur Podcast

Entrepreneur interviews don't normally have laughs in them. But that is what you can expect in the unexpected business show Join Up Dots. Follow the words of the late Steve Jobs and "connect the dots" with business men, entrepreneurs and everyone else in between in this top ranked podcast.

  1. 13/03/2016

    Archive 200: Sean Swarner: Training The World How To Have The Mindset To Take Action And Smash Goals

    If you are looking for a story on huge action taking, then todays guest for the milestone 200th episode of the Join Up Dots Steve Jobs inspired archive podcast, is the only man that I wanted for the job......in fact I held back from recording this show so he could appear. And why did I feel that way? Well after 199 episodes of Join Up Dots, hopefully you will feel like I do that they are motivational, inspiring, challenging and the kind of content that makes you believe that everything is possible. They teach you that careers are not given to you, but are instead made. They teach you how to set goals, take action and have the mindset to have the kind of lifestyle that is more than just earning money. They teach you how to live a life that is your dreamlife. But if this is the first show that you have listened to then...believe me, just hearing about this guys story will leave you feeling that its time to get going. When he was a young man at ages 13 and 16, this wannabe entrepreneur received news that would knock most people off their feet. He had cancer and not just one type but two completely different types, which left him listening to his last rights and waiting to die. He was given only fourteen days grace, but instead of passing on as expected he astounded the medical community when he survived both these brutal diseases and also a medically-induced coma for a year. This courage to beat the odds and take on a challenge that many deemed as impossible left him with the realisation that no challenge would ever be too great or any peak too high. He proved this theory when he crested the peak of the highest point in the world (Mount Everest) with only partial use of his lungs. As the first cancer survivor to do so, he then decided to continue climbing and has since topped the highest peaks in Africa, Europe, South America, Australia, Antarctica, and North America. But this isn't a story about a man with super human strength or support, a solopreneur with the inside track to succcess. This is a story of total belief in himself and what he can achieve. Inspiring us all to dream bigger and go for the impossible. He is voted one of the top eight most inspirational people of all time, so it with great delight to bring onto the Steve Jobs inspired podcast how to start joining up dots, the one and only solopreneur and adventurer Sean Swarner. Links: Cover image Click to view: show page on Awesound

    1h 4m
  2. 13/03/2016

    Archive 199: Mike Domitrz: How To Live A Life Worth Journaling About

    Todays guest solopreneur is a man who has a harrowing story, but it is a story that you think "Man that is terrible, but wow he has turned this into a positive. Bigtime" And as we see time and time again on the Join Up Dots archive podcast, our guest will find their path in life due to a situation that you wouldn't wish on anyone. But they move from the dark place into the light by perseverance, love, understanding and curiosity. Of there is a lot of setting goals and taking huge action too Back in 1989, he has a phone call that changed his life. He had been advised that his sister had been raped. What could he do to help? What could he do to support his sister? Well for two years, he struggled to deal with the rape and the effect it had on his life – both as the brother of a rape victim and as a male. He transferred colleges – so he could be close to home and his sister during the trial. And once back home with his family, he saw the pain, rage and sadness his parents, relatives, and family friends were also going through. The sexual assault of his sister had changed many people’s lives. And it was with this dawning realisation that an assault like this was as much based on lack of understanding of what is the correct way to conduct yourself with someone else, as it was a crime. It was the worlds lack of understanding, or specific training in regards to the the personal right of personal standards that was the problem. Could he change the mind-set of youngster, adults and anyone with a sexual urge to realise that there was a way of interacting with each other that wasn't happening. And over ten years, he worked, talked, discussed, reviewed and developed training to teach the "Can I Kiss You" platform, where he uses humour to break down the barriers of this taboo subject. And now he travels the world bringing his message to the world. As he says ""I do feel the work is a calling. The traveling does not get tiring because I know I'm going somewhere to get the opportunity to open minds and inspire a new way of thinking. I get the wonderful honor and opportunity to plant the seed for them to take care of and nourish." He is an author, speaker, father of four and husband to his beloved wife, and now here ready to join up his dots, so its with great pleasure that I bring onto the show the one and only solopreneur and man on a mission Mike Domitriz Links: Cover image Click to view: show page on Awesound

    1h 8m
  3. 13/03/2016

    Archive 198: Marilyn August: A Solopreneur Who Shows How To Believe That Money Is Good

    Todays guest solopreneur joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast interview is the queen of Ka-ching!, a lady who literally knows how to change the mindset of all of us to become profit attracting experts Her motto is “You can't grow your business without growing yourself.” She advises business owners on how to translate their technical expertise into sustainable growth profits. But it's not just about businesses, as she is also the go to resource for solopreneurs too. Those guys and ladies looking to build a lifestyle built around their income production. And is that experience to relate to all walks of life that has changed her life completely, since taking the Leap of faith and going alone. She is an author and advisor on the topic of attracting high-paying clients and growing your business revenues with integrity. Along with her book - Wealthy U- Seven Sacred Wealth & Wisdom Lessons - her sales and marketing tools have been used for 20 years to dramatically improve the lives of everyone she speaks to. But the interesting thing about her, is although she can teach us all how to increase the wealth coming our way, she also had those same self-limiting thoughts that we all have. Money should be hard to earn. Rich people are greedy. And to get rich you have to get dirty, and do things that aren't congruent with our own morals. She had to battle through and realise in her heart of hearts that this wasn't true. So how did she change these negative ideas that were so deeply rooted within her? And how did she take the talents that she was demonstrating daily in her corporate life and bring it all together to form her own her company? Well let's find out, as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Marilyn August. Links: Cover image Click to view: show page on Awesound

    1h 14m
  4. 13/03/2016

    Archive 197: Ousmane Ndoye: An Author Knowing How To Keep It Real

    Todays guest solopreneur is a man with a fascinating tale, of hardship, persecution, and a burning desire to create the best life he could hope for. Raised in a small fishing village in Senegal, West Africa, as a child he endured abuse, profound humiliation and the breakup of his parents at the tender age of two This is of course is not what any child hopes for, and he found it particularly hard to accept as he looked around at his friends who all seemed to have the family life that he would have wanted. Then later at age five he was taken to live in a compound of more than 100 people, living in extreme close proximity to each other. It was here where he quickly learned to defend himself, and to develop the inner power that he needed to flourish in this unstable environment, where so many people fought for survival on a daily basis. It was a hard, brutal start to his life, but one that he wouldn't allow to determine his future. He knew that he wanted a life in America, and so at the age of 21, with just a few belongs and a gallon of water, he left Senegal, and amazingly managed to walk across the Sahara desert by foot between Algeria and Libya in six arduous days. He had his dream and he wouldn't give up on it. Well he did it, and even now many years after setting foot on the continent he is pushing himself to greater and greater achievements. He is the author of "No Excuses, how to pursue a better life and lift others for a better world", and his "Mile High Momentum" training platform, he is about as far away from his beginning as it possible. But what was it about the American dream that filled him with such hope from his life in Africa? And when he started that walk across the desert did he truly believe that he would be where he is today? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, the one and only Mr Ousmane Ndoye Links: Cover image Click to view: show page on Awesound

    1h 5m
  5. 13/03/2016

    Archive 196: Mark A Lack: How To Take The Action To Outperform Your Own Identity

    Our guest today lives his life by two rules. And these are two rules that by and large most people will try to keep away from, and then they wonder why they haven’t got their dream life. He believes that You can’t be afraid to take a risk. You absolutely MUST have a plan. And then if you know anything about him, he adds to the mix a huge belief in himself, a flexing hustle muscle that he demonstrates everyday, and an easy going nature that helps him reach out to the movers and shakers across the globe. As a young man, he didn't have the desire to be the solopreneur or entrepreneur that he is today. Instead he had a burning passion to become a professional paintballer, and upon getting his first gun from his parents set out to achieve his aim. And it seems that what he wants to do, he makes sure that he does its as within four years he had travelled the world shooting capsules of paint at people winning $300,000 dollars in the process. Even gaining the top prize of $160,000 in just one weekend. But at his core burned a question. A question that had occurred to him several years earlier, and had remain within him. Gnawing away. He asked himself “If people can come from nothing and create insane amounts of wealth in one lifetime, then shouldn’t someone like myself coming from a middle class family who has the support from their family and lives in “The Land of Opportunity” be able to easily do the same thing?” Wow, for a fourteen year old kid that shows awareness beyond his years. He realised at any early age that comfort creates mediocrity, and pain motives change. And now after investing over $500,000 of his own money on self development, and spending time with the likes of Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and even Arnold Schwarzenegger he is taking those personal skills and sharing them with the world with his Peak Performance Club. But how does someone at the age of 14 start thinking in such an advanced way, especially when it appears he didn’t have anything to force him to think that way? How did he start taking the action that helped him achieve the big goals? And where does he find the greatest need within the people that he coaches and inspires across the world? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only coaching solopreneur Mr Mark A Lack. Links: Cover image Click to view: show page on Awesound

    1h 12m
  6. 13/03/2016

    Archive 195: Simon T Bailey: A Solopreneur Training The World In How To Become Brilliant

    Todays guest solopreneur joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast is a man whose path to greatness started slowly. As a child he didn't really set the world alight whilst attending McKinley High School, a trade school in Buffalo. He failed many of his classes, as well as not managing to make the grade at football, basketball or track & field teams either. It was as if no matter what he tried to succeed at he just couldn't get it going. His career was always going to be something distant to what he truly knew would make him happy. But like so many people in life, who struggle to find their path, it wasn't until he transferred to a different location, in this case Bennett High School that he found that he was trying to achieve in areas that weren't naturally him. He stumbled across something that It was there where he found his passion for public speaking, and used his silver tongue to wow his peer group, becoming Senior Class President. And now he started to get going. He had found something that he could do better than most. But its ok, to have a silver tongue, but how can you take this talent and use it for maximum effect and become a solopreneur that rocks the world? Well, he realised that he would use it to help inspire individuals and organisations find their brilliance. He would help the world tap into the talents that they were given at birth, and start shining brighter than they have ever done before. And he has done that very thing better than most. He is quoted as one of the best keynote speakers ever heard or used, putting him in the same category as Bill Gates, General Colin Powell and Tony Robbins. And as an author of seven books, helping the world discover their thing, he is a man on a mission. But there is so much more to him than just having a brain and tongue that inspires those that he comes into contact with. Which is what we will fnd out today. So what was it about the first school that just didn't fit with him? And why does he feel that people are unaware of just how brilliant that they can be not just in America but really everywhere across the globe? Well lets find out, as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only, Mr Simon T Bailey Links: Cover image Click to view: show page on Awesound

    1h 5m
  7. 13/03/2016

    Archive 194:Emilie Shoop: A Solopreneur Who Knows How To Look For The Good In Everyone

    Todays guest is a lady who is talking my language when it comes to staff development. If you have listened to a few of the shows, you will have heard me wax lyrical as to why companies focus in on the things that employees can't do, and pretty much ignore the things they can. It seems lunacy to me that strengths are not developed to the highest level possible. But for some reason they are not. Well, our guest found that same belief when she was in her first manager role, and whilst sitting in her office got a phone call from a colleague. Her colleague was extremely upset as she had just received her annual performance review and felt beat up and worthless. She shared that she had been barely recognized for the things she was good at, and marked down for things that just weren’t in her nature. And with these words, our guests life was changed forever “Why can’t they just accept me for who I am? I’m 35 years old, I’m not going to change.” An so with those words ringing in her ear, she set off to change the lives of employees across America. She is a speaker, coach, author and founder of Shoop Training & Consulting so certainly has a lot on her plate at the moment. But what was it about this one employee that really hit home, more than any of the others that she had managed during her corporate life? And how can people find their key strengths in life, and then most importantly convince their management to let them flourish in these areas? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Emilie Shoop. Links: Cover image Click to view: show page on Awesound

    1h 10m


Entrepreneur interviews don't normally have laughs in them. But that is what you can expect in the unexpected business show Join Up Dots. Follow the words of the late Steve Jobs and "connect the dots" with business men, entrepreneurs and everyone else in between in this top ranked podcast.

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