39 min

EP116: How to Overcome Your Fears in Your Career & Life Coaching for Millennials: A How to Guide for All Things Life & Career | Helping People Design their Career & Life Roadmap By

    • Careers

Today, we’re getting down into the roots of fear, understanding where it comes from, and how we can use it as fuel for success. Let’s dive in!”

Dissecting Fear: Where Does it Live?

Fear isn’t all bad – evolutionarily, it kept us safe. Our modern fears: failure, rejection, the unknown, public speaking, being ’seen’. How fear manifests: avoidance, procrastination, self-sabotage. Fear, Imposter Syndrome, & Limiting Beliefs Our inner critic - it’s fueled by fear. ”I’m not good enough,” ”I’ll fail” – these are FEAR talking, not truth.

Limiting beliefs hold us back from opportunities and personal growth. Courage: The Antidote It’s NOT about being fearless, but acting in spite of fear. Small acts of courage build confidence – like raising your hand in a meeting! Courage lets us pivot – saying ’no’, or changing careers when we’re unhappy.

Strategies for Mastering Your Fears Acknowledgement:

Name your fear (it loses power in the light). Challenge your thoughts: Is this fear realistic? What’s the worst that could happen? Reframing: See fear as a sign you’re stepping into growth territory. Visualization: Imagine yourself succeeding despite the fear.

Call to Action

”What’s ONE tiny but courageous act you can commit to this week? Maybe it’s sending that job application, asking for that raise, or even just having that difficult conversation. Write it down, put it somewhere visible, and DO IT!

Today, we’re getting down into the roots of fear, understanding where it comes from, and how we can use it as fuel for success. Let’s dive in!”

Dissecting Fear: Where Does it Live?

Fear isn’t all bad – evolutionarily, it kept us safe. Our modern fears: failure, rejection, the unknown, public speaking, being ’seen’. How fear manifests: avoidance, procrastination, self-sabotage. Fear, Imposter Syndrome, & Limiting Beliefs Our inner critic - it’s fueled by fear. ”I’m not good enough,” ”I’ll fail” – these are FEAR talking, not truth.

Limiting beliefs hold us back from opportunities and personal growth. Courage: The Antidote It’s NOT about being fearless, but acting in spite of fear. Small acts of courage build confidence – like raising your hand in a meeting! Courage lets us pivot – saying ’no’, or changing careers when we’re unhappy.

Strategies for Mastering Your Fears Acknowledgement:

Name your fear (it loses power in the light). Challenge your thoughts: Is this fear realistic? What’s the worst that could happen? Reframing: See fear as a sign you’re stepping into growth territory. Visualization: Imagine yourself succeeding despite the fear.

Call to Action

”What’s ONE tiny but courageous act you can commit to this week? Maybe it’s sending that job application, asking for that raise, or even just having that difficult conversation. Write it down, put it somewhere visible, and DO IT!

39 min