12 min

Episódio 1: Oligúria e Fraqueza muscular ElaboreMedicina

    • Medicine

Nathan, Dill, Bárbara e Amanda em uma conversa rápida sobre Rabdomiólise induzida por cocaína. 


1. AGRAHARKAR, Mahendra. eMedicine Specialties> Nephrology> Acute Kidney Failure. 

2. BURNETT, Lynn Barkley; ROLDAN, C. J.; ADLER, J. Cocaine Toxicity. Medscape. com Edited, v. 5, 2012. 

3. CARRASCO, Rodrigo; SALINAS, Mauricio; ROSSEL, Víctor. Rabdomiólisis e insuficiencia renal aguda por consumo de cocaína: caso clínico. Rev. méd. Chile,  Santiago ,  v. 139, n. 4, p. 480-483,  abr.  2011 MITARITONNO, Michele et al. 

4. MILLER, M. L.; TARGOFF, I. N.; JEREMY, M. S. Clinical Manifestations and diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis. 2016. UpToDate, Post TW, Waltham, MA https://www. uptodate. com/contents/clinical-manifestations-and-diagnosis-of-rhabdomyolysis. 

5. MITARITONNO, Michele et al. Severe rhabdomyolysis induced by co-administration of cocaine and heroin in a 45 years old man treated with rosuvastatin: a case report. Acta Bio Medica: Atenei Parmensis, v. 92, n. Suppl 1, 2021. 

6.MUSCAL, Eyal. eMedicine Specialties> Pediatrics: General Medicine> Rheumatology. 

7. OLIVEIRA, Frederico Lage de. Rabdomiólise: revisão bibliográfica com base num caso clinico de etiologia rara. 2016. Tese de Doutorado. 

8. VANHOLDER, Raymond et al. Crush-related acute kidney injury (acute renal failure). UpToDate, Waltham, MA, 2011.

Nathan, Dill, Bárbara e Amanda em uma conversa rápida sobre Rabdomiólise induzida por cocaína. 


1. AGRAHARKAR, Mahendra. eMedicine Specialties> Nephrology> Acute Kidney Failure. 

2. BURNETT, Lynn Barkley; ROLDAN, C. J.; ADLER, J. Cocaine Toxicity. Medscape. com Edited, v. 5, 2012. 

3. CARRASCO, Rodrigo; SALINAS, Mauricio; ROSSEL, Víctor. Rabdomiólisis e insuficiencia renal aguda por consumo de cocaína: caso clínico. Rev. méd. Chile,  Santiago ,  v. 139, n. 4, p. 480-483,  abr.  2011 MITARITONNO, Michele et al. 

4. MILLER, M. L.; TARGOFF, I. N.; JEREMY, M. S. Clinical Manifestations and diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis. 2016. UpToDate, Post TW, Waltham, MA https://www. uptodate. com/contents/clinical-manifestations-and-diagnosis-of-rhabdomyolysis. 

5. MITARITONNO, Michele et al. Severe rhabdomyolysis induced by co-administration of cocaine and heroin in a 45 years old man treated with rosuvastatin: a case report. Acta Bio Medica: Atenei Parmensis, v. 92, n. Suppl 1, 2021. 

6.MUSCAL, Eyal. eMedicine Specialties> Pediatrics: General Medicine> Rheumatology. 

7. OLIVEIRA, Frederico Lage de. Rabdomiólise: revisão bibliográfica com base num caso clinico de etiologia rara. 2016. Tese de Doutorado. 

8. VANHOLDER, Raymond et al. Crush-related acute kidney injury (acute renal failure). UpToDate, Waltham, MA, 2011.

12 min