182 episodes

We at Family Brand want to raise a war cry to families everywhere. Now is the time to TAKE BACK YOUR FAMILY. Develop a family culture where relationships last, and each member of the family is seen and valued for who they are. It is absolutely possible to raise a family today without fear of the future. Define who you are as a family, and what you stand for. Stop looking at the future with fear and uncertainty and start looking forward with a possibility of more. More love. More joy. More connection. More resolve. The world needs strong families now more than ever. Let us show you how.

Family Brand: Take Back Your Family Family Brand

    • Kids & Family

We at Family Brand want to raise a war cry to families everywhere. Now is the time to TAKE BACK YOUR FAMILY. Develop a family culture where relationships last, and each member of the family is seen and valued for who they are. It is absolutely possible to raise a family today without fear of the future. Define who you are as a family, and what you stand for. Stop looking at the future with fear and uncertainty and start looking forward with a possibility of more. More love. More joy. More connection. More resolve. The world needs strong families now more than ever. Let us show you how.

    181. Blending Business with Family: Liz Hartke's Visionary Leadership Journey

    181. Blending Business with Family: Liz Hartke's Visionary Leadership Journey

    Trigger Warning: Towards the end of this conversation, we talk openly about the loss of Liz and her husband's newborn baby. While the content is not graphic, we depict the raw moments and hospital visits that led up to the tragic event. If you are walking through a similar experience and are still in the healing process, we encourage you to enjoy our feed of 180+ other episodes if this content hits too content too close to home, or hit play now to hear this incredible story! 
    Hey Family Brand community, Melissa here! Today, I’m super excited to bring you a conversation that’s both uplifting and deeply insightful. We're chatting with Liz Hartke, an extraordinary leader who seamlessly integrates deep family values into her bustling entrepreneurial life.
    Liz, the founder of Luminary Leadership Co., has built a career advising top entrepreneurs while also prioritizing her family, even through her personal hardships. In our chat, she opens up about how her roles as a business leader and a homeschooling mom intertwine, offering us a glimpse into her life of meaningful balance.
    We dive into how Liz uses her entrepreneurial spirit not only to lead in business but also to teach and connect with her children. She shares practical tips for other entrepreneurial parents on how to ensure their business enhances their family life rather than detracts from it.
    So, if you’re juggling family and business and wondering how to make it all work without compromising on either front, you’ll want to hear what Liz has to say. Hit play now to listen to the full episode!

    All Links Family Brand! 

    Links For This Episode:
    Episode Minute By Minute:
    0:30 - Introduction: Get to know the amazing Liz Hartke! 4:00 - Liz shares her journey into leadership and the founding of Luminary Leadership Co. 12:30 - Exploring how family and business blend seamlessly in Liz's life. 21:45 - A pivotal moment: Liz discusses a life-changing personal event. 30:00 - Liz offers wisdom on managing family dynamics with entrepreneurial goals. 38:50 - Impactful strategies: How Liz's personal philosophies influence her professional practices. 47:10 - Liz talks about the role of leadership in personal growth. 55:00 - Closing thoughts and how you can connect with Liz to deepen your own leadership journey.

    • 56 min
    180. Balancing Fun and Responsibility: Get that 'Dawg In You’ Summer Edition with Chris and Melissa

    180. Balancing Fun and Responsibility: Get that 'Dawg In You’ Summer Edition with Chris and Melissa

    Hey Family Brand community, Chris and Melissa here! We're so excited to reconnect with all of you and share what’s been happening in our world this so far this summer! We kicked off with an unforgettable trip across Europe, soaking in history and culture, which was a fantastic way for us all to grow and bond as a family.
    Back in Arizona, summer is in full swing with its fair share of sun and fun, but we’re also working hard to keep a balance between relaxation and structure. Our kids are really stepping up this year, tackling everything from sports to unique summer jobs, learning the value of hard work and entrepreneurship along the way. They've been selling everything from pecans to T-shirts, and it's a joy to see their creativity and perseverance in action.
    We also rely on our family vision board more than ever during these months. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that helps us align our daily activities with our broader goals for the summer. Whether it's learning new skills, saving up for a concert, or just making sure we have enough family downtime, that board keeps us all on track.
    Join us in this episode as we dive deeper into how we manage these dynamic summer days. We’ll share the successes, the learning moments, and how we're all growing together. So hit play now and let’s explore how to make the most of this fun season together!

    All Links Family Brand! 
    Episode Minute By Minute:
    0:20 - Introduction to summer themes and recent family travels. 1:00 - Reflecting on the benefits and lessons from our European travels. 3:00 - Balancing sports, travel, and other summer activities. 5:00 - Encouraging entrepreneurial spirit in our kids through summer jobs. 7:00 - The strategic use of our family vision board this summer. 9:00 - How we implement daily routines to maintain a good balance of structure and freedom. 11:00 - Sharing strategies and tips for other families to manage their summers. 13:00 - Discussing the importance of creating memorable summer experiences. 15:00 - Insights into how our planning affects family dynamics and individual growth. 17:00 - Thoughts on making the most of the summer. 19:00 - Closing remarks and encouragement for families to find their own summer rhythm.

    • 20 min
    179. Mastering Dad Mode: Insights from Tal Eyre on Building Strong Family Bonds

    179. Mastering Dad Mode: Insights from Tal Eyre on Building Strong Family Bonds

    Hey, Family Brand community! Melissa here, excited to introduce you to Tal Eyre, an extraordinary guest with a profound passion for fatherhood. As a senior captain of the Weber State University basketball team and a global business leader, Tal has combined his athletic, humanitarian, and business insights into a powerful approach to parenting.
    Living in the Swiss Alps with his wife Anita and daughter Annina, Tal has transformed his rich life experiences into a heartfelt mission to enhance family relationships. His book, "Dad Mode," explores these themes, aiming to equip fathers everywhere with the tools to deepen their connections with their children.
    During our podcast, Tal shared how his background as a father, athlete, and positive psychology expert influenced his parenting philosophy. He emphasized the importance of active engagement in children's lives, offering practical advice and personal anecdotes to inspire and guide other dads.
    We delved deep into the essence of "Dad Mode," discussing how fathers can use Tal's strategies to foster meaningful relationships within their families. His approach isn't just theoretical; it's a collection of actionable steps backed by his academic work and personal journey.
    To hear more about Tal's transformative parenting insights and how you can apply them in your own life, hit play now! Discover how to turn everyday challenges into opportunities for growth and connection.

    All Links Family Brand! 

    Links For This Episode:
    https://www.taleyre.com Book Link: https://amzn.to/3z3Smia

    Episode Minute By Minute:
    0:00 - Welcome and introduction to Tal Eyre. 1:30 - Tal discusses his athletic and academic background. 3:00 - Overview of "Dad Mode" and its impact on parenting. 5:00 - Tal's insights on the importance of father-child relationships. 10:00 - Discussion on integrating positive psychology into daily parenting. 15:00 - Tal shares personal anecdotes from his journey in fatherhood. 20:00 - Q&A with Tal on overcoming parenting challenges. 25:00 - Closing thoughts and how to access Tal's book!  

    • 35 min
    178. Dance Your Way to Family Wellness with Ashley Borromeo's TapFitFam

    178. Dance Your Way to Family Wellness with Ashley Borromeo's TapFitFam

    Hey, Family Brand community! Chris and Melissa here. Today, we're thrilled to introduce you to an extraordinary guest, Ashley Borromeo, the vibrant force behind TapFitFam, who's transforming how families engage with dance and each other.
    Ashley, a homeschooling mom and seasoned dance instructor, believes passionately in the power of movement. With over 30 years of dancing experience, she's developed a unique approach that combines dance, fitness, and family time into a harmonious blend that enriches lives and fosters deep connections.
    In our conversation, Ashley shared her journey from professional dancer to creating TapFitFam, where she encourages families to "DANCE Through Life." Her philosophy isn't just about physical movement but embracing life with joy, purpose, and a bit of rhythm. TapFitFam is more than dance lessons; it's about integrating dance into everyday family life to enhance health, happiness, and togetherness.
    We dove deep into how integrating dance into daily routines can significantly benefit both the body and mind. Ashley highlighted the cognitive benefits of dance, like improving memory and coordination, which are particularly impactful for children as they develop. But it's not just for kids; adults too can rediscover their groove and perhaps even tap into their youthfulness.
    Hit play now to hear the full episode and learn how you can bring dance into your family's daily life for better health and more joyful moments together!
    Links To This Episode: https://www.tapfitfam.com/ashley-borromeo-speaker-page
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/ourfamilybrand Facebook: www.facebook.com/FamilyBrandOfficial YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCGu-7odB6gkPbyXpUIQLkrg Twitter: https://twitter.com/OurFamilyBrand  
    NEW: What Culture are You Creating In Your Family?
    Take the Quiz Now! https://familybrand.com/quiz
    Episode Minute By Minute:
    0:00 - Welcome and get to know to Ashley Borromeo and her brand, TapFitFam! 1:30 - Ashley discusses her dance background and the creation of TapFitFam. 3:00 - The importance of integrating dance into family routines. 4:45 - Cognitive and developmental benefits of dance for all ages. 6:00 - How families can incorporate dance for better health and bonding. 7:15 - Closing thoughts and the invitation to listen to the full conversation.

    • 35 min
    177. Unlock Summer Magic: Family Agreements That Make Every Day Count

    177. Unlock Summer Magic: Family Agreements That Make Every Day Count

    Hello, Family Brand community! Chris and Melissa here, bringing you some timely insights as we dive into the sunny season. Today, we're exploring how setting "Summer Agreements" can transform the often daunting, unstructured weeks of summer into a period of growth and enjoyment for the whole family.
    Summertime brings a mix of freedom and challenge, especially when it comes to managing time without the school year's structure. A few years ago, Melissa introduced a fantastic concept to our summer planning that has significantly benefited our family life. Each summer, we encourage everyone in the family to pick something they want to improve on or achieve during these months. Whether it’s learning new skills, like Chris trying to throw left-handed, or setting personal fitness goals, these summer projects bring a sense of purpose and fun.
    We also love integrating ideas from inspiring reads into our summer plans. For instance, after reading "Way of the Warrior Kid" by Jocko Willink, our family discussions about summer goals have deepened. The book's themes about personal discipline and growth resonate with our aim to encourage both physical and mental development over the summer.
    However, it's not just about personal achievements. Setting clear agreements on how the summer will unfold is crucial. These agreements strike a balance between maintaining enough structure to prevent chaos and allowing enough freedom for spontaneous summer fun. For example, discussing and agreeing on curfews, daily routines, and family activities helps manage expectations and keeps everyone on the same page.
    This summer, we challenge each of you to think about what agreements would work best for your family. What do you want to achieve? How do you want to feel by the end of the summer? Engage your children in this conversation, let them set their goals, and discuss as a family how you can support each other in achieving these objectives.
    As we set these intentions and agreements, we also remember to model these behaviors ourselves. It's important for kids to see their parents embracing challenges and stepping out of their comfort zones. This summer, let's all strive to 'get that dog in us'—putting in the effort and showing up for ourselves and our family.
    Wishing you all a summer filled with growth, joy, and meaningful family moments. Go out there and make it amazing!
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/ourfamilybrand Facebook: www.facebook.com/FamilyBrandOfficial YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCGu-7odB6gkPbyXpUIQLkrg Twitter: https://twitter.com/OurFamilyBrand  
    NEW: What Culture are You Creating In Your Family?
    Take the Quiz Now! https://familybrand.com/quiz
    Episode Minute By Minute:
    0:32 - The challenge of summer without school structure. 1:06 - Introduction of "Summer Agreements" and how they've benefited our family. 1:39 - Chris shares his experience of learning to throw left-handed. 2:20 - Discussion of brain health benefits from learning new skills. 2:32 - Smith family book club and the impact of reading "Way of the Warrior Kid." 3:00 - How to choose personal goals and skills to develop each summer. 3:56 - Importance of balancing freedom and structure through clear summer agreements. 4:18 - Catalyst for revisiting summer curfew agreements due to an incident with their son. 5:08 - Conversations about expectations and agreements for the summer. 6:03 - Discussion on setting productive patterns and how it impacts summer goals. 6:59 - Expanding the conversation to how you want to feel at the end of the summer. 8:22 - Encouraging families to involve kids in setting summer goals and discussing agreements. 9:35 - Final thoughts on creating a magical summer with both freedom and structure.  

    • 13 min
    176. Igniting Possibility: How to Cultivate a Bold and Confident Family Mindset

    176. Igniting Possibility: How to Cultivate a Bold and Confident Family Mindset

    Hey, Chris and Melissa here! Today’s podcast episode is packed with insights and inspiring stories from the recent "Ignite Possibility Experience." This was Chris's first event since launching our new venture, www.psblty.co and what an incredible two days it was!
    We explored the transformative power of embracing our abilities with confidence and how this can unlock doors not just for ourselves but for people around us. The conference was a powerful mix of personal stories, practical advice, and powerful affirmations that left everyone, including us, energized and ready to tackle their own challenges with a renewed sense of possibility. That’s why we had to share with our podcast fam! 
    You may be thinking, why focus on confidence? It’s simple. Because true confidence is more than just feeling good about yourself—it's about stepping into your role as a leader in your own life and inspiring others to do the same.
    During the event, we discussed how changing our narrative from doubt to belief has the power to transform our actions and, subsequently, our results. In this episode, we break down some of the key topics covered at the conference, such as the importance of making and keeping commitments to yourself, the impact of positive self-talk, and how to live boldly without fear of judgement. We also share actionable tips on how you can start applying these principles in your day-to-day life.
    Remember, every step you take in building your own confidence is also a step toward teaching your kids to be leaders who can make a real difference. Let's make this a week to remember by stepping boldly into our potential and lighting up the world with our newfound confidence. If we want to raise confident children who can change the world, it starts at home with our family "brand." Let’s lead by example and create a legacy of strength and possibility for our kids.

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/ourfamilybrand Facebook: www.facebook.com/FamilyBrandOfficial YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCGu-7odB6gkPbyXpUIQLkrg Twitter: https://twitter.com/OurFamilyBrand   NEW: What Culture are You Creating In Your Family?
    Take the Quiz Now! https://familybrand.com/quiz
    Episode Minute By Minute:
    0:30 - Welcome! A look inside today's episode and the "Ignite Possibility Experience” 2:30 - Discussion on the importance of self-belief and its transformative power. 5:15 - Key highlights from the conference and actionable insights. 8:00 - The role of self-commitment in personal growth. 12:00 - Tips on shifting from doubt to confidence through positive self-talk. 15:45 - Encouragement to embrace bold living and overcome fear of judgment. 18:30 - Closing thoughts and a challenge to light up your world this week.

    • 20 min

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