113 episodes

Dr. Stephanie Schuttler, the Fancy Scientist, is a wildlife biologist who loves breaking stereotypes and talking about the natural world. In this podcast, she shares her knowledge of animals, experiences as a wildlife biologist, and simple lifestyle choices you can make to conserve nature. Her 17 years in wildlife biology taught her that science alone cannot save species. We need to take collective action through simple things we can do every day. This podcast is for anyone who likes animals and wants to help make the world a better place for them, and for us too. You’ll learn cool things about the animals around you from her own and other scientists’ research. She’ll also give tips for other scientists to succeed (that really ANYONE can use), strategies for effective science communication, and how she gained the confidence to become a fancy scientist. Hit subscribe and let’s change the world!

Fancy Scientist with Dr. Stephanie Manka fancyscientist

    • Science

Dr. Stephanie Schuttler, the Fancy Scientist, is a wildlife biologist who loves breaking stereotypes and talking about the natural world. In this podcast, she shares her knowledge of animals, experiences as a wildlife biologist, and simple lifestyle choices you can make to conserve nature. Her 17 years in wildlife biology taught her that science alone cannot save species. We need to take collective action through simple things we can do every day. This podcast is for anyone who likes animals and wants to help make the world a better place for them, and for us too. You’ll learn cool things about the animals around you from her own and other scientists’ research. She’ll also give tips for other scientists to succeed (that really ANYONE can use), strategies for effective science communication, and how she gained the confidence to become a fancy scientist. Hit subscribe and let’s change the world!

    Wildlife Career Salaries: The Hidden Costs Behind Job Postings

    Wildlife Career Salaries: The Hidden Costs Behind Job Postings

    On the surface, it seems like careers in wildlife are pretty financially solid. If you search online for how much wildlife biologists make, you’ll discover it’s about $70K here in the US. In fact, when I discovered wildlife biology as a career option, I was incredibly relieved to see a solid salary posted! I was previously pursuing a career in acting, which is notorious for having low salaries, lots of unpaid work, uncertainty, and risk. 
    But after 20 years of being in this field working in internships, going to graduate school, postdocing, and then applying for permanent jobs, I realized there are many parallels to theater and wildlife careers, and there’s more to that $70K salary than it seems. In fact, when I was applying to jobs, most of the jobs I was competitive for had salaries around the $50-$55K range even with having a Ph.D. and having been in the field for 15 years. 
    So what gives? Why is there such a disparity? 
    In this episode of the Fancy Scientist podcast, I talk about just that: what goes into getting that $70K salary and what jobs are most likely to lead you there. I'm pulling back the curtain on what it REALLY takes to make it in wildlife careers, and trust me, it's not what your college career counselor told you or what you read on the Internet. I talk about how it’s incredibly difficult to generalize careers in wildlife and that you have to be careful of the images you see and the information you read - as it often doesn’t apply to most wildlife careers!
    Remember that shiny $70,600 median salary figure from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics? Well, I hate to break it to you, but it's about as realistic as expecting to cuddle pandas on your first day on the job.
    If you're someone who's been applying for wildlife job after wildlife job, but hearing nothing back, you're about to GET the truth about our field that no one else is talking about. But don't worry, I'm not here to crush your dreams. I 100% believe that you can do this! And to make that happen, you need a realistic understanding of what these careers in wildlife are like so that you can prepare. I'm here to arm you with the knowledge you need to beat the system and thrive in this amazing field. Using my own experiences and those of colleagues, I paint a realistic picture of what aspiring wildlife biologists can expect in this competitive field.
    By the time you finish this episode, you'll understand the hidden factors that go into getting a $70K salary, what kinds of jobs are more likely to be lucrative, and how some jobs may never pay that much. So, if you're ready to start taking charge of your career and become the successful wildlife professional that you know you are deep down inside, this episode is for you. 
    Specifically, I go over:
    Why the $70,600 median salary figure from the US Bureau of Statistics is misleading and what goes into making that figureThe experience paradox: why you can't get a job without experience, and can't get experience without a jobThe truth about temporary and seasonal positions in wildlife biologyHow your education level impacts your job prospects and salary potentialCommon misconceptions about wildlife biology work (spoiler alert: it's way more than fieldwork and cute animals!)The crucial importance of data analysis skills in modern wildlife careersPractical tips for preparing for a successful career in wildlife biologyThe realities of fieldwork vs. lab work in wildlife biology careersAnd more!!!
    I’m Dr. Stephanie Manka (formerly Schuttler), a wildlife biologist of nearly 20 yrs with 20+ peer-reviewed scientific publications, author of the book Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology: What It’s Like and What You Need to Know (https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Job-Wildlife-Biology-What/dp/B08JDYXS4G/) and founder of Fancy Scientist. My channel and the Fancy Scientist LLC is dedicated to connecting people to science and nature, breaking stereotypes of, and empowering scientists. I help aspiring and struggli

    • 35 min
    9 Networking Mistakes Aspiring Wildlife Professionals Need to Avoid

    9 Networking Mistakes Aspiring Wildlife Professionals Need to Avoid

    Networking is super important. As someone who has been in the wildlife field for over 20 years and has attended countless scientific conferences since 2006, I know firsthand how networking can influence your career success. Experience is most important, but at times, who you know can even trump this. Networking can lead to jobs you didn’t know about, or maybe didn’t even exist in addition to other helpful career-building impacts like publication and volunteer opportunities. And if you want to study charismatic species like big cats, marine mammals, or carnivores, you simply have to network. 
    But I also know for a lot of us, networking can feel daunting and intimidating, so we avoid it. In fear of making a mistake, we don’t do anything or only limit networking to opportunities where others take the lead - such as our boss or advisor introducing you to their colleagues. But in this era of incredibly high competition for wildlife jobs, this is unfortunately, not enough.  
    In this episode of the Fancy Scientist podcast, I delve into the networking mistakes often made by aspiring and early career wildlife professionals. I know these because I myself have made many of these and see a lot of the same things happening in my students and members of my Facebook community group Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology. Drawing from my extensive experience, I emphasize how perspective and hindsight has allowed me to now see what I should have been doing, now what others are doing when they reach out to me, and how these actions are perceived from as a mid-level wildlife career professional. 
    The discussion also includes real-life success stories from my students, highlighting the transformative power of active engagement, specific intentions, and preparation. I outline nine key mistakes to avoid common pitfalls, such as being too casual or coming off as self-centered, so you can improve your networking skills and boost your career!
    Lastly, platforms like LinkedIn can be incredibly powerful, even if you can't attend in-person events. So, I’ll also underscore the value of online networking. You'll learn about the importance of proactive follow-up and building genuine relationships, expand your professional network, and open doors to exciting career opportunities.
    Specifically, I go over:
    The importance of networking The 9 biggest and common networking mistakes to avoidHow to network intentionally with a purposeTips for making genuine connections without being self-centeredThe art of following up and maintaining relationshipsNavigating networking as an introvertRemember, in wildlife careers, networking isn't just a tool—it's a vital strategy for advancement.

    I’m Dr. Stephanie Manka (formerly Schuttler), a wildlife biologist of nearly 20 yrs with 20+ peer-reviewed scientific publications, author of the book Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology: What It’s Like and What You Need to Know (https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Job-Wildlife-Biology-What/dp/B08JDYXS4G/) and founder of Fancy Scientist. My channel and the Fancy Scientist LLC is dedicated to connecting people to science and nature, breaking stereotypes of, and empowering scientists. I help aspiring and struggling wildlife biologists get the right training so they can get jobs, live out their life’s purpose and make a difference in this world.

    Sign up for my next free job training: https://stephanieschuttler.com/trainingwaitlist/ 

    Want to learn about cool animals, conservation, and get tips about careers in wildlife biology, science, and more? Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/StephanieSchuttler and join my email list: https://stephanieschuttler.com/ 

    I’d love to meet you. Connect with me on social media:
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/FancyScientist
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fancy_scientist/ 
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fancyscientist/
    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/fancyscientist/pins/

    Join the “Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology

    • 28 min
    Best Scientific Conferences for Wildlife: What are They and Why Attend

    Best Scientific Conferences for Wildlife: What are They and Why Attend

    Have you heard of scientific conferences, but are not sure what they are? Do you think you should be attending, but aren’t sure exactly why? Or are you attending scientific conferences, but not getting as much out of them as you think you should? Whether you are a scientific conference newbie or a seasoned attendee, as we head into the summer conference season, I wanted to get you the inside scoop on what these events are all about and why they're an important component to becoming a successful wildlife professional.
    Over the years, I've attended countless conferences, starting from my very first one in 2005 right before I started graduate school. Until 2020, I’ve been attending at least one per year on average, and some years multiple! I’ve been to the biggest conferences and smaller more intimate ones, but even though I had all of this experience, . It wasn't until pretty recently that I truly understood the deeper significance of these events for career progression, especially how higher level professionals leverage these conferences to maximize opportunities for themselves beyond the obvious conference activities . In this episode, I dive deep into the world of scientific conferences for wildlife, ecology, zoology, and conservation biology professionals, covering everything from the different types of sessions and presentations to the unspoken reasons why attending these events is so crucial for your career growth. I share my personal experiences, insights, and some behind-the-scenes perspectives that will help you navigate these events like a pro. 
    Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you’re not ready or not good enough to attend conferences! Attending conferences allows you to network with other scientists and professionals, learn about the latest developments in your field, in addition to sharing and elevating your research if you have any. Remember, it's important to actively make networking happen rather than just hoping for it and not rely solely on your advisor or boss to introduce you to people.
    Specifically, I go over:
    What scientific conferences are and why they existThe structure and format of scientific conferencesThe major conferences in the wildlife, ecology, zoology, and conservation fields: What to expect and what they are The kinds of events that happen at scientific conferencesThe importance of networking and opportunities for collaboration at these eventsHow to make the most out of your conference experience as an early-career scientistAnd MORE!
    I’m Dr. Stephanie Manka (formerly Schuttler), a wildlife biologist of nearly 20 yrs with 20+ peer-reviewed scientific publications, author of the book Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology: What It’s Like and What You Need to Know (https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Job-Wildlife-Biology-What/dp/B08JDYXS4G/) and founder of Fancy Scientist. My channel and the Fancy Scientist LLC is dedicated to connecting people to science and nature, breaking stereotypes of, and empowering scientists. I help aspiring and struggling wildlife biologists get the right training so they can get jobs, live out their life’s purpose and make a difference in this world.

    Sign up for my next free job training: https://stephanieschuttler.com/trainingwaitlist/ 

    Want to learn about cool animals, conservation, and get tips about careers in wildlife biology, science, and more? Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/StephanieSchuttler and join my email list: https://stephanieschuttler.com/ 

    I’d love to meet you. Connect with me on social media:
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/FancyScientist
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fancy_scientist/ 
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fancyscientist/
    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/fancyscientist/pins/

    Join the “Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology” Facebook group to connect with other aspiring wildlife biologists, post your questions and get free advice: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gettingajobinwildlifebiology


    • 29 min
    Powering Conservation: Interview with The Nature Conservancy Scientist Dr. Liz Kalies

    Powering Conservation: Interview with The Nature Conservancy Scientist Dr. Liz Kalies

    When I was working as a postdoctoral researcher studying wildlife using camera traps, I had the pleasure of working alongside Dr. Liz Kalies who was integral in modeling the results of our large-scale projects. Back then, we were both passionate young(er) scientists trying to figure out our role in conservation biology. While my path eventually led me here to science communication and career mentoring, Liz took her to a seemingly unexpected, but exciting path - she's now the lead renewable energy scientist for the North American region at The Nature Conservancy.
    Being a lead scientist at one of the world's top environmental organizations is no small feat, and given her background is in wildlife, we both didn’t expect her to go into renewable energy. But as you’ll find out in this interview, it all comes back to wildlife. 
    Renewable energy is definitely a pro-environmental choice, but that doesn’t mean it’s without any impacts to wildlife. So how can we develop wind and solar power responsibly without disrupting vulnerable habitats and species? Liz is at the forefront of finding solutions for such challenges that balance the needs of clean energy with wildlife conservation. 
    In this week’s episode of the Fancy Scientist’s podcast, Liz pulls back the curtain on what it's really like driving conservation strategies using solid science at an influential nonprofit. She also shares her real perspective on building a meaningful career in science, juggling her work while raising three kids, and how following her passion led to career success.
    Specifically, we discussed:
    The critical role of science at The Nature ConservancyHow renewable energy can impact wildlifeChallenges in mitigating conflicts between renewable energy and wildlifeLiz's journey into wildlife research and her transition to the renewable energy science spaceWhat it’s like to work at The Nature Conservancy and nonprofits as a wholeFinding the right work-life balance as a mother and scientistTips for students pursuing environmental science careersThe importance of taking initiative and being a self-starterAnd MORE!I'm so grateful to have had this insightful chat with my former colleague. Liz is living proof that with dedication, adaptability, and a genuine desire to protect nature, your career can take you amazing places!

    I’m Dr. Stephanie Manka (formerly Schuttler), a wildlife biologist of nearly 20 yrs with 20+ peer-reviewed scientific publications, author of the book Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology: What It’s Like and What You Need to Know (https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Job-Wildlife-Biology-What/dp/B08JDYXS4G/) and founder of Fancy Scientist. My channel and the Fancy Scientist LLC is dedicated to connecting people to science and nature, breaking stereotypes of, and empowering scientists. I help aspiring and struggling wildlife biologists get the right training so they can get jobs, live out their life’s purpose and make a difference in this world.

    Sign up for my next free job training: https://stephanieschuttler.com/trainingwaitlist/ 

    Want to learn about cool animals, conservation, and get tips about careers in wildlife biology, science, and more? Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/StephanieSchuttler and join my email list: https://stephanieschuttler.com/ 

    I’d love to meet you. Connect with me on social media:
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/FancyScientist
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fancy_scientist/ 
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fancyscientist/
    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/fancyscientist/pins/

    Join the “Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology” Facebook group to connect with other aspiring wildlife biologists, post your questions and get free advice: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gettingajobinwildlifebiology

    Listen to the Fancy Scientist Podcast: 
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fancy-scientist-material-girl-living-in-sustainable/id1509587394 
    Spotify: https://open.spoti

    • 48 min
    Unplugged Adventures: The Art of Nature Journaling with John Muir Laws

    Unplugged Adventures: The Art of Nature Journaling with John Muir Laws

    As someone who deeply values the importance of connecting people with nature, I was thrilled to have John Muir Laws as a guest on the latest episode of The Fancy Scientist podcast. 
    Ever since completing my PhD and working with kids, I've recognized that fostering an emotional attachment to nature, especially during childhood, is a central solution to all conservation problems. Because when people aren’t emotionally attached to nature, they won’t know how to care about its decline and loss. These attachments are formed from experiences in nature. And what better way to cultivate that connection than through the beautiful practice of nature journaling?
    Nature journaling is the simple, yet profound act of using a notebook to record and draw your observations, questions, and reflections about the natural world around you. By slowing down and paying close attention to details, you not only deepen your appreciation for nature but also enhance your ability to remember and learn.
    John Muir Laws is a champion of this transformative practice. With a background in wildlife biology and a lifelong passion for nature exploration, he has dedicated himself to spreading the joy and wisdom of nature journaling across the globe. In an era where technology often disconnects us from the great outdoors, his mission to reconnect people with the natural world is more relevant than ever.
    In our conversation, John shared fascinating insights and practical tips for embracing nature journaling. We explored the benefits it offers for both children and adults, discussed strategies for overcoming the initial hesitancy (especially for us grown-ups!), and celebrated the sheer magic that unfolds when we immerse ourselves in the present moment, pen and notebook in hand.
    Specifically, we discussed:
    What exactly is nature journaling and how to get startedThe benefits of nature journaling and being out in natureThe power of nature journaling in fostering deep observation, curiosity, and wonderPractical techniques for engaging kids in nature journaling, including prompts and scaffoldingOvercoming the fear of "not being good enough" at drawing or writing, and embracing the journeyThe importance of role-modeling present, nature-connected behavior for childrenStrategies for making nature accessible and welcoming to people of all backgroundsAnd MORE!!Whether you're a seasoned nature lover or someone seeking to reignite your connection with the great outdoors, this episode is a delightful invitation to slow down, observe, and capture the beauty that surrounds us. So grab your notebook, sharpen those pencils, and get ready to embark on a journey of discovery and appreciation through the art of nature journaling.
    Happy journaling, my fellow nature enthusiasts!

    I’m Dr. Stephanie Manka (formerly Schuttler), a wildlife biologist of nearly 20 yrs with 20+ peer-reviewed scientific publications, author of the book Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology: What It’s Like and What You Need to Know (https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Job-Wildlife-Biology-What/dp/B08JDYXS4G/) and founder of Fancy Scientist. My channel and the Fancy Scientist LLC is dedicated to connecting people to science and nature, breaking stereotypes of, and empowering scientists. I help aspiring and struggling wildlife biologists get the right training so they can get jobs, live out their life’s purpose and make a difference in this world.

    Sign up for my next free job training: https://stephanieschuttler.com/trainingwaitlist/ 

    Want to learn about cool animals, conservation, and get tips about careers in wildlife biology, science, and more? Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/StephanieSchuttler and join my email list: https://stephanieschuttler.com/ 

    I’d love to meet you. Connect with me on social media:
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/FancyScientist
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fancy_scientist/ 
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fancyscientist/
    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.

    • 57 min
    From Science to Storytelling: Interview with Communications Specialist Hannah Mulvany

    From Science to Storytelling: Interview with Communications Specialist Hannah Mulvany

    This week, I’m continuing to turn the tables on conservation podcasters by interviewing them. I had the great pleasure of sitting down with one of the Earth to Humans podcast hosts, Hannah Mulvany. 
    Earth to Humans explores humankind's relationship with planet Earth, covering topics within the environmental and conservation space through the diverse perspectives of its three hosts—including this episode's guest, Hannah Mulvany.
    In addition to being a host and a part-time field biologist, Hannah created her own science communication career. As the director and founder of Song and Dance Communications, she has carved out a unique career, blending her expertise in communications with her love for nature. She amplifies voices for conservation and environmental stewardship by serving as a communications manager and social media strategist for various nonprofits and organizations worldwide.
    With a diverse portfolio spanning graphic design, copywriting, content creation, nature storytelling, and social media management, Hannah is a true self-starter and go-getter. Her role as a science communicator is pivotal in translating scientific concepts into engaging and accessible narratives that resonate with diverse audiences and fostering a deeper communication of environmental issues among the general public. 
    Hannah’s journey is bound to inspire you to take action, stop waiting around, and start making things happen for yourself and the planet.
    In this episode, Hannah shares invaluable insights into her approach to conservation action and the power of leveraging your skills and talents to effect change. From knocking on doors to creating her own opportunities to speaking up for the environment in everyday life, Hannah's journey exemplifies the spirit of empowerment and resilience. You'll walk away from this podcast feeling inspired, empowered, and ready to make a difference in your own life and the world around you.
    Specifically, we discussed:
    How Hannah went from a traditional start in fieldwork to creating her own science communication careerHannah's unique journey from the world of communications to the heart of conservation and environmental advocacyHow her passion for storytelling and love for nature intersect to drive positive changeThe secrets to her success in creating opportunities where none existed beforeHow Hannah used LinkedIn to get herself workHannah's advocacy work and her commitment to amplifying voices for environmental and wildlife conservationWhat it’s like to work as a science communicator and social media managerHow Hannah balances fieldwork with her work behind the desk as a science communicatorAnd MORE!!
    I’m Dr. Stephanie Manka (formerly Schuttler), a wildlife biologist of nearly 20 yrs with 20+ peer-reviewed scientific publications, author of the book Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology: What It’s Like and What You Need to Know (https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Job-Wildlife-Biology-What/dp/B08JDYXS4G/) and founder of Fancy Scientist. My channel and the Fancy Scientist LLC is dedicated to connecting people to science and nature, breaking stereotypes of, and empowering scientists. I help aspiring and struggling wildlife biologists get the right training so they can get jobs, live out their life’s purpose and make a difference in this world.

    Sign up for my next free job training: https://stephanieschuttler.com/trainingwaitlist/ 

    Want to learn about cool animals, conservation, and get tips about careers in wildlife biology, science, and more? Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/StephanieSchuttler and join my email list: https://stephanieschuttler.com/ 

    I’d love to meet you. Connect with me on social media:
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/FancyScientist
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fancy_scientist/ 
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fancyscientist/
    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/fancyscientist/pins/

    Join the “Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology” Facebook group to conn

    • 48 min

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