20 min

Feminine Empowerment in western culture: the truth of our nature disclosed you can change your mind

    • Spirituality

01.09.24 feminine empowerment
in this episode I share a feminine perspective on the truth of our nature as women embodiements in a society who favours our positive aproach of love and nurturing, while also scrutinizing traits that are unfavourable because they lack the over nurturing that has been normalized. over many decades centuries and through ancestral limeage women have been taught to put themselves last while cattering to all those around her: the consequences arise when those same behavioura cause us to forget about ourselves, and years becomes the central point to our downfall. ultimatly women are breed to sacrifice themselves. through proper deconstruction resource coping and healing of these patterns women as a whole can start to prioritze themselves and gaining more control of themselves, growing in self awareness & confidence in their ability to sustain and flourish, break ties with toxic bonds — become the center of their world & attract gentle nourishing relationships. based around valuing the feminie as a whole and her

01.09.24 feminine empowerment
in this episode I share a feminine perspective on the truth of our nature as women embodiements in a society who favours our positive aproach of love and nurturing, while also scrutinizing traits that are unfavourable because they lack the over nurturing that has been normalized. over many decades centuries and through ancestral limeage women have been taught to put themselves last while cattering to all those around her: the consequences arise when those same behavioura cause us to forget about ourselves, and years becomes the central point to our downfall. ultimatly women are breed to sacrifice themselves. through proper deconstruction resource coping and healing of these patterns women as a whole can start to prioritze themselves and gaining more control of themselves, growing in self awareness & confidence in their ability to sustain and flourish, break ties with toxic bonds — become the center of their world & attract gentle nourishing relationships. based around valuing the feminie as a whole and her

20 min