52 min

GAUDY POSITIVE SE04EP03 - Your Fat Friend Gaudy Positive

    • Comedy Interviews

Ya'll remember Your Fat Friend? It seems like forever ago but that anonymous account on twitter that told the world what it was like to be fat was not only life changing but also part of a greater movement. Does that movement even exist anymore? We talk about the film Your Fat Friend with Aubrey Gordon, directed by Jeanie Finlay. This film documents Aubrey and her journey of being "your fat friend", writing a book, and also opens wider discussions on being in a fat body and the fat experience. We discuss why we loved the film, what it made us think, and also the exhaustion of having to defend fat people's humanity. This is an episode favorite you don't want to miss AND IT HAS SPOILERS. But you should definitely go watch this film. 
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Ya'll remember Your Fat Friend? It seems like forever ago but that anonymous account on twitter that told the world what it was like to be fat was not only life changing but also part of a greater movement. Does that movement even exist anymore? We talk about the film Your Fat Friend with Aubrey Gordon, directed by Jeanie Finlay. This film documents Aubrey and her journey of being "your fat friend", writing a book, and also opens wider discussions on being in a fat body and the fat experience. We discuss why we loved the film, what it made us think, and also the exhaustion of having to defend fat people's humanity. This is an episode favorite you don't want to miss AND IT HAS SPOILERS. But you should definitely go watch this film. 
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52 min