19 min

Growing threat of all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah The Current

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Fears that missile fire between Israel and militant group Hezbollah could lead to a full-scale war in Lebanon are growing. Close to 500 people have been killed in the hostilities so far and several countries have urged their citizens in the country to leave. Dahlia Scheindlin and Hussein Ibish join guest host Nahlah Ayed to discuss what might lead to all-out war, and what needs to be done to de-escalate tensions.

Fears that missile fire between Israel and militant group Hezbollah could lead to a full-scale war in Lebanon are growing. Close to 500 people have been killed in the hostilities so far and several countries have urged their citizens in the country to leave. Dahlia Scheindlin and Hussein Ibish join guest host Nahlah Ayed to discuss what might lead to all-out war, and what needs to be done to de-escalate tensions.

19 min

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