37 min

Marketing in The Video-First Era with Patrick Frank Radio Free Enterprise

    • Yrittäjyys

Since the earliest days of television, video has been a powerful marketing medium. But due to its expense, production complexity, and professional scriptwriting requirements video has not always been every marketer's first choice.
My guest this week argues that, due to lower costs, global distribution channels, and the presence of a high-quality video camera in every person's pocket, we have entered The Video-First Era, and he has written a book of that same title to drive home his point.
Please join me and my guest, video marketing expert and author Patrick Frank, as we talk about what The Video-First Era of marketing means to you and your promotional efforts.
Learn more about Patrick: http://videofirstera.com/
Connect with Patrick on Twitter: @PatFrank
Resources Patrick shared:

Since the earliest days of television, video has been a powerful marketing medium. But due to its expense, production complexity, and professional scriptwriting requirements video has not always been every marketer's first choice.
My guest this week argues that, due to lower costs, global distribution channels, and the presence of a high-quality video camera in every person's pocket, we have entered The Video-First Era, and he has written a book of that same title to drive home his point.
Please join me and my guest, video marketing expert and author Patrick Frank, as we talk about what The Video-First Era of marketing means to you and your promotional efforts.
Learn more about Patrick: http://videofirstera.com/
Connect with Patrick on Twitter: @PatFrank
Resources Patrick shared:

37 min