17 jaksoa

Society's unabated hunger for natural resources is rapidly destabilizing the planet. A new approach to managing the earth combines analytical, inter-penetrative, inter-casual, and inter-operative methods.

ResourceCast Hari Tulsidas

    • Tiede

Society's unabated hunger for natural resources is rapidly destabilizing the planet. A new approach to managing the earth combines analytical, inter-penetrative, inter-casual, and inter-operative methods.

    Natures's patterns

    Natures's patterns

    Post-Covid-19 management of the natural capital will require a new framework hinged on explanatory power, empirical evidence, rationality, and simplicity.

    • 32 min
    The Levy walk of the coronavirus

    The Levy walk of the coronavirus

    Several models of the COVID-19 pandemic come up with diverse outcomes. Assumptions based on assumptions and simple numerical analyses of the models may reflect reality. Levy walk, a kind of random walk, may explain why a few super-spreaders are essential in understanding the transmissivity of the coronavirus.    
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    • 23 min
    The Burst Effect

    The Burst Effect

    Epidemics are always not amenable to modelling as our current experience amply demonstrates. A simple law of averages doesn't work here. The virus doesn't mix in a population uniformly. Out best-laid plans are frustrated by a few individuals and fervent religious groups.
    Email resourcecast@gmail.com
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    • 25 min
    The Coronavirus Endgame - Nearing the finish line

    The Coronavirus Endgame - Nearing the finish line

    With COVID-19 entering its sixth month of existence, are we seeing the light at the end of the tunnel? As humans, we are often blind to the obvious and also blind to our blindness. That could be the reason to see the coronavirus as a living organism, which may have cost us valuable time in putting up a practical challenge. A virus cannot seek out a victim to infect, the victim as to get in its way. A mask could have prevented that on most occasions.

    • 28 min
    The coronavirus endgame: What are we missing?

    The coronavirus endgame: What are we missing?

    As the COVID-19 rampage continues, social distancing and lockdowns have become the norm. Apart from not being permanent solutions, these knee jerk actions could also crash the economy. Are there proven methods which could tame the pandemic without sending the economy into a death spiral?
    Email resourcecast@gmail.com
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    • 22 min
    Coronavirus, oil price wars and the prisoner's dilemma

    Coronavirus, oil price wars and the prisoner's dilemma

    Oil and gas price plummets as the COVID-19 pandemic takes its toll. With OPEC+ split and depressed demand, it will not be a good going for the industry.  However, the petroleum industry refuses to engage with the war against the pandemic. 
    Email resourcecast@gmail.com
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    • 24 min

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