25 min

RGC Worthy Podcasts: Perspective Series: Evaguel Rhysing of United Aircraft Technologies RGC Worthy Podcasts

    • Johtaminen

The Worthy Podcasts of RGC: Resource and Governance Consulting. This is the second episode of the Perspective Series. This episode includes an interview between Dr. Lisa Miller, Founder and CEO of RGC, and Evaguel Rhysing, Founder and CEO of United Aircraft Technologies. They discuss the prior careers of Eva and how she went from teaching English-as-a Second-Language to owning a company that supplies aircraft parts to the airline industry and the military. 



*Copyright RGC 2019. RGC not responsible for statements made by guests. 

The Worthy Podcasts of RGC: Resource and Governance Consulting. This is the second episode of the Perspective Series. This episode includes an interview between Dr. Lisa Miller, Founder and CEO of RGC, and Evaguel Rhysing, Founder and CEO of United Aircraft Technologies. They discuss the prior careers of Eva and how she went from teaching English-as-a Second-Language to owning a company that supplies aircraft parts to the airline industry and the military. 



*Copyright RGC 2019. RGC not responsible for statements made by guests. 

25 min