27 min

S04 E27 Perry Mason TS04 E27 Perry Mason The Case of the Grumbling Grandfatherhe Case of the Grumbling Grandfather The Perry Pod: A Companion to the TV Classic Perry Mason

    • Visual Arts

In this episode of The Perry Pod, I look at Season 4 Episode 27: The Case of the Grumbling Grandfather
This episode includes:
Law Library: Replacing legal representation
Plot: Episode plot
Trivia: Blackstone, Carl Held, and Perry's fan
The Theme: Grumbling
The Perry Proverb: "You're scared to death..."
The Water Cooler: Deleted scenes, last ep’s Paul Prompt PLUS listener letters
Carl Held Interview: http://www.falconcrest.org/english/show/interviews/cast/held-1998.pdf
Contact me at theperrypod@gmail.com.
Keep on walking that Park Avenue Beat!

In this episode of The Perry Pod, I look at Season 4 Episode 27: The Case of the Grumbling Grandfather
This episode includes:
Law Library: Replacing legal representation
Plot: Episode plot
Trivia: Blackstone, Carl Held, and Perry's fan
The Theme: Grumbling
The Perry Proverb: "You're scared to death..."
The Water Cooler: Deleted scenes, last ep’s Paul Prompt PLUS listener letters
Carl Held Interview: http://www.falconcrest.org/english/show/interviews/cast/held-1998.pdf
Contact me at theperrypod@gmail.com.
Keep on walking that Park Avenue Beat!

27 min