22 min

Sell Yourself Without Selling Out On Your Resume Confidently Step Up

    • Careers

Sell Yourself Without Selling Out On Your Resume
Hey, hey, hey, and welcome to the podcast!

So today, let's dive into the world of selling ourselves on our resumes.

We'll explore three common mistakes that often stem from that sneaky imposter syndrome.

First, we'll define them, and then I'll spill the beans on some tips and tricks to overcome these hurdles.

Because, let's face it, when imposter syndrome creeps in, it's not just about crafting a killer resume; it affects interviews, performance, and even your first 90 days on the job.

The ripple effect is real, impacting how others perceive you and your journey to success.

Now, before we plunge in, a quick heads-up: If you're keen on learning more and snagging a free resource to boost your unshakable confidence, even when things get a bit messy, check out the link in the show notes.

It's not your run-of-the-mill freebie; it's a game-changer, blending strategic wisdom with some essential inner work. 

Lead With Unshakable Confidence. Even If Sh*t Hits the Fan and Your Inner Critic Throws a Tantrum.

Alright, let's get back to business!

So, what's on the resume menu today?

Here are the three blunders I often spot:


Misaligned Words:
The language on your resume might not sync up with the role or salary you're eyeing.

Saying you're an excellent communicator is like saying you enjoy a good cuppa.

We need specifics! Who are you communicating with? Executives, directors, the whole gang?

Align your words with the salary and role you're after.

Pro tip: Write your desired salary at the top of your resume to keep things in check.


Zoom Out, Please:
It's easy to get lost in the nitty-gritty of your tasks, but when you're eyeing a strategic role, it's time to zoom out.

Your resume should scream big picture, showcasing the commercial impact of your work.

Focus on the first page – prime real estate – and highlight how your daily grind contributes directly to organizational outcomes.

Sell yourself like you're the star of a blockbuster trailer!


Fresh Eyes Needed:
We often underestimate our own skills because we're too close to them.

Find someone with a fresh perspective – someone who can give you honest, no-nonsense feedback. Not 20 different opinions, just a couple of spot-on insights to help you shine.

Remember, your resume isn't just a document; it's your sales pitch.

If you're considering some expert help, like a co-creation with me, drop a line at

caroline @ newhorizoncoaching.com.au, and we can chat about it.

That's a wrap for today!

If you know someone in need of this wisdom, hit that share button.

Until next time, take care and talk to you later.


Sell Yourself Without Selling Out On Your Resume
Hey, hey, hey, and welcome to the podcast!

So today, let's dive into the world of selling ourselves on our resumes.

We'll explore three common mistakes that often stem from that sneaky imposter syndrome.

First, we'll define them, and then I'll spill the beans on some tips and tricks to overcome these hurdles.

Because, let's face it, when imposter syndrome creeps in, it's not just about crafting a killer resume; it affects interviews, performance, and even your first 90 days on the job.

The ripple effect is real, impacting how others perceive you and your journey to success.

Now, before we plunge in, a quick heads-up: If you're keen on learning more and snagging a free resource to boost your unshakable confidence, even when things get a bit messy, check out the link in the show notes.

It's not your run-of-the-mill freebie; it's a game-changer, blending strategic wisdom with some essential inner work. 

Lead With Unshakable Confidence. Even If Sh*t Hits the Fan and Your Inner Critic Throws a Tantrum.

Alright, let's get back to business!

So, what's on the resume menu today?

Here are the three blunders I often spot:


Misaligned Words:
The language on your resume might not sync up with the role or salary you're eyeing.

Saying you're an excellent communicator is like saying you enjoy a good cuppa.

We need specifics! Who are you communicating with? Executives, directors, the whole gang?

Align your words with the salary and role you're after.

Pro tip: Write your desired salary at the top of your resume to keep things in check.


Zoom Out, Please:
It's easy to get lost in the nitty-gritty of your tasks, but when you're eyeing a strategic role, it's time to zoom out.

Your resume should scream big picture, showcasing the commercial impact of your work.

Focus on the first page – prime real estate – and highlight how your daily grind contributes directly to organizational outcomes.

Sell yourself like you're the star of a blockbuster trailer!


Fresh Eyes Needed:
We often underestimate our own skills because we're too close to them.

Find someone with a fresh perspective – someone who can give you honest, no-nonsense feedback. Not 20 different opinions, just a couple of spot-on insights to help you shine.

Remember, your resume isn't just a document; it's your sales pitch.

If you're considering some expert help, like a co-creation with me, drop a line at

caroline @ newhorizoncoaching.com.au, and we can chat about it.

That's a wrap for today!

If you know someone in need of this wisdom, hit that share button.

Until next time, take care and talk to you later.


22 min