85 episodes

Welcome to the Official ArtScroll Podcast! Tune in to hear behind-the-scenes interviews with your favorite authors!

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    • Religion & Spirituality

Welcome to the Official ArtScroll Podcast! Tune in to hear behind-the-scenes interviews with your favorite authors!

    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 12: Rabbi Feivel Mashinsky – Remembering The Klausenburger Rebbe zt”l

    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 12: Rabbi Feivel Mashinsky – Remembering The Klausenburger Rebbe zt”l

    Today, Rabbi Feivel Mashinsky is the director of Kupath Ezrah of Rockland County. Decades ago, the longtime Monsey resident was a talmid of the Klausenberger Rebbe zt”l, and the interactions that he had with the rebbe forever changed his life. Rabbi Mashinsky merited a close connection to the rebbe, including writing his shiurim and shmuessen. In this Inside ArtScroll interview, Rabbi Mashinsky, with his special chein and eloquence, and with remarkable recall, takes us back to a different time and a different world, to those years when he merited basking in the greatness of the Klausenberger Rebbe, providing a glimpse into the remarkable life depicted in the new ArtScroll biography. [Buy the new book HERE.]

    • 43 min
    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 11: Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg – Shailos Uteshuvos Divrei Chachomim

    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 11: Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg – Shailos Uteshuvos Divrei Chachomim

    From the time that Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg was a young yeshiva bochur learning in Eretz Yisroel through today as a seasoned rov for almost 40 years, he had the merit to do what most of us just dream about. He had developed a close and personal connection to almost all of the gedolei hador of the previous generation and spent a great deal of time with many of them. He would personally ask them hundreds of contemporary shailos in all areas of halacha and hashkafah, and he immediately committed their responses in writing, often reviewing with them what he had written.
    These responses comprise the sefer Shailos Uteshuvos Divrei Chachomim, which, in a new edition, contains hundreds of shailos that were never publicized before, including an expanded hashkafah section. In this Inside ArtScroll interview, Rabbi Ginzberg discusses this new sefer, as well as his interactions with the gedolei hador, sharing fascinating stories and reminiscences. [Buy the new book HERE.]

    • 50 min
    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 10: Rabbi Nachman Seltzer – Angels in Orange

    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 10: Rabbi Nachman Seltzer – Angels in Orange

    Angels in Orange contains incredible stories of emunah, hashgachah, miracles and courage as more than 1,700 United Hatzalah volunteers rescued and treated the wounded on Simchas Torah, October 7th, 2023. Bestselling author Rabbi Nachman Seltzer has written their amazing stories of courage and survival with great sensitivity for reader’s feelings. We are inspired and uplifted as we read about their mesiras nefesh, Hashem’s Hashgachah Pratis, the miracles that almost every volunteer saw and experienced, and their selfless caring for their fellow Jews during one of the most dangerous times in Israel’s history.
    In this special Inside ArtScroll interview, Rabbi Seltzer – who visited ArtScroll’s studio from his home in Israel – talks about this phenomenal book, his other bestselling works, and his career as one of Klal Yisrael’s most beloved authors.
    [Buy the new book HERE.]

    • 51 min
    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 9: Rabbi David Sutton – A Daily Dose of Pesukim of Bitachon

    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 9: Rabbi David Sutton – A Daily Dose of Pesukim of Bitachon

    A life lived with tranquility and confidence. Success in business. Protection in times of danger. And, greatest of all, a way to strengthen our connection to Hashem. Yes, the blessings of bitachon are immeasurable. But how do we truly incorporate such trust in Hashem into our hearts?
    The Talmud Yerushalmi, the Zohar, the Maharal and many other sources offer us a time-tested and effective means for embedding bitachon firmly within us. The Maharal even states that this technique is a segulah for success in business and protection in times of war. What is this ultra-powerful technique? Pesukim of bitachon. Reciting specific verses, these sources tell us, is an extremely powerful way of incorporating bitachon – and all its blessings - into every aspect of our lives.
    In this Inside ArtScroll interview, Rabbi David Sutton, author of A Daily Dose of Pesukim of Bitachon, describes how when we internalize these pesukim, we will transform our very essence. In his book and in this interview, Rabbi Sutton gives us a greater understanding of the many lessons we can learn from these pesukim. Through stories and insights, he shows us how to use the pesukim to strengthen our bitachon. Watch and be uplifted. [Buy the new book HERE.]

    • 34 min
    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 8: Rav Reuven Feinstein

    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 8: Rav Reuven Feinstein

    In Reb Reuven Feinstein on the Haggadah, Rav Sholom Reuven Feinstein, the esteemed and beloved Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshiva of Staten Island, guides us through the Seder. Indeed, as we enjoy this Haggadah masterpiece, we begin to actually feel that we are sitting with the Rosh Yeshiva at his Seder table.
    In this Inside ArtScroll interview, the Rosh Yeshivah reminisces for us what Pesach was like at the home of his father, Hagaon Rav Moshe Feinstein. The Rosh Yeshivah also offers fascinating chinuch insights and general chizuk in his trademark down-to-earth manner. Watch and be inspired! [Buy the new Haggadah HERE.]

    • 26 min
    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 7: Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – Haggadah Shel Pesach

    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 7: Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – Haggadah Shel Pesach

    Rav and founder of Machon Maggid Harakiah in Cedarhurst, NY, Rabbi Daniel Glatstein is one of the contemporary Jewish world’s most popular speakers and respected maggidei shiur. In his unique Haggadah Shel Pesach, he treats the Haggadah text not as a series of unconnected “vertlach,” but as a living, unified document, mirroring the slavery, miracles, and ultimate liberation in its words and structure.
    In this fascinating interview, Rabbi Glatstein gives us a deeper understanding of fundamental components of the Haggadah, and, indeed, of the entire experience of Yetzias Mitzrayim. [Buy the new book HERE.]

    • 34 min

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