177 episodes

Live your values. Find sanctuary. Discover and embrace your authentic self. Embark on your path of self-discovery and purposeful living.

With thought leaders, visionaries, and everyday citizens from Chattanooga and beyond, Dr. Chad explores the question: Who are you, and what does it mean to be human now?

Join Dr. Chad Prevost on this transformative journey as he seeks radical new ways to understand and practice what is real. Whether you're seeking to reignite your passion, discover your true calling, or simply live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Subscribe now and embark on a path of self-discovery, creativity, and purposeful living.

The Humanist Chad Prevost

    • Education

Live your values. Find sanctuary. Discover and embrace your authentic self. Embark on your path of self-discovery and purposeful living.

With thought leaders, visionaries, and everyday citizens from Chattanooga and beyond, Dr. Chad explores the question: Who are you, and what does it mean to be human now?

Join Dr. Chad Prevost on this transformative journey as he seeks radical new ways to understand and practice what is real. Whether you're seeking to reignite your passion, discover your true calling, or simply live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Subscribe now and embark on a path of self-discovery, creativity, and purposeful living.

    Alignment in Mind and Body with Dr. Chris Collins

    Alignment in Mind and Body with Dr. Chris Collins

    Chad Prevost and Chris Collins discuss the importance of building strong communities through authenticity and inclusivity. They emphasize the role of small businesses in fostering a sense of community and the need for people to feel welcomed and included.
    They also share personal experiences and insights on balancing parental responsibilities and personal aspirations, maintaining focus and setting structure to achieve productivity goals, and the significance of chiropractic care in identifying and resolving underlying health problems.
    We highlight the interconnectedness of the mind and body and the importance of prioritizing self-awareness, accountability, and community in personal growth and development.
    High NotesTrends in humanities and arts, with a focus on personal expression and creativity.Parenting, communication, and prioritization.Managing distractions and demands on the brain for productivity and well-being.Chiropractic care and its relationship with the nervous system and spine.Chiropractic care and its impact on nervous system function.Health coaching, stress management, and personality types.Mind-body connection, community building, and entrepreneurship.Social health, saying yes to experiences, and the benefits of ice plunges.Top 5 current fatherhood books with insights from authors.Download our free book, Desire: How Do You Want to Feel? Finding your way to your desire requires a number of the principles we teach at the Big Self School. It requires a calm center, self-knowledge, and courage to put the ideas into practice. Whether you think you know your desires, but want to reconnect to them, or you simply have no idea, this book can help you realize your way to a deeper and more authentic connection with yourself. Desire is ultimately about how you want your feelings, experiences, and values to line up in your life.
    This book is only available in print in hardback, but it's yours free as our downloadable PDF.
    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.
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    Order a copy of Chad’s book Shock Point or order an ebook here.
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    • 56 min
    Finding Clarity and Purpose Through Coaching with John M. DeMarco

    Finding Clarity and Purpose Through Coaching with John M. DeMarco

    Chad Prevost and John M. DeMarco discuss their paths to coaching, emphasizing the importance of building relationships, trust, and connection in their practices. They also explore the evolving nature of careers and skills, particularly among younger generations, and highlight the need for intentional training, experience, and learning agility to navigate this landscape.
    And what about the importance of clarity in intention, mindfulness, and coaching, and the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, and mental well-being? And how could we forget the intricate dynamics between artificial intelligence and humanity, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach to AI and the importance of understanding and compassion in our interactions with others.
    High NotesCareer journey from writing to coaching.Career transition from ministry to coaching, emphasizing skills development and personal branding.Coaching people to clarify their intentions and set achievable goals.Mindfulness, coaching, and connecting physical and mental well-being.Self-criticism, writer's block, and the importance of intention and self-compassion.The power of intention and coaching.Balancing expertise and growth mindset in professional life.Staying human in a world of AI, focusing on empathy, strategic thinking, and soft skills.AI's impact on society, coaching, and meaning-making.Top Five and Why Most Misunderstood Conceptions about Coaching.Find out more about John M. DeMarco here.
    Download our free book, Desire: How Do You Want to Feel? Finding your way to your desire requires a number of the principles we teach at the Big Self School. It requires a calm center, self-knowledge, and courage to put the ideas into practice. Whether you think you know your desires, but want to reconnect to them, or you simply have no idea, this book can help you realize your way to a deeper and more authentic connection with yourself. Desire is ultimately about how you want your feelings, experiences, and values to line up in your life.
    This book is only available in print in hardback, but it's yours free as our downloadable PDF.
    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.
    Want to give us some love but don't know how? Leave us a review and subscribe on Apple iTunes or Subscribe on Spotify!
    Order a copy of Chad’s book Shock Point or order an ebook here.
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    • 1 hr 5 min
    Ben Albert's Journey to Radical Responsibility from Corporate Burnout

    Ben Albert's Journey to Radical Responsibility from Corporate Burnout

    Chad Prevost and Ben Albert discuss the importance of authenticity and resilience in entrepreneurship, sharing personal experiences with maintaining these qualities in the face of challenges such as burnout, financial struggles, and personal growth. They emphasize the need to be honest about one's struggles and to showcase vulnerability in marketing and storytelling, while also acknowledging the importance of self-awareness and adaptability in navigating these challenges. They also explore the challenges of balancing artistic integrity with financial success, highlighting the need for self-awareness, perseverance, and creativity in navigating these challenges.
    High NotesCoaching, authenticity, and marketing with a focus on personal growth and creativity.Career transitions, entrepreneurship, and mental health.Workplace burnout, authenticity, and entrepreneurship.Balancing passion and financial success in entrepreneurship.Creativity, self-awareness, and inner struggles.Authenticity in marketing, self-care, and personal growth.The power of small changes in daily habits for self-care and personal growth.Identity, persona, and growth.Embracing weaknesses and connecting people through marketing.Chad's Top 5 and Why best marketing movie picks.Find out more about Ben Albert here.
    Download our free book, Desire: How Do You Want to Feel? Finding your way to your desire requires a number of the principles we teach at the Big Self School. It requires a calm center, self-knowledge, and courage to put the ideas into practice. Whether you think you know your desires, but want to reconnect to them, or you simply have no idea, this book can help you realize your way to a deeper and more authentic connection with yourself. Desire is ultimately about how you want your feelings, experiences, and values to line up in your life.
    This book is only available in print in hardback, but it's yours free as our downloadable PDF.
    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.
    Want to give us some love but don't know how? Leave us a review and subscribe on Apple iTunes or Subscribe on Spotify!
    Order a copy of Chad’s book Shock Point or order an ebook here.
    Just plain ol' sign up for a weekly roundup of all things happening at Big Self School.

    • 57 min
    How Do Creativity and Financial Stability Co-Exist? with Charles Moss

    How Do Creativity and Financial Stability Co-Exist? with Charles Moss

    Chad Prevost and Charles Moss discuss their experiences in creative freelancing, sharing personal struggles with imposter syndrome and financial stability. They emphasize the importance of persistence, resilience, and community support in navigating these challenges. They also discuss their experiences in the music industry, finding a balance between creativity and financial stability. Finally, they share strategies for maintaining focus and productivity in a highly distracted world, including time-boxing and reward systems.
    Possible Follow Up Items:[ ] Check out Jose Saramago and Gerald Stern as examples of writers who found success later in life.[ ] Consider reading Shop Class as Soulcraft to explore the value of work.[ ] Try the productivity technique of working for 45-50 minutes then taking a 10 minute break on a completely different task.
    High Notes:Challenges of making a living as a writer with various publications and freelance work.The challenges of being a freelance writer, including finding time to write and balancing creative work with financial needs.Freelancing, job searching, and nonprofit work in the music industry.Freelancing, writing background, and career aspirations.Learning from struggles and finding new opportunities.The struggles of freelancing, creative writing, and balancing financial stability with personal goals.Starting writing careers later in life, with examples from Jose Saramago, Gerald Stern, and Cormac McCarthy.Creating Choose Your Own Adventure books for kids, challenges with marketing and promotion.Creative expression, failure, and market competition.Authentic living, creativity, and fulfillment.Fear, authenticity, and creativity with a focus on overcoming self-doubt and persisting in pursuing one's passionsCreativity, writing, and overcoming self-doubt.Managing distractions and staying productive while working.Choose Your Own Adventure books, highlighting top 5 favorites.Learn more about Charlie and how to connect here.
    Download our free book, Desire: How Do You Want to Feel? Finding your way to your desire requires a number of the principles we teach at the Big Self School. It requires a calm center, self-knowledge, and courage to put the ideas into practice. Whether you think you know your desires, but want to reconnect to them, or you simply have no idea, this book can help you realize your way to a deeper and more authentic connection with yourself. Desire is ultimately about how you want your feelings, experiences, and values to line up in your life.
    This book is only available in print in hardback, but it's yours free as our downloadable PDF.
    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.
    Want to give us some love but don't know how? Leave us a review and subscribe on Apple iTunes or Subscribe on Spotify!
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    • 1 hr 20 min
    Is Outer Success and Inner Fulfillment Achievable? with Adam Hergenrother

    Is Outer Success and Inner Fulfillment Achievable? with Adam Hergenrother

    Chad Prevost and Adam Hergenrother discuss practical approaches to personal growth and fulfillment, emphasizing the interconnectedness of outer work and inner growth.
    Adam shares his experiences in real estate and prioritizes both aspects of life. He explores the concept of awakening and breaking free from the cycle of self-driven desires by becoming aware of the ego and true nature of thoughts and emotions.
    Chad highlights the importance of maintaining a beginner's mindset and focusing on inner growth. The conversation also touches on the challenges of balancing work and spirituality, recognizing the ego's influence in leadership, and prioritizing relaxation to make informed decisions.
    High Notes:Finding meaning and fulfillment beyond financial success.The importance of money and living below one's means to achieve personal growth and inner peace.Money, happiness, and inner fulfillment.Finding balance between work and spirituality.Personal growth, ego, and the vastness of the universe.Spiritual awakening and recognizing the voice in one's head as a separate entity from the self.The role of ego in life, how it drives actions and decisions, and the importance of recognizing when ego is at play.Conscious leadership and emotional release in business decisions.Mindfulness practices for emotional awareness and self-awareness.Embracing difficult experiences for personal growth.More about Adam:ADAM HERGENROTHER is the Founder and CEO of Adam Hergenrother Companies, which includes KW Vermont, Livian™, BlackRock Construction, The Founder & The Force Multiplier, the Hergenrother Foundation, and The 200% Life.
    Over the last 17 years, Adam has bootstrapped his way to building a billion dollar organization. He has built businesses, hired exceptional talent, written books, coached leaders, and more. He’s had what others call “success”—but after years of grinding in order to find “fulfillment,” he found himself asking, “Why has success not given me endless happiness? Is this all there is?“
    This question sparked his exploration into spirituality. What he discovered on his journey is that the material success we experience in our outer world is only half of the puzzle. We also need to tap into the other part of life that is our inner world—our highest self and who we are beyond our ego, identities and roles—to truly experience the deep fulfillment, joy, and enthusiasm that’s our birthright.
    Adam calls this The 200% Life.
    Here is the best place to learn more about his book, The 200% Life.
    Download our free book, Desire: How Do You Want to Feel? Finding your way to your desire requires a number of the principles we teach at the Big Self School. It requires a calm center, self-knowledge, and courage to put the ideas into practice. Whether you think you know your desires, but want to reconnect to them, or you simply have no idea, this book can help you realize your way to a deeper and more authentic connection with yourself. Desire is ultimately about how you want your feelings, experiences, and values to line up in your life.
    This book is only available in print in hardback, but it's yours free as our downloadable PDF.
    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.
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    • 54 min
    Innovation and Endurance: How Daniel Lucas Found Resilience and Fulfillment in Ultra Running

    Innovation and Endurance: How Daniel Lucas Found Resilience and Fulfillment in Ultra Running

    Chad Prevost and Daniel Lucas discuss personal growth through ultrarunning, coping with life's challenges, and fulfillment in the digital age. They discuss the importance of resilience, mental toughness, and self-awareness in achieving success in ultra-distance running and in life. 
    Daniel shares his experiences as an innovation specialist and discusses the challenges of driving innovation and growth within an organization. They explore the challenges of deep work and productivity, emphasizing the importance of setting aside distractions and focusing on meaningful work.
    Action Items[ ] Look up Daniel's invention website SproutSpout.com to learn more about and potentially purchase a sprouting device[ ] Book a discovery call on coaching by visiting the show notes links to learn more about Big Self School's individual coaching services
    High NotesBurnout, self-discovery through ultra-marathoning.Personal growth and self-improvement through education and ultra-running.Mental toughness and resilience in ultra-marathon running.Building mental resilience through marathon training.Using challenges to build resilience and camaraderie through ultra-distance running.Choosing to not do an ultra-marathon due to injuries and mental preparation.Personal growth through challenges and fulfillment.Personal growth and fulfillment for different generations.Parenting and personal growth.Personal growth, innovation, and leadership.Productivity, creativity, and fulfillment in work.Creating a better way to grow sprouts for commercial use.Sprouting broccoli seeds for nutrition, with coaching services offered.Download our free book, Desire: How Do You Want to Feel? Finding your way to your desire requires a number of the principles we teach at the Big Self School. It requires a calm center, self-knowledge, and courage to put the ideas into practice. Whether you think you know your desires, but want to reconnect to them, or you simply have no idea, this book can help you realize your way to a deeper and more authentic connection with yourself. Desire is ultimately about how you want your feelings, experiences, and values to line up in your life.
    This book is only available in print in hardback, but it's yours free as our downloadable PDF.
    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.
    Want to give us some love but don't know how? Leave us a review and subscribe on Apple iTunes or Subscribe on Spotify!
    Order a copy of Chad’s book Shock Point or order an a...

    • 1 hr 3 min

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