227 episodes

The Free Lawyer Podcast is designed for the lawyer, entrepreneur or professional who is in some way unfulfilled, stressed or stuck and looking for something better. We will discuss various blocks that limit us from achieving the personal freedom we all desire but have not yet fully experienced. Are you looking to achieve a new level of success? If so, this podcast is for you!

The Free Lawyer Gary Miles

    • Business

The Free Lawyer Podcast is designed for the lawyer, entrepreneur or professional who is in some way unfulfilled, stressed or stuck and looking for something better. We will discuss various blocks that limit us from achieving the personal freedom we all desire but have not yet fully experienced. Are you looking to achieve a new level of success? If so, this podcast is for you!

    227. How Can Lawyers Enhance Their Communication Skills for Success?

    227. How Can Lawyers Enhance Their Communication Skills for Success?

    Have you ever wondered how effective communication can transform your legal career? In this podcast episode, Gary Miles, a lawyer, delves into the crucial role of communication in the legal profession. Gary addresses common communication challenges lawyers face, such as interruptions and misunderstandings, and outlines the negative impacts of poor listening. He emphasizes the importance of clarity, active listening, empathy, and professionalism. Gary offers practical strategies for improving communication skills, including being mindful, seeking feedback, and understanding cultural differences. He highlights the ongoing nature of learning and refining communication skills for legal success.

    The importance of effective communication (00:01:11) Gary discusses the significance of effective communication for lawyers and the struggles they face in being good communicators.

    Obstacles to effective communication (00:02:23) Gary explores the obstacles to effective communication, including control of the agenda, assumptions, ego interference, time constraints, prejudgment, impatience, and emotional barriers.

    Problems caused by poor listening (00:11:11) Gary explains the problems that arise from being a poor listener, such as misunderstandings, hurt feelings, distrust, and hampered communication.

    Importance of effective communication for lawyers (00:13:50) Gary outlines the reasons why effective communication is crucial for lawyers, including improving client relationships, courtroom success, negotiation skills, building trust, persuasion, conflict resolution, and building reputation.

    Critical elements of communication for lawyers (00:16:41) Gary highlights the essential keys to being a good communicator, including clarity, active listening, empathy, professionalism, transparency, confidence, timeliness, and accuracy.

    Steps to becoming a better communicator (00:19:30) Gary provides eight steps to becoming a better communicator as a lawyer, emphasizing awareness, open-mindedness, active listening, clear and concise language, empathy, feedback, non-verbal communication skills, preparation, and mindfulness of cultural differences.

    Would you like to improve your communication?

     Would you like to schedule a complimentary discovery call to discuss it? You can do so here.

    • 28 min
    226. How Can Law Firm Owners Increase Profit and Reduce Workload?

    226. How Can Law Firm Owners Increase Profit and Reduce Workload?

    In this episode, Gary introduces Dan Warburton, a consultant helping law firm owners increase profits and reduce workload. Dan shares his journey from being inspired by his father's business to becoming a sought-after consultant. He discusses the importance of building companies that don’t rely solely on the owner's physical work and emphasizes leveraging a team of associates. The conversation covers effective delegation, mentorship, and clear communication, providing practical strategies for law firm owners to increase profitability, reduce workload, and achieve a better work-life balance.

    The concept of leveraging in law refers to the practice of using your existing resources, such as staff, to generate more profits. In this episode, we discuss how law firm owners can effectively leverage their staff to increase profitability and reduce workload, and the common hesitancy of law firm owners to delegate work.

    Supporting and valuing associates (00:12:43) The importance of valuing and supporting associates personally and professionally.

    Core strategy for financial growth (00:13:59) Dan's strategy of shifting focus from billable work to increasing associates' billable hours and accountability.

    Elevating Client Services (00:21:09): Dan discusses the challenge of delegating work to long-term clients and how to elevate their services.

    Transitioning to Delegated Work (00:22:02) Dan explains how to transition clients to work with delegated team members and build trust with the clients.

    Effect of Micromanaging on Law Firm Owners (00:23:13) The negative impact of micromanaging and being stuck in the daily grind on the professional and personal life of law firm owners.

    The Law Technician's Valley of Doom (00:23:47) Dan describes the situation where law firm owners feel trapped due to their firm's reliance on them and the lack of options.

    Transformative Changes in Professional and Personal Life (00:24:59) The positive changes experienced by a law firm owner after successfully delegating work, including reduced workload and increased personal time.

    Tailoring Delegation Strategies for Different Firm Sizes (00:26:45) How delegation strategies are tailored based on the law firm's size, focusing on structuring the chain of command and increasing profits.

    First Step Towards Profitable Delegation (00:28:08) Dan recommends scheduling regular one-on-one calls with key team members and becoming their mentor to succeed at what matters to them.

    Dan Warburton specializes in enabling law firm owners to increase their profits while reducing their workload dramatically, and he has an extraordinary track record for doing so. From working with Dan, a law firm partner, one of his US clients took his firm from being valued at $3.5 million to over 8.5 million dollars in less than 12 months. A UK client of his increased her firm's revenue by over 400% in 6 months, and another went from billing £13K to over £80K per month in less than a year. These are just a snapshot of the results his clients achieve, but not only this; they all gained something else in common: they each became able to work less than half the hours per week than they did before and transform their lifestyles by gaining lots of free time to focus on what matters to them whether this be more business development or time with their family.

    Warburton does this by showing his clients how to profitably delegate away their workload and empower their teams to handle larger work volumes than ever. This enables the law firm partners to transition from technicians to someone who predominantly owns their business. It creates time to solve all the inefficiencies in their companies that they previously neglected due to heavy workloads. 

    Would you like to learn more about Breaking Free or order your copy? https://www.garymiles.net/break-free

     Would you like to schedule a complimentary discovery call? You can do so here: https://calendly.com/garymiles-successcoach/one-one-d

    • 33 min
    225. The Secret to Overcoming Fear in Your Law Practice

    225. The Secret to Overcoming Fear in Your Law Practice

    In this episode, Gary, a seasoned legal professional, delves into fear within the legal practice, offering insights and practical tips for overcoming it. He acknowledges many lawyers' internal struggles despite outward confidence, identifying common fears such as failure, judgment, and public speaking. The episode explores how fear impacts decision-making, stress levels, and job satisfaction. Practical steps for overcoming these fears include accepting them, seeking support, and visualizing success. Gary emphasizes that addressing fears can unlock confidence and creativity, ultimately leading to success in the legal field. Listeners are invited to connect for mentorship and guidance.

    Barriers Created by Fear (00:03:16) Gary explores common fears in legal practice, including fear of failure, judgment, uncertainty, inadequacy, public speaking, rejection, and conflict.

    Impact of Fear (00:07:01): Gary details how fear affects decision-making and leads to procrastination, overworking, self-doubt, reduced confidence, professional anxiety, increased stress, and burnout.

    Practical Steps to Conquer Fear (00:11:07) Gary provides 12 practical steps to conquer fear, each one a powerful tool in your arsenal. These steps include identifying fears, accepting feelings, seeking support, embracing uncertainty, visualizing success, eliminating excuses, learning from setbacks, preparing for success, facing fears head-on, staying present in the moment, and maintaining a positive mindset.

    Would you like to learn more about Breaking Free or order your copy? https://www.garymiles.net/break-free

     Would you like to schedule a complimentary discovery call? You can do so here: https://calendly.com/garymiles-successcoach/one-one-discovery-call

    • 25 min
    224. How Can Lawyers Prioritize Mental Health in a Stressful Profession?

    224. How Can Lawyers Prioritize Mental Health in a Stressful Profession?

    In this episode of "The Free Lawyer," Gary is joined by Lisa Ross, a seasoned clinical director with over three decades of experience in education and counseling. Lisa, who currently serves as the Clinical Director of New Leaf Teletherapy, brings her wealth of knowledge to the discussion on mental health in the legal profession. Together, they delve into the prevalent issues of high stress and burnout rates among lawyers, the stigma around seeking help, and the importance of addressing mental health for overall well-being. Lisa shares practical strategies for coping with stress and differentiates between stress, anxiety, and burnout. They also touch upon substance abuse in the legal field, the significance of early counseling, and the role of self-care practices like sleep, nutrition, and exercise. The episode underscores the leadership's responsibility to promote mental wellness and the younger generation's advocacy for workplace mental health.

    Understanding Mental Health in the Legal Profession (00:01:49) The mental health challenges lawyers face include burnout, stress, and the importance of mental health being viewed as physical health.

    Stigma and Treatment of Mental Health Conditions (00:07:28) The stigma and challenges associated with seeking treatment for mental health conditions, including the comparison to physical health conditions.

    Differences Between Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout (00:08:30) The distinctions between stress, anxiety, and burnout and how they impact individuals differently.

    Coping Strategies for Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout (00:10:05) Strategies for dealing with stress, anxiety, and burnout, including self-awareness and logical analysis of thoughts.

    Aligning Values and Happiness (00:13:17) The importance of aligning personal values with professional choices to achieve happiness and fulfillment.

    Addressing Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession (00:16:20) Addressing substance abuse in the legal profession, including the impact on individuals and organizations, and strategies for creating a supportive culture.

    Leadership Initiatives in Firms (00:32:12) Discusses the concept of "communities of care" and the importance of leadership in promoting mental health initiatives in law firms.

    Dr. Lisa Ross is a dedicated advocate for employee mental health, with a career spanning over three decades in education and counseling. Motivated to address this pressing issue, Lisa currently serves as the Clinical Director of New Leaf Teletherapy, LLC, where she plays a pivotal role in managing and hiring therapists dedicated to providing counseling services across 25 states. Through her leadership, New Leaf Teletherapy has supported school districts, companies, and law firms seeking accessible and effective mental health care.

    In addition to her role at New Leaf Teletherapy, Lisa maintains a thriving private practice, offering personalized counseling services to clients seeking holistic mental health solutions.

    Would you like to learn more about Breaking Free or order your copy? https://www.garymiles.net/break-free

     Would you like to schedule a complimentary discovery call? You can do so here: https://calendly.com/garymiles-successcoach/one-one-discovery-call

    • 41 min
    223. Are You Letting Perfectionism Hold You Back in Your Legal Career?

    223. Are You Letting Perfectionism Hold You Back in Your Legal Career?

    Today, Gary talks about the massive problem of perfectionism.  Perfectionism can be a double-edged sword. Aiming for excellence is crucial, but it's time to reassess our approach when perfection becomes an obsession. 

    He shares his journey with perfectionism, how it has affected him, and its signs and causes. He also describes its consequences for lawyers and provides 12 practical tools for overcoming it, promoting a healthier work-life balance and overall well-being. These tools are not just theoretical but have been proven effective in his own life and the lives of many other professionals.

    While perfectionism is often seen as a necessary trait in the legal profession, it's crucial to recognize its potential detrimental effects if left unchecked. However, realizing these effects can also motivate change, leading to a game-changing improvement in our professional lives.

    Remember, it's not about abandoning your pursuit of excellence. It's about finding a balance, a sweet spot that allows you to excel in your career while maintaining your well-being. This is the key to a fulfilling and successful professional life.

    Would you like to learn more about Breaking Free or order your copy? https://www.garymiles.net/break-free

     Would you like to schedule a complimentary discovery call? You can do so here: https://calendly.com/garymiles-successcoach/one-one-discovery-call

    • 29 min
    222. How Can Law Firm Owners Achieve Work-Life Balance and Growth

    222. How Can Law Firm Owners Achieve Work-Life Balance and Growth

    In this podcast episode, host Gary interviews Charlie Mann, founder of Law Firm Alchemy, on his unique approach to growing law firms through marketing and leadership. Charlie shares his theater background and how it informs his coaching style. They discuss law firm owners' challenges, such as communication and setting expectations, and delve into marketing strategies and the importance of work-life balance. Charlie introduces the seven stages of law firm leadership and the concept of "making the ask." The conversation also covers the influence of private equity and AI in the legal field, emphasizing the value of legal services beyond billable hours and the significance of aligning personal values with professional actions for a fulfilling career.

    Charley Mann works with law firm owners to build their entrepreneurial skillset, with a major focus on marketing and leadership. His company, Law Firm Alchemy, offers coaching and courses tailored to help firm owners exit a growth plateau or accelerate their current growth journey.

    Coaching Law Firms (00:02:26) Charlie discusses his coaching focus on unpacking the identity of law firm owners and building their entrepreneurial skill sets.

    Challenges of Law Firm Owners (00:07:53) Common obstacles law firm owners face when scaling their business, including absolutism and limited perspectives, are discussed.

    Marketing Strategies (00:12:12) Charlie explains his approach to marketing strategies for law firms, emphasizing the importance of a strong referral marketing plan and digital marketing analysis.

    Maintaining Work-Life Balance (00:16:25) Charlie's approach to maintaining a healthy work-life balance, emphasizing presence over balance and the importance of delegation and ownership responsibilities.

    Leadership Coaching (00:20:23) Charlie explains his coaching on the seven stages of law firm leadership, focusing on building better leaders and creating a positive work environment.

    Leadership and Communication (00:20:57) Charlie discusses the importance of making clear requests and radical candor in leadership, emphasizing the need for effective communication.

    Challenges in Leadership (00:24:37) Charlie highlights the challenges law firm owners face in leadership, including the need for courage and setting and enforcing expectations.

    Mindset and Imposter Syndrome (00:26:45) Charlie addresses the scarcity mindset, imposter syndrome, and the importance of reflecting on past successes to build confidence.

    Would you like to learn more about Breaking Free or order your copy? https://www.garymiles.net/break-free

     Would you like to schedule a complimentary discovery call? You can do so here: https://calendly.com/garymiles-successcoach/one-one-discovery-call

    • 42 min

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