140 episodes

Unfiltered Badassery. This is the ultimate podcast for those who want to think big, be bold, and say yes.

Exploring the minds and stories of extraordinary entrepreneurs, creatives, and total badasses! I'm your host, Mark Drager, and we're diving deep into the world of remarkable individuals who have dared to bet on themselves and chase their dreams.

Each week, I’m bringing hard-hitting, honest, and thought-provoking conversations. Exploring the triumphs and challenges they've faced on their path to success. Uncovering the untold stories that have shaped them into the exceptional people they are today.

We're here to learn from their experiences, absorb their wisdom, and gain valuable insights into how they've built a wealthier, happier, and freer life. This isn't just any podcast - we're celebrating the journeys of those who have dared to dream big, take risks, and rewrite the rules of the game.

Whether you're an entrepreneur seeking inspiration, a creative mind craving a spark of brilliance, or simply someone hungry for compelling stories that redefine success, you're in the right place.

The Mark Drager Show Mark Drager

    • Business

Unfiltered Badassery. This is the ultimate podcast for those who want to think big, be bold, and say yes.

Exploring the minds and stories of extraordinary entrepreneurs, creatives, and total badasses! I'm your host, Mark Drager, and we're diving deep into the world of remarkable individuals who have dared to bet on themselves and chase their dreams.

Each week, I’m bringing hard-hitting, honest, and thought-provoking conversations. Exploring the triumphs and challenges they've faced on their path to success. Uncovering the untold stories that have shaped them into the exceptional people they are today.

We're here to learn from their experiences, absorb their wisdom, and gain valuable insights into how they've built a wealthier, happier, and freer life. This isn't just any podcast - we're celebrating the journeys of those who have dared to dream big, take risks, and rewrite the rules of the game.

Whether you're an entrepreneur seeking inspiration, a creative mind craving a spark of brilliance, or simply someone hungry for compelling stories that redefine success, you're in the right place.

    Derek Sivers: From Indie Platform to $22 Million Sale to Charity - The CD Baby Story

    Derek Sivers: From Indie Platform to $22 Million Sale to Charity - The CD Baby Story

    In today's episode, Mark engages in a riveting conversation with the incredible Derek Sivers, the founder of CD Baby, an entrepreneur, and a TED speaker known for his unconventional wisdom in the world of business and life. The dialogue kicks off with a thought-provoking discussion about the essence of genuine reactions versus prepared responses in interviews and podcasts.
    Derek shares his philosophy of life and its translation into his business ventures. His narratives revolve around the principle of challenging status quos and navigating through life with a zest for learning and understanding. Derek opens up about his experiences and the stories that have shaped his philosophies, offering listeners a deep dive into the mind of a true innovator and thought leader.
    Derek takes us on a journey through the creation and evolution of CD Baby, sharing how it became a beacon of hope and platform for independent musicians. The stories from CD Baby’s inception to its growth reveal not just a business strategy, but also Derek’s commitment to providing value to artists, thereby changing the landscape of the music industry. His insights into business, creativity, and personal development are nothing short of enlightening.
    Whether it's discussing the nuances of entrepreneurial strategy, or diving deep into the emotional and logical aspects of decision-making, Derek provides a fresh perspective that is sure to leave you pondering. Don't miss out on this episode full of valuable life lessons, business strategies, and the intriguing stories behind one of the music industry’s most impactful businesses.
    👉 Subscribe to The Mark Drager Show for more inspiring talks and insights from remarkable individuals from various walks of life. 🚀 Don’t forget to like, comment, and share this episode with your network!
    Check Out More from The Mark Drager Show 📺: 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mark.drager * Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markdrager * TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mark.drager * $alesLoop: https://www.salesloopbrand.com/ * Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2jkg4n5... * Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...  
    Key Takeaways:
    The Importance of Prepared Responses: Derek Sivers emphasizes the value in preparing responses to questions in advance, suggesting that immediate reactions may not always reflect one’s true or best thoughts on a topic. This can be crucial in ensuring that communicated messages are thoughtful and impactful. The Perception of Present Tense on the Internet: Derek points out an interesting observation about the internet - when you communicate something in the present tense, it may be perceived as such even years later by readers or listeners. This highlights the importance of being mindful about how and what we communicate online. Value of Pre-Communication in Conversations: He acknowledges the merit in being sent questions before a conversation or interview. Even though his approach towards this has evolved, he recognizes that pre-communication can often lead to more thoughtful dialogue during the actual conversation. The Evolving Nature of Answers: Derek elucidates that one’s responses can evolve even in a short span of time. An initial answer might change or adapt upon further reflection, highlighting the dynamic nature of thought processes and the potential depth that can emerge from giving oneself time to think. The Fluidity and Evolution of Online Terminology: The conversation lightly touches upon how terms used on online platforms, like ‘tweet’, can become integrated into our vocabulary, and how there can be resistance or adaptation to changing these terms. This highlights a larger theme of how online platforms and their terminologies become embedded in our societal language and culture.

    • 1 hr 18 min
    Kris Carr: Beyond Survival, How She Triumphed Cancer Every Day

    Kris Carr: Beyond Survival, How She Triumphed Cancer Every Day

    In this conversation, Mark sits down with the incredible Kris Carr, a cancer survivor who has transformed her challenging journey into a wellspring of hope for countless others. Kris opens up about the emotional and psychological dimensions of living with a cancer diagnosis, emphasizing the pivotal role of mental management and staying grounded in the present. Her wisdom not only emanates from her personal experiences but also forms the foundation of her advocacy to inspire and support others navigating through similar life challenges.
    Kris Carr's candid discussion takes listeners through her personal philosophy of avoiding "future tripping" – a practice of not getting paralyzed by potential future scenarios. She speaks about the importance of not allowing oneself to be consumed by terrifying stories about what the future might hold, especially in the context of a challenging diagnosis. Kris's philosophy is not just a theoretical concept but a practical strategy that has been instrumental in her ongoing journey with cancer.
    This episode delves deeper, possibly exploring Kris’s daily life, her strategies for maintaining mental health, and how her diagnosis has impacted her perspective on life. Kris has managed to weave her experiences into a tapestry of inspiration, and through her stories, listeners might find relatable elements that could be applied in navigating through their challenges. Kris’s mental fortitude, her ability to stay present, and her proactive approach towards mental management are likely discussed further, providing listeners with actionable insights.
    Join us on The Mark Drager Show as we explore not just the challenges, but the triumphs, the strategies, and the unwavering spirit of individuals like Kris Carr who turn their adversities into pathways of hope and inspiration for others. Subscribe for more conversations that seek to delve into the human spirit, explore poignant stories, and provide a space where insights, struggles, and triumphs are shared. Your journey into the heart of impactful stories begins here.
    Check Out More from The Mark Drager Show 📺: 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mark.drager * Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markdrager * TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mark.drager * $alesLoop: https://www.salesloopbrand.com/ * Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2jkg4n5... * Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...  
    Key Takeaways:
    Living in the Present: Kris Carr emphasizes the importance of staying present and not fixating on the potential future scenarios that can arise from living with cancer. She doesn’t allow herself to be consumed by the what-ifs and focuses on the now. Avoiding Negative Future Projections: Kris actively avoids "future tripping" or terrifying herself with potential future outcomes. She doesn't engage in creating scary narratives in her mind that could paralyze her with fear or anxiety. Embracing Mental Fortitude: A significant part of Kris’s journey involves mental management. She strongly advocates for maintaining mental fortitude and managing the emotional and psychological aspects that come with a diagnosis like cancer. Utilizing Personal Strategies: Kris shares that she doesn’t engage in activities or thoughts that don’t reside in her “genius zone”. She focuses on what she can do and does not burden herself with tasks or thoughts that are not beneficial to her mental and physical well-being. Not Letting Scary Stories Dictate Life: Kris doesn’t allow the scary stories of what might happen in the future dictate her life. She actively manages her mental space to avoid becoming paralyzed by fear or anxiety, ensuring that her mental health is preserved. Being Practical and Realistic: The dialogue may involve Kris and Mark discussing how to be practical and realistic when envisioning the future, especially when it comes to dealing with a long-term diagnosis like cancer.

    • 58 min
    Jeff Allen: New York Comedy Stories with Veteran Comedian

    Jeff Allen: New York Comedy Stories with Veteran Comedian

    Welcome to a particularly special episode of The Mark Drage Show, where we explore the vibrant world of comedy with none other than Jeff Allen, a celebrated comedian known for his perceptive and universally relatable humor. Embarking on a journey from a 16-year-old intrigued by a comedy team at a club, to becoming a seasoned comedian, Jeff shares intricate details of his fascinating journey through the intricate, dynamic world of stand-up comedy.
    In this insightful episode, Jeff shares remarkable stories from his extensive career, including intriguing interactions with comedy legends like Jerry Seinfeld and Arsenio Hall. He opens up about the advice he received from Seinfeld, providing a rare glimpse into the camaraderie and mentorship within the comedy community. Jeff’s experiences, especially with Arsenio Hall, who helped him land his first paying gig, showcase the intricate networks and friendships that have supported his journey, offering listeners a backstage pass to the world of comedy.
    Through tales of laughter, challenges, and memories of sharing stages and moments with comedy giants, Jeff navigates through his comedic journey, providing a genuine and transparent look into his world. His narrative includes an exploration of the 80s comedy scene, reflecting on his path amidst peers like Ellen DeGeneres, Drew Carey, Tim Allen, and Norm Macdonald, and how the industry's evolution shaped his career. With his distinctive blend of humor and authenticity, Jeff reveals the highs and lows, and the moments that have profoundly shaped his career and comedic style.
    Join us on The Mark Drage Show as we traverse through Jeff Allen's illustrious career, exploring not only his personal journey but also gaining insights into the comedy world’s backstage and on-stage realities. Whether you're a devout fan of stand-up or just curious about the behind-the-scenes of the comedic world, this episode promises a blend of emotions, captivating narratives, and a generous sprinkle of Jeff's signature humor. Ensure to subscribe to The Mark Drage Show for more enlightening conversations with our incredible array of guests!
    Check Out More from The Mark Drager Show 📺: 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mark.drager * Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markdrager * TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mark.drager * $alesLoop: https://www.salesloopbrand.com/ * Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2jkg4n5... * Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...  
    Key Takeaways:
    Discovering Passion Early: Jeff's early curiosity in comedy reveals the impactful role of exploring interests during youth, illustrating how early encounters with a passion can sculpt your career path subtly yet significantly. Embracing Courage to Start: Jeff’s move from observer to performer underscores the pivotal role of seizing opportunities, demonstrating that the initial, imperfect step often kickstarts the journey more than meticulous planning does. Confronting and Managing Stage Fright: Encountering and persevering through initial stage fright, Jeff illustrates that viewing these early jitters as temporary hurdles, not permanent barriers, fosters growth and mastery in live performances. Navigating Through Early Challenges: Jeff’s perseverance through initial setbacks speaks to the necessity of resilience in any career, highlighting that enduring through early trials without surrender often lays the foundation for eventual success. Preparation and Relatability: Learning from unprepared attempts, Jeff underscores the criticality of preparation and relatability, proving that well-constructed and resonant content is instrumental in forming genuine audience connections. Embracing Authenticity in Content: Jeff's resonance with audiences through authentic content demonstrates the power of genuine and personal experiences in crafting a unique and relatable comedic style.

    • 1 hr 12 min
    Geraldine Deruiter: How To Turn Your Passion Into A Job

    Geraldine Deruiter: How To Turn Your Passion Into A Job

    Welcome to The Mark Drager Show, where we explore the minds and stories of extraordinary entrepreneurs, creatives, and total badasses. In this episode, we're honored to have Geraldine DeRuiter, the acclaimed writer behind "The Everywhereist" and author of "All Over the Place: Adventures in Travel, True Love, and Petty Theft," as well as her latest work, "If You Can't Take the Heat: Tales of Food, Feminism, and Fury.
    Geraldine shares insights into her career as a writer and blogger, discussing the highs and lows, from confronting writer's block to the joy of connecting with readers worldwide. She talks candidly about the courage it takes to write personal stories, knowing well that people in her life will read them, and how she handles the challenge of social media trolls with grace and humor.
    Check Out More from The Mark Drager Show 📺: 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mark.drager Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markdrager TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mark.drager $alesLoop: https://www.salesloopbrand.com/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2jkg4n5bnA9ZACGxcSusQF

    • 1 hr 5 min
    Rebecca Zung: Negotiate Like a Pro & Narcissism Gets Exposed

    Rebecca Zung: Negotiate Like a Pro & Narcissism Gets Exposed

    Welcome to another episode of The Mark Drager Show! Today, we're honored to host Rebecca Zung, a distinguished attorney ranked among the Top 1% in the nation. Dive into this illuminating conversation as Rebecca unravels the intricacies of negotiation, personal power, and the transformative moments that molded her illustrious career.
    Rebecca shares her insights into the art of negotiation, emphasizing the power of perception and the influence of personal beliefs on outcomes. She delves deep into the difference between authentic and counterfeit power, and how recognizing one's true value can reshape interactions and negotiations.
    Rebecca's journey has not been linear; from practicing law to a stint as a financial advisor with Morgan Stanley and back into law. Through it all, she learned the importance of self-awareness and the profound impact of body language and self-presentation.
    As we wrap up this insightful conversation, we reflect on the wisdom and insights shared by Rebecca Zung. This isn't just another podcast episode; it's a deep dive into the art of negotiation, the essence of personal power, and the pivotal moments that shape an outstanding career. Join us on this transformative journey and don't miss out on future enlightening discussions. Subscribe to The Mark Drager Show for more insightful dialogues.
    Check Out More from The Mark Drager Show 📺: 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mark.drager * Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markdrager * TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mark.drager * $alesLoop: https://www.salesloopbrand.com/ * Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2jkg4n5... * Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast... Key Takeaways:
    Reprogram Your Mindset: Understand that people will perceive you based on how you present yourself. Confidence in negotiation stems from a solid self-perception. Know Your Value: Recognizing your worth is crucial. This knowledge anchors your position in any negotiation. Distinguish Authentic Power from Counterfeit Power: Understand the difference to navigate negotiations more effectively. Body Language Matters: Before words are even spoken, body language can communicate confidence and intent. Embrace Change and Opportunity: Rebecca's journey from law to financial advising and back to law highlights the importance of seizing opportunities and being adaptable. Seek Guidance: Hiring a business coach or mentor can provide valuable insights and direction in your professional journey. Control the Narrative: Remember that "people will think what you tell them to think." Be deliberate in how you present yourself and your story.

    • 1 hr 1 min
    Light Watkins: Living from a Carry-On, Insights into a Minimalist Lifestyle

    Light Watkins: Living from a Carry-On, Insights into a Minimalist Lifestyle

    Welcome to The Mark Drager Show, in today's episode we're joined by the renowned meditation expert, Light Watkins. Dive deep as Watkins shares his profound insights on inner peace, happiness, and personal growth. With his "inside-out" approach, he challenges traditional views, unveiling a fresh perspective on happiness.
    Watkins emphasizes the transformative power of practices such as meditation, gratitude, and leading a purposeful life. He addresses common misconceptions about happiness, urging listeners to chase genuine contentment over fleeting emotions. In a world often swayed by materialism, Watkins' insights on aligning personal values with one's life purpose are a breath of fresh air.
    Through personal anecdotes, Watkins sheds light on the significance of embracing one's inner call and making unconventional decisions. He believes that such moments, though seemingly drastic, pave the way for immense personal growth and understanding.
    As we wrap up this enlightening conversation, we reflect on the wisdom and insights shared by Light Watkins. This isn't merely a podcast episode; it's an exploration of mindfulness, inner harmony, and the quest for a meaningful life. Join us on this transformative journey for more such insightful dialogues. Subscribe to The Mark Drager Show for more such insightful dialogues.
    Check Out More from The Mark Drager Show 📺: 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mark.drager * Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markdrager * TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mark.drager * $alesLoop: https://www.salesloopbrand.com/ * Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2jkg4n5... * Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast... Key Takeaways:
    Adopt an "inside-out" approach to happiness. Engage in practices like meditation, gratitude, random acts of kindness, service, and leading a purposeful life. Pursue genuine happiness, not the misconception that it's about always smiling or being overly passive. Seek a balanced approach: achieve meaningful goals while maintaining inner contentment. Understand the deep connection between personal values and life's purpose. Act upon long-held desires or plans; sometimes, drastic changes lead to personal growth.  Don't be confined by societal norms; sometimes, the most enriching experiences come from unconventional decisions.

    • 1 hr 6 min

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