20 episodes

Here to provide you with weekly thoughts and concepts from the Bible to help you stay focused on your spiritual life in Christ.

Training for Godliness Paul Hammons

    • Religion & Spirituality

Here to provide you with weekly thoughts and concepts from the Bible to help you stay focused on your spiritual life in Christ.

    Bible Answers to a Progressive Culture, Part 1: A Progressive View of the Bible

    Bible Answers to a Progressive Culture, Part 1: A Progressive View of the Bible

    In the first lesson of the series, we talk about some basic characteristics that are common to most progressive Christian teachers, and what their implications are for our understanding of God and of the Bible itself.

    • 42 min
    Who Is the Hero Of Our Story?

    Who Is the Hero Of Our Story?

    Be the hero of your own story. That’s kind of how we’re encouraged to look at life today. The idea that if you believe in something strongly enough, if you’re willing to put yourself out there and take risks, you can make things happen in your life - whether it’s in the business world, your relationships, your own sense of well-being. You can achieve your goals, and people are going to see it and acknowledge your success.The Bible is filled with stories like that - or at least stories that se...

    • 7 min
    The Hero We Need, Not the One We Deserve

    The Hero We Need, Not the One We Deserve

    This year, one of the most popular topics of discussion concerns the quality of our political discourse - or the lack thereof. As our election approaches, we watch debates where shouting, name-calling, and interruption take the place of intelligent discussion of policy - or in most cases, we brag about how we DIDN’T watch it. If you’re on social media, it’s almost impossible to escape the bitterness and frustration so many are expressing toward both sides of the political aisle.And despite wh...

    • 9 min
    Who Sets My Standard?

    Who Sets My Standard?

    We’ve talked a lot about motivation this year, and clearly that’s one of the greatest challenges to living a life that demands excellence, but doesn’t always provide us with regular progress reports on how we’re doing. One of the biggest issues we often have – just like with physical training is that unless we have a clear-cut goal in front of us with measurable progress points, we may find ourselves wondering if what we’re doing matters at all. Is the work I’m putting in worth it? Am I reall...

    • 6 min
    Am I Fanatical In My Training?

    Am I Fanatical In My Training?

    No one likes the "workout" guy. The one always decked out in gym clothes, talking about his training, his diet, his routine, and always willing to point out ways that you could get into better shape, too! We know we need to do better, and we sometimes don't like being around the constant reminder of our shortcomings.But do we let that attitude seep into our lives as disciples? After all, no one likes the person who wears his religion on his sleeve, and Jesus said not to do our works to be see...

    • 10 min
    Is It Ever OK To Fake It?

    Is It Ever OK To Fake It?

    Do you ever have days when you just don't feel like putting in the work? You know that whatever work you put into your training that day is going to be half-hearted and probably not as effective as you'd like. Do you go through the motions? Or do you take a step back or take the day off?This can be a tricky question in our spiritual lives, because when we try to act in a Christ-like way, but we don't feel Christ-like while doing it, it can feel like we're faking it. And in an age where "being...

    • 7 min

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