21 min

Try this at home: sharing best practises of agile piloting HEL of a business!

    • Business

Greater Helsinki is small enough, yet big enough to pilot, and then scale up solutions. So if a solution works here, it’ll work everywhere. What are the best methods to engage the community in new projects? Everybody talks a big game about participatory design, but how do you actually pull it off? Teemu Lehtinen, CEO of KIRAHub shares his views in this episode.

Greater Helsinki is small enough, yet big enough to pilot, and then scale up solutions. So if a solution works here, it’ll work everywhere. What are the best methods to engage the community in new projects? Everybody talks a big game about participatory design, but how do you actually pull it off? Teemu Lehtinen, CEO of KIRAHub shares his views in this episode.

21 min

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