34 episodes

'Wanderful' is a podcast created and hosted by David Pearl to help you bring a bit of wonder to your walking. Inspired by David’s not-profit social movement Street Wisdom that brings free guided in-person and online walking workshops to city streets in 67 countries and counting.

Each 30 min episode takes an entertaining and light- hearted look at an aspect of life we all secretly struggle with or want to get better at: Boredom, grumpiness, reading, feeling lost, seeking love, wealth, direction… you get the idea.

We’ll start the walks by exploring the everyday challenge in the company of an entertaining and refreshingly, imperfectly human, guest. Then, following simple instructions provided by David, the walk becomes a way to get clarity, insight and learn new skills you can use every day to help you find answers to your life questions.

All you need is some headphones and a phone so you can get outside and walk whilst listening, but if you are tuning in at home then walking (slowly) inside your house, also works well too.

You can dig deeper into the power of wandering and getting off the beaten track in David’s latest book Wanderful: Human Navigation for a Complex World available at leading bookstores.

Follow @streetwisdom_ @davidpearlhere for more ideas and inspiration on leading a Wanderful life davidpearl.net

Wanderful - Inspiration On The Go is produced and engineered by Andrew Paine

Wanderful - Inspiration On The Go David Pearl

    • Business

'Wanderful' is a podcast created and hosted by David Pearl to help you bring a bit of wonder to your walking. Inspired by David’s not-profit social movement Street Wisdom that brings free guided in-person and online walking workshops to city streets in 67 countries and counting.

Each 30 min episode takes an entertaining and light- hearted look at an aspect of life we all secretly struggle with or want to get better at: Boredom, grumpiness, reading, feeling lost, seeking love, wealth, direction… you get the idea.

We’ll start the walks by exploring the everyday challenge in the company of an entertaining and refreshingly, imperfectly human, guest. Then, following simple instructions provided by David, the walk becomes a way to get clarity, insight and learn new skills you can use every day to help you find answers to your life questions.

All you need is some headphones and a phone so you can get outside and walk whilst listening, but if you are tuning in at home then walking (slowly) inside your house, also works well too.

You can dig deeper into the power of wandering and getting off the beaten track in David’s latest book Wanderful: Human Navigation for a Complex World available at leading bookstores.

Follow @streetwisdom_ @davidpearlhere for more ideas and inspiration on leading a Wanderful life davidpearl.net

Wanderful - Inspiration On The Go is produced and engineered by Andrew Paine

    Wanderful: The Knickerbocker Glory Edition

    Wanderful: The Knickerbocker Glory Edition

    With the World Wide Wander just weeks away, we've edited together just a few of our favourite guests from the Wanderful podcast - sharing what they love about taking their creativity for a walk. 
    If you would like to join us in exercising your imagination, take a wander to https://www.theworldwidewander.com and sign up for free Walkshops across the globe, special guests, inspiration, ideas and laughter, all with like minded folk wanting to find #betterways 
    00.00 - 00.47: Intro Theme
    00.47 - 04.55: Introducing the World Wide Wander 
    The Perfect Strangers
    04.55 - 09.04: Pippa Evans
    09.05 - 11.24: Ruby Rare
    11.25 - 14.33: Sarah Ellis
    15.12 - 16.50: Philip Cowell
    16.51 - 21.01: Deborah Coughlin
    21.02 - 23.13: Sir Tim Smit
    24.19 - 25.50: Traci Ruble
    25.51 - 27.20: Oli Barrett
    27.21 - 31.05: Kia Cannons
    31.06 - 34.24: Libby DeLana
    34.25 - 38.17: Tom Morley
    38.18 - 39.56: Satish Kumar
    40.25 - 41.30: Sarah Corbett
    41.31 - 42.40: Phillip Blom
    42.41 - 44.18: Tina Roth Eisenberg
    44.19 - 46.54: Introducing our Perfect Strangers / Reminder of the World Wide Wander
    46.55 - 47.15 End Credits
    David Pearl (Host)
    Web: https://www.davidpearl.net
    Web: https://wanderfulpodcast.com
    Twitter: @davidpearlhere
    Instagram: davidpearl_here
    Andrew Paine (Producer & Audio Engineer)
    Twitter: @ItPainesMe

    • 47 min
    Wanderful: Inspiration On The Go... Season 5 Omnibus

    Wanderful: Inspiration On The Go... Season 5 Omnibus

    Hello wanderers… welcome to the finale of our fifth season of ‘Wanderful’".
    If you’ve listened to any of the previous episodes, you will know this is a podcast which has been designed to be walked to, providing you with some ‘inspiration on the go’
    Every week we invite an inspiring guest to join us… somebody with a refreshing take on life and its various twists and turns.
    What you don’t know is that lots of the wonderful conversations get left on the cutting room floor.
    However… David and our producer, Andrew, have scooped up some of that interview gold so you can take a wander through the magic we missed out on.
    As ever… you can listen to this podcast in your home, but we think you will get the most inspiration if you boot up and join David @davidpearl_here @streetwisdom_ out on the streets or https://wanderfulpodcast.com
    Season 5 finale features conversations with pianist, singer, choir leader, environmental campaigner and curator, Holly Cullen-Davies: Bestselling author, broadcaster and two-time TED speaker and voice of the Slow Movement, Carl Honoré: Peace-pilgrim, life-long activist, and former monk, Satish Kumar: Senior Partner McKinsey & Co, Arne Gast: Historian and author of several novels, journalism, politics, and philosophy; radio presenter, documentary film maker and public lecturer, Philipp Blom: The ‘Stand Up Drummer’, musician, key note speaker and team builder, Tom Morley and executive creative director, founder of ‘This Morning Walk’, co-host of the podcast This Morning Walk and author of ‘Do Walk’, Libby De Lana
    Time Line
    00.00 - 00.44: Theme
    00.45 - 02.50: Introducing Season 5 Omnibus
    02.51 - 03.55: Introducing Libby De Lana
    03.57 - 08.09: Libby DeLana: The Hell Yes Chapter!
    08.10 - 10.00: Introducing Tom Morley
    10.02 - 15.53: Tom Morley: A Brush With The Law
    15.55 - 18.40: Introducing Philipp Blom
    18.42 - 21.29: Philipp Blom: Grouse & Imagine: The Culture Of The Cafe
    21.30 - 23.52: Introducing Arne Gast
    23.55 - 29.40: Arne Gast: Riding the S-Curves
    29.45 - 31.08: Introducing Satish Kumar
    31.10 - 33.13: Satish Kumar: A Maternal Wisdom
    33.20 - 35.07: Introducing Carl Honoré
    35.10 - 37.34: Carl Honoré: The Genesis of (B)older
    37.40 - 39.00: Introducing Holly Cullen-Davies
    39.04 - 41.54: Holly Cullen-Davies: Thula Mama
    41.57 - 44.00: Epilogue: Gratitude
    44.00 - 44.26: Closing credits
    Libby DeLana
    “I’m a big believer in the beginner’s mind. Starting things is terrifying and wonderful and interesting, so am I a beginner? I’m a 60 year old beginner of everything.”
    Tom Morley
    “The Clash sung ‘I fought the law and the law won.” I would love to re-mix that and call it ‘I fought the law and the people won.’ We have to stand up for our eroding rights.”
    Philipp Blom
    “The coffee you buy (in the cafe) is in fact not a cup of coffee: it’s an entrance ticket. It entitles you to sit there as long as you want… that means of course, that things can develop and you can sit there and watch people, and sit there and read your novel or sit there and write your novel. It’s such a luxury in today’s world.”
    Arne Gast
    “ I see that my (S) curve is flattening when i become at ease; when I feel like I got this, I like this, that’s the moment the inner voice starts saying… hmm.. let’s do another near-death experience, start anew somewhere.”
    Satish Kumar
    “Whatever you see… is divine, is sacred. There is no separation between humans and nature and no separation between God and nature. This is the beauty of Indian culture: everything is God, everything is divine, everything is nature. This is what I learned from my Mother.”
    Carl Honoré
    “In the blink of an eye, I went from goal-scorer to Grandad… age took on this terrible power… defining and limiting me. I just thought this can’t be right. Why was I feeling a door was being slammed in my face just because of the numbers on my birth certificate?”
    Holly Cullen-D

    • 44 min
    Wanderful: Inspiration On The Go... with Holly Cullen-Davies

    Wanderful: Inspiration On The Go... with Holly Cullen-Davies

    “Find what you’re best at and do that”
    Holly Cullen-Davies is a pianist, singer, choir leader, environmental campaigner and curator. Holly has been performing regularly since the age of six and working as a freelance musician for over fifteen years.
    She studied at the CNR de Lyon, France, The Royal Northern College of Music and The Guildhall School of Music and Drama studying with Kasia Borowiak, Carole Presland, Charles Owen and Martin Roscoe. She set up Live Junction which received an Emerging Excellence Award from Help Musicians UK in 2013 and The Kids’ Concert Company which has been funded by The Arts Council for the last 4 years to take professional concerts in to primary schools.
    More recently she set up Concerts Don't Cost The Earth to bring together the two things she is most passionate about: live music and protecting the planet for our next generation. Concerts Don't Cost The Earth supports both musicians and our precious world at the same time. You can find out more about how to support it or get involved here: www.concertsdontcosttheearth.org
    Time Line
    00.00 - 00.44 Intro
    00.45 - 05.13 Introducing Holly Cullen-Davies
    05.17 - 07.20 The inspiration behind 'Concerts Don’t Cost The Earth’
    07.35 - 09.02 The role music can play in having difficult conversations about the climate
    09.05 - 12.45 Holly’s musical journey
    12.46 - 16.16 Introducing classical music to unusual spaces
    17.12 - 21.46 Holly introduces and plays Chick Corea's Children Song no. 6 
    21.48 - 24.15 The element of surprise and the juxtaposition of unusual things
    25.10 - 26.54 The etymology of ‘concert’
    26.55 - 31.37 What fuels Holly’s activism?
    32.22 - 34.47 Find what you’re best at and do that: being the change you want to see
    34.50 - 36.01 Subsidise the trains campaign - an activist’s song
    36.03 - 41.27 Holly introduces and plays Alberto Ginastera's Danza del gaucho matrero (Dance of the outlaw cowboy) from Danzas Argentinas
    41.30 - 43.50  How people can organise a ‘Concert Don’t Cost The Earth’ concert
    44.00 - 47.34  David introduces ‘pogging’
    47.35 - 48.00  Outro
    “I’ve always loved the intimate concerts… up close… where you can hear the workings of the instrument.” (Holly)
    “Concerts Don’t Cost The Earth exist to start conversations about the climate crisis through the power of music.” (Holly)
    “What I really got a kick out of was introducing classical music to people that didn’t usually hear it and putting it in spaces where you didn’t usually hear it. I did a lot of gigs early on where I was the classical act in a cabaret of other acts and it kind of blew people away.” (Holly)
    “I hate people looking at a programme during a concert. I think that’s a shame for them to be sidetracked. I’m hoping that I’m compelling enough as a pianist that they’re just listening.” (Holly)
    I want people to feel the breath, the moment between the pieces and not know what’s coming next.” (Holly)
    “Every percentage of a degree is absolutely critical and going over 1.5 or certainly going over 2.0 degrees will have catastrophic runaway effects that could lead to the end of all life on earth.” (Holly)
    “When we do risk assessment in other parts of life: medicine, building bridges, flying aeroplanes… we don’t take risks. If the scientists are saying this could be a disaster, we don’t administer that drug, we don’t build that bridge, we don’t fly that aeroplane. And the risk here (climate) is huge. And the answer is we have to stop using fossil fuels… we have to phase them out completely by 2030.” (Holly)
    Holly Cullen Davies (Guest)
    Web: https://www.concertsdontcosttheearth.org/
    Web: http://www.hollycullendavies.com/
    Instagram @daviesanddaughters
    Instagram @thulamamalondon
    David Pearl (Host)
    Web: https://www.davidpearl.net
    Web: https://wanderfulpodcast.com
    Twitter: @davidpearlhere
    Instagram: davidpearl_here
    Andrew Paine (Producer & Audio Engineer)
    Twitter: @ItPainesMe

    • 47 min
    Wanderful: Inspiration On The Go... with Carl Honoré

    Wanderful: Inspiration On The Go... with Carl Honoré

    ‘I think of each year of my life now, as a level… in a game.’
    Carl Honoré is a bestselling author, broadcaster and two-time TED speaker. He is also the voice of the Slow Movement.
    After working with street children in Brazil, Carl covered Europe and South America for the Economist, Observer, Miami Herald, Houston Chronicle, National Post (Canada), Time and other publications.
    His first book, In Praise of Slow, chronicles the global trend toward putting on the brakes in everything from work to food to parenting. The Financial Times said it is “to the Slow Movement what Das Kapital is to communism”.
    Carl’s second book, Under Pressure explores how to raise and educate children in a fast world and was hailed by Time as a “gospel of the Slow Parenting movement”.
    Carl’s third book, The Slow Fix, explores how to tackle complex problems in every walk of life, from health and relationships to business and politics, without falling for superficial, short-term quick fixes.
    His fourth book, Bolder: How To Age Better And Feel Better About Ageing, is a spirited manifesto against ageism.
    Carl recently published his first children’s book, It’s The Journey Not the Destination
    Published in 35 languages, Carl has landed on bestseller lists in many countries.
    In Praise of Slow was a BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week and the inaugural choice for the Huffington Post Book Club. It also featured in a British TV sitcom, Argentina’s version of Big Brother and a TV commercial for the Motorola tablet.
    Under Pressure was shortlisted for the Writers’ Trust Award, the top prize for non-fiction in Canada.
    Bolder was also a BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week as well as a Reader’s Digest (UK) Book of the Month.
    Carl featured in a series for BBC Radio 4 called The Slow Coach in which he helped frazzled, over-scheduled people slow down. He also presented a television show called Frantic Family Rescue on Australia’s ABC 1.
    Carl lives in London. While researching his first book on slowness he was slapped with a speeding ticket.
    The Podcast was recorded live at The Kings Place London on the 27th February, 2023.
    00.00 - 00.44 Theme & Intro
    00.45 - 03.28 Introducing Carl Honore
    03.30 - 07.55 How Carl came to write a book on ageing: The London Jets
    07.56 - 10.09 Myth-busting Ageing: The Story of Jacko
    10.10 - 13.14 The Effects of Ageism
    13.15 - 14.00 The ‘Still' Syndrome
    14.00 - 15.44 Inter-Generational Activities
    15.45 - 18.00 The ‘Village’ School
    18.00 - 23.52 David Pearl - ‘Tanzlied des Pierrots’ by Erich Korngold’s from Die tote Stadt (The Dead City)
    23.54 - 32.34 Ageing and Singing: How the voice evolves with age
    32.36 - 35.25 How does Carl now feel about age?
    35.26 - 37.40 Drawing the line of your life: where do you put the ‘x’?
    37.41 - 38.36 David Pearl - ‘Ideale’ by Paolo Tosti (excerpt)
    38.38 - 40.15 Epilogue
    40.16 - 40.37 End Titles
    “All of my books start with an existential crisis.” (Carl)
    “The thing about ageism is that it falls more heavily on us who are in the later years of life, because it has got tangled up in the cult of youth, the idea that younger is better. Ageing is seen, especially in our western cultures, it is seen as something to be ashamed of, to feel guilty of, to be disgusted by… to deny.” (Carl)
    “One of my bugbears is the phrase… showing my age. We should be showing off our age” (Carl)
    ‘When you don’t know people of different ages, into that space rush all the grim toxic stereotypes about ageing. What they do find is that as soon as you start breaking down the silos and mixing people up that the stereotypes start to fall away.” (Carl)
    “Before writing ‘Bolder’ I was a full card carrying member of the cult of youth. I never would have given my age. I would have low-balled it. I just felt awful about the whole idea of growing older and would have pushed it away. Now I feel genuinely at ease with it.” (Carl)
    “My metaphor for ageing is a gamin

    • 40 min
    Wanderful: Inspiration On The Go... with Satish Kumar

    Wanderful: Inspiration On The Go... with Satish Kumar

    Satish Kumar
    ‘Goodbye, Rene Descartes!’
    Peace-pilgrim, life-long activist, and former monk, Satish Kumar has been inspiring global change for over 50 years. Aged 9, Satish renounced the world and became a wandering Jain monk. Then in his 20s, he undertook a pilgrimage for peace, walking for two years without money from India to America for the cause of nuclear disarmament. Now in his 80s, Satish has devoted his life to campaigning for ecological regeneration, social justice, and spiritual fulfilment.
    A world-renown author and international speaker, Satish founded The Resurgence Trust, an educational charity that seeks to inform and inspire a just future for all. He was the Editor of the charity’s change-making magazine, Resurgence & Ecologist, for over 40 years, making him the UK's longest-serving editor of the same magazine. He continues to serve this publication as Editor Emeritus and by writing for each and every trailblazing issue.
    Satish would like to offer you 20% off membership of The Resurgence Trust. When you join, you will receive a range of membership benefits including the hope-inspiring, bi-monthly Resurgence & Ecologist magazine, and support Satish (and the charity he founded) in protecting the future of people and planet. Find out more about Satish’s work and this offer.
    00.00 - 00.43 - Theme
    00.44 - 05.05 - Introducing Satish Kumar
    05.06 - 09.20 - Explaining Soil / Soul / Society: A new trinity for our time
    09.21 - 11.55 - Making soil and planting our own food in cities
    11.56 - 14.18 - Humans are nature too - we are not separate
    14.19 - 15.40 - Revering nature at home
    15.41 - 16.56 - Meditating on the river
    16.57 - 20.20 - The intelligence of nature - a living organism
    20.21 - 21.24 - Moving from ‘ego’ to ‘eco’
    21.25 - 24.09 - Where Satish draws his energy, motivation and hope
    24.10 - 26.50 - The link between economy and ecology
    26.52 - 30.50 - Pilgrimages and walking for peace
    30.51 - 32.41 - The freedom from walking
    32.42 - 36.30 - How to engage with strangers: trust and love: the state of mind of the pilgrim
    36.30 - 38.36 - Re-writing Descartes
    38.43 - 40.35 - The Wanderful Exercise: The Trust Walk
    40.56 - 44.05 - Epilogue: Trust is a powerful thing to spread around
    44.06 - 45.18 - End Credits
    “I wanted to have a new trinity for our time and that trinity should represent holistic thinking… everything connecting with each other. So I came up with a new trinity for our time and I called it soil, soul and society.” (Satish)
    “Human beings are literally soil beings. Human comes from the Latin ‘humus’ and humus means soil. So human beings are soil beings. Our bodies are soil transformed.” (Satish)
    “We are all nature, there is no separation. We have to think about living in harmony with nature and making good use of nature not mis-use of nature, because we are nature.” (Satish)
    “Don’t trust a philosophy that has not been tested by walking.” (Satish)
    “When you are walking you are free. You are a free spirit. Your body is free. Your mind is free. You are not bound.” (Satish)
    “When you are walking for peace, you are putting your body where your mouth is.” (Satish)
    “My friend and I decided to walk to the four nuclear capitols of the world. So we started from New Deli and we walked to Moscow, Paris, London and Washington DC. 8000 miles. 2.5 years.” (Satish)
    “If you are walking, even if in a city, if you are walking, you are free. Walk everyday if you want to experience and taste of freedom. When you are walking you carry no burden on your shoulders, you are not worried, you are just walking. By walking you connect with the soil, you connect with your soul, your spirit, your consciousness, your imagination, your answers come when you are walking. All your questions can be answered when you’re walking.” (Satish)
    “Let go of fear and cultivate trust. Trust everybody and talk to everybod

    • 45 min
    Wanderful: Inspiration On The Go... with Arne Gast

    Wanderful: Inspiration On The Go... with Arne Gast

    Arne Gast, Senior Partner McKinsey & Co
    “We have to re-write all the rules.”
    The core of Arne’s work is creating organisations for the future and making change personal and systemic in high-stake transitions.
    As the global lead of McKinsey’s “Powering Performance Transformations” offering, Arne helps to create positive change – through shifts in culture, stronger leadership, new capabilities and liberating structures. McKinsey’s team of more than 1,000 change experts include their own Aberkyn facilitators, communication mavericks, implementation experts, learning architects and organization specialists – trying to combine the best ideas and evidence- based methods for the leaders they serve.
    Currently, Arne is working on a book called “Schokland” – exploring the role of leadership teams in this decisive decade. Previously, he was part of the teams writing the books Leadership at Scale, Beyond Performance, Reorg and (as a student at INSEAD) Blue Ocean Strategy.
    Arne’s social impact passion is education. He co-founded Leerkracht Foundation with a committed team, and over the years helped more than 1000 Dutch schools with an inspiring cultural change approach to improve outcomes. He also worked with the Dutch-Moroccan Leadership Institute, Young Leaders Malaysia, schools for highly gifted children, and multiple universities including the founding of ISB in Hyderabad, India. His own educational background includes an MBA from INSEAD Fontainebleau, and a MSc Organization Economics from Erasmus University in Rotterdam –preceded by a year of Liberal Arts at Ole Miss, the University of Mississippi.
    Arne splits his time between the Netherlands and Malaysia, with his wife, 4 children and a selection of dogs and cats. In his free time, he loves playing or coaching field hockey, gardening and growing apples, dabbling with black-white Leica photography, and visiting small book stores and reading many, many books.
    00.00 - 00.44 Theme & Intro.
    00.45 - 05:08 Introducing Arne Gast.
    05.10 - 08.45 An inspiring teacher: the story of Mr Bone and the thirst for knowledge.
    08:47 - 10.02 The areas of unknowing: the mischievous desire to help people touch the areas they are not familiar with.
    10.05 - 11.30 How things work and re-writing the rules: re-inventing and finding a new world.
    11.31 - 15.35 Arne’s appetite for the future comes from hope.
    15.35 - 16.30 What we can learn from the Nordic countries.
    17.00 - 19.39 Re-inventing how we talk to each other.
    19.40 - 23:50 Rejoicing in the not knowing: thriving on reinvention.
    23.51 - 26.43 Life was ‘easy’ for companies in the past - now we have to do things differently - considering C02 neutral / net positive / digital transformation /
    you cannot source from China or Russia anymore / full diversity / climate cri sis - how do we do all of this?
    26:48 - 30.40 The role of story and the methods we like to work with: What’s the new narrative?
    31.00 - 31.30 What is to what if… rather than concentrate on what the current stories are and let’s imagine different futures.
    31.31 - 33.15 The mind is like an art gallery - a lot of Rothko at the moment - can we put a Van Gough in there?
    33.48 - 38.22 Telling stories and using experimentation as a way forward.
    38.24 - 41:22 Arne’s metaphor - Schokland
    41.25 - 44.00 The Wanderful Exercise: Seeing the world as an art gallery
    44.15 - 48.45 Epilogue
    48.47 - 49.54 Outro and Credits
    “We have to re-write all the rules. It is not the end of history. It is only beginning. It is our time in the next decade that we are going to re-invent it. We are going to do regenerative agriculture together and find the new world.” (Arne)
    ’Men will not survive, they will prevail.’ (William Faulkner)
    “I like starting things anew and when something gets too stable, I want to move on.” (Arne)
    “The wisdom is in so many different fragments of people that if we can talk to each other and co-create with each oth

    • 49 min

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