18 episodes

Journey on the Way To Greatness podcast, as Ari Gunzburg and his guests explore the journey from failure and mediocrity to success and greatness. Ari Gunzburg interviews guests to discuss concepts focused on exploring the relationship between success and failure, and how life events and viewpoints fit into this crazy mess everyone calls life.

The collection of guests on this show is eclectic, to create a unique listening experience. From people making millions to people working at the corner coffee store, Ari will interview anyone! The theme is constant: how can we define success in a way that it will help us find lasting happiness? And, potentially, how can society as a whole re-focus on the things that are the most important, but are often ignored?

"Just heard your podcast intro episode. As someone who has really struggled with feeling successful and others' perception of me, it really touched me. I am looking forward to the series."
-Michael Szpilzinger

Way To Greatness Ari Gunzburg

    • Education

Journey on the Way To Greatness podcast, as Ari Gunzburg and his guests explore the journey from failure and mediocrity to success and greatness. Ari Gunzburg interviews guests to discuss concepts focused on exploring the relationship between success and failure, and how life events and viewpoints fit into this crazy mess everyone calls life.

The collection of guests on this show is eclectic, to create a unique listening experience. From people making millions to people working at the corner coffee store, Ari will interview anyone! The theme is constant: how can we define success in a way that it will help us find lasting happiness? And, potentially, how can society as a whole re-focus on the things that are the most important, but are often ignored?

"Just heard your podcast intro episode. As someone who has really struggled with feeling successful and others' perception of me, it really touched me. I am looking forward to the series."
-Michael Szpilzinger

    Unemployment Challenges During Coronavirus with Brian Golod (017)

    Unemployment Challenges During Coronavirus with Brian Golod (017)

    In this episode, Brian Golod, the founder of Mondetize, Interview Sniper & Immigration Sniper tells about his journey of being an immigrant from Buenos Aires Argentina.
    He shares how he started his online career by writing blogs. And as time passed by, he realized the power of LinkedIn in connecting with people for career advancement.

    Brian saw how people struggle with getting hired for their dream jobs. He experienced talking to different people who are too frustrated because of rejection. This pushed him to create content that teaches people how to crack interviews to get hired.

    His post “How To Write A Resume” gained 44,000 likes and 36,000 comments which aim to help people get interviewed & get hired.

    No one is safe in the current world crisis. People are getting laid-off all over the world. Businesses are shutting down. The economy is crashing. But how do you stand up and protect yourselves from the damage? How do you fight the enemy that you can’t see?

    PREPARATION. Preparing your mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial health could be the answer. No one knows what the real cure is. But preparing yourself for the unforeseen circumstances helps you to go through it with CALMNESS & COURAGE.

    Important Links:

    Laid Off Webinar with Ari Gunzburg

    Brian Golod’s Linkedin
    Immigration Sniper
    Interview Sniper

    3 Exceptional Takeaways:

    Do what you think is right for everybody else.
    You need to work on your own safety.
    Stop boxing yourself. Invest in your own personal and professional development off your industry

    *Show Highlights: *

    3:12 Who is Brian Golod?

    I was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I lived there until I was almost 20 years old. And we moved to Canada almost 16 years ago with my parents and my sister. We went from a big city Buenos Aires with millions of people to a very small town in Canada, in the smallest province with just 140,000 people and he was a huge change.

    6:56 How did his post go viral?

    But a lot of people actually said to me, or they were saying not to me, but I mean, they were saying all these guys just trying to become famous overnight. What they didn't know is that they had posted 720 times before that one, right. So there's a thing about being consistent and showing up and doing on a daily basis, and they never took a break.

    16:06 What does failure mean to him?

    I think that I associate failure with disappointment. With disappointing other people, especially when I don't want to disappoint other people.

    27:47 How did he unlock his potential?

    I was starting to write articles on LinkedIn. And I didn't write that many,18 ,right. And then I realized that I need to write posts. So what happened is that at some point, at the beginning of my journey on LinkedIn, someone out of South Africa reached out to me, and he said, Brian, can you help me with my next interview?

    39:38 What does he want to be perceived when it comes to his service?

    But some people choose to come with me and some people choose to go with him, and that's totally fine. So I want to do work less. But they also believe that my service, I want to be perceived as the Rolls Royce of whatever it is that they do, because what's the value that I believe I am delivering.

    44:47 What does he say about the current world crisis?

    We're all hurting. A lot of organizations are shutting down as I was mentioning 10 million applications for employment insurance or unemployment insurance in the States, proportionally, we've had the same in Canada, a million, so we're 10 times less in Canada.

    52:04 What is the benefit of jumping from one organization to another?

    So whenever you jump from one organization to another, it's amazing because you keep on learning new skills. You keep on pushing yourself, you're always in a new environment where you have to excel. You keep on meeting new people who might have better opportunities down the road for you, you might make new friends,

    • 1 hr 44 min
    Positioning Yourself As King Of The Hill with Joel Wolh (016)

    Positioning Yourself As King Of The Hill with Joel Wolh (016)

    In this episode, Joel Wohl, the Amazon Madman, shares how he transitioned from one business to another. He tells how his big vision & trust in God took him so far in his journey.

    Even at his darkest times personally and in business, he never loses hope because of God’s help. He understands that failures exist because they teach you something great that can serve as certain tools that you can apply in the future to avoid the same mistakes you’ve made before.

    He positioned himself as an EXPERT at what he does. His clients trust him so well not only because of his skills & knowledge but the VALUE he brings to the table.

    "Position yourself as King of the Hill to allow your voice to go so much further. Let the people who need who hear what you have to say. NEVER BE ASHAMED. NEVER LET FEAR TAKE AWAY YOUR SHINE."

    Important Links:

    3 Exceptional Takeaways:

    Position yourself as King of the Hill. You're the top. Allow it to travel for miles.
    The very nature of online is that you want to cut through the noise. You have to speak really, really loudly because you're competing with billions of other voices.
    I think that it's an art to be truly humble. It's a work in progress.

    Show Highlights:

    1:35 - Where did the Amazon madman come from?

    Oh, it's simple. I mean there is the show Mad Men right, which is about Madison men who are an advertising on Madison Avenue.

    3:20 - How did he start with his company Boutique Sellers?

    Yeah. So I mean, we're going through lots of transitions. boutique seller started out as an Amazon agency, we switched over to PPC revolution, which covers so boutique sellers closing down and shifting into PPC revolution.

    5:18 - What is his outlook in life?

    I always had a very, very broad outlook and, you know, view of, of my financial life, meaning I was able to visualize myself making a lot more money than I did.

    6:39 - What was his experience as a solopreneur at the Boutique Sellers?

    Yeah, we've three offices now. I see lots of growing pain as we're switching over from an agency to more of an automated software model.

    9:20 - How does he handle failure?

    It's one long journey. And I don't think I'm pretty conservative by nature, right? So I've never gone and said, Hey, here's a million dollars, let's invest in this and then it just crashes and burns.

    13:32 - What does he think about LinkedIn?

    I don't engage on any other platforms besides LinkedIn. And you know, LinkedIn got its let's say, let's just say margins as well. We want to be careful with but I've really learned to leverage LinkedIn and LinkedIn as a business professional, whether it's b2b, even b2c.

    18:41 - Why does he post rants online?

    Number one, like I try to tell people online on LinkedIn, I don't really know sometimes I like to actually have a conversation like, I don't know you. I'm not really talking to you, like don't get insulted.

    22:33 How does he define Greatness?

    Humility. Be great by being small

    23:53 - What is his one piece of advice for people to get on their Way To Greatness?

    Cliche, but add value like stop trying to pitch people. I think it's the number one mistake people make is they pitch.

    Originally recorded 2/27/2020
    Special Guest: Joel Wolh.

    • 28 min
    Turning Toxicity Into Productivity with Judi Fox (015)

    Turning Toxicity Into Productivity with Judi Fox (015)

    In this episode, Judi Fox, a LinkedIn coach, top live video marketer, and speaker, shares her journey from being employed in a TOXIC ENVIRONMENT to becoming a SUCCESSFUL business owner!

    She tells how it felt like working in a place with NO RECOGNITION & APPRECIATION. She was bullied & belittled. Despite her situation, she thrived even more to keep her work opportunity afloat without realizing that it was making her perception limitless.

    Years had passed, her sacrifices were left unrecognized making her realize that she should decide to take another career path with great, amazing & supportive people around her.

    Here, you'll learn the steps she took that help her get out of her situation to build her PATH TO GREATNESS.

    “If the toxicity in your workplace is sabotaging your peace and sanity, always remember that YOU HAVE THE OPTION TO CHOOSE THE PEOPLE YOU WORK WITH. The opportunities around you are unlimited. Don’t let the toxic people take that away from you.”

    Important Links:


    3 Exceptional Takeaways:

    Pay attention to who you’re going to work for
    Getting your voice again involves reaching out & finding safe spaces to do the smaller support groups that exist out there.
    The way to greatness, it starts in your head; it starts with being kind to yourself.

    Show Highlights:

    2:20 Who is Judi Fox?

    I graduated from college in 1999. And I always tell people that because leaving home and going off to college, I went to Virginia Tech instead to chemical engineering.

    3:01 The kind of work she does right now

    I have launched a signature program called LinkedIn business accelerator and that comes from reverse engineering, what works? How the psychology of sales and business and marketing.

    7:04 Some of the low points she hit along the way

    I think if you've been putting yourself out into the world in any capacity, any capacity or stretching your boundaries, which I think we all should be doing at all times, you will come against walls of either self made limitations that you might just have yourself or you have a limiting belief.

    11:05 Her experience with the toxic environment & unsupportive bosses

    I mean, I can there were, how do I say this, uh, one of the things I've learned since that time, so I did not know this when I was in it. Sometimes when you're in it, you are in a bit of survival mode because you are, I am the breadwinner for my family.

    17:10 Message of hope she has for the people who are in the survival mode

    You're not alone, I think one of the biggest issues we have is a feeling of loneliness and being alone, and that they're not alone. And there are non toxic work environments out there and amazing people out there.

    21:41 Why is she a huge reader?

    I've always been a huge reader. I know people talk about that too. But reading changes your brainwaves? Absolutely to get out of any toxic situation. And then you have to change your brainwaves.

    24:02 What is the Gray Rock Method?

    And that's how I discovered one more step that I want to tell your audience about. And it's called the gray rock theory. So when somebody is and this goes back to shutting down my voice, I discovered this pretty early on, but when somebody is toxic towards you, or aggressive,

    31:58 Why did she decide to spend more time in nature?

    *I was just starting to feel like I need to spend more time in nature to to really connect back with myself, hear my own voice here and be spiritually

    40:56 What are some long term benefits of detaching?

    *One of the first long term benefits is being able to see That I really am, who I am, I can change and I can consistently I can try to change a lot of things about myself.

    48:29 Her one piece of advice so people can get on their path to greatness

    *I would say the path to greatness is in between your ears. It starts here. The way

    • 53 min
    From Millions To $200,000 In Debt with Mike Young

    From Millions To $200,000 In Debt with Mike Young

    In this episode, Mike Young, the founder of The Makeover Master, host of the top-rated “Made Over Podcast”, author of "Made Over: How To Create A Powerful Brand That Will Transform Your Business & Save Your Life" tells about his journey of being a liquid millionaire to having a $200,000 debt. He shared how he & his friends built a mortgage company with 250 employees & 10 offices from scratch. But when the housing crisis in the U.S happened, all his properties slowly disappeared.

    His life became miserable but he didn't give up. Instead, he pushed himself to work even harder to achieve his success. He is now an author and he works with entrepreneurs who can't figure out why their business isn't working. His goal is to save people from breaking their banks for expensive courses & events by sharing all the knowledge & expertise he acquired for years.

    Mike's system and methodologies save TIME, MONEY & ENERGY by removing all the roadblocks slowing down your business.

    "Failure takes you one step ahead from who you were before; It is a stepping stone to success. It grooms you for something you deserve the most.

    The learnings from failure are the wisdom you take with you as you move forward. Take your time. Embrace your experiences and move on because THE WORLD WON’T STOP FOR YOU."

    Important Links:

    Mike Young Podcast - https://themakeovermaster.com/podcast/
    Make Over Master Website - https://themakeovermaster.com/
    Mike Young’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/mikeyoungmakeovermaster
    Mike Young’s Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikeyoungmakeovers/
    Mike Young’s Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mikeyoungmakeovers/
    Mike Young’s Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY5VUdEeO462pkkG6Dr1oqg
    Made Over Book - https://www.amazon.com/Made-Over-Powerful-Transform-Business/dp/0999867083

    3 Exceptional Takeaways:

    The entire world is open in front of you. If you don't have hope, you get nothing.
    You have to build real relationships with people you trust that you can reach out to when you're stuck.
    The fastest path to speed this game up is to be very clear on what you want and find somebody that's already done it before you.

    Show Highlights:

    1:42 Who is Mike Young?

    Yeah, no problem, man. Yeah, thanks for having me on the show. I appreciate it Ari. In the makeover master. We help businesses get unstuck. A lot of times it's very difficult to see the forest through the trees from your own perspective

    2:33 How he started his real estate firm

    Yeah, out of college. I got into it and I thought I was gonna play professional baseball. When I realized that wasn't going to happen. I had a friend in the mortgage industry.

    6:28 His mental space when mental space everything was crashing down

    Yeah, man. I think I'm hardwired to be an optimist. You know, I've always been like, I remember sitting in my office the first few weeks. And my mental state was I don't have a plan.

    10:00 When do people become desperate?

    Well, and I think to your point, my brother in law in 2015 took his own life. And so when you lose things, and then you lose hope on top of it, that's when people do some desperate stuff and you can keep the hope.

    21:01 What does "Save them a lot of years and save them a lot of money" mean to Mike?

    Well, I think in the beginning I, I had that mentality, like a dumb guy that doesn't ask for direction at the gas stations, like, No, I'll figure out where I'm at. And so I took that approach where I'm gonna figure this out on my own.

    26:01 When did his business start to take off?

    When you have to do the opposite you have to do those two things are huge to me that I think when my business really started taking off, it was because of those two things connection and giving.

    27:40 What's the word of hope that he would give to the listeners?

    I would say a couple of things. One is there are millions of people that have been there where you're at, if you're struggling and you're stuck and yo

    • 33 min
    Failures & Successes Are The Great Lessons In Life with Lisa Capri (013)

    Failures & Successes Are The Great Lessons In Life with Lisa Capri (013)

    In this episode, Lisa Capri, the host of the Raise Your Frequency Podcast, shares her journey about being a teacher, an entrepreneur & a voice artist. She studied Journalism in Communications and Radio Broadcasting & became a teacher while handling her own educational company.

    Balancing life, work & business became difficult for her after many years. She knew she had to sell her business & work from home to be there for her son, who was about to enter the school system.

    Establishing her business was difficult, she encountered multiple failures & successes which shaped her values & wisdom. As someone who has a heart of helping, she now teaches female entrepreneurs how to build their BRAND, INFLUENCE & AUDIENCE through PODCASTING.

    "Life is unfair because you can’t have it all.

    The goals you have for you and your family requires sacrifice. But humans are given the ability to adapt to changes from the decisions they make.

    Life's uncertainty is inevitable but it brings out the best in you through the test of time.

    It may be unfair, but it reveals the world's most beautiful creation, and that is YOU."

    Important Links: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisacapri/


    3 Exceptional Takeaways:

    If it impedes your everyday working and doing what you do best, then you should stop overpreparation.
    Discover & indulge with your creative outlet as a reward for your hard work. This helps you relax your mind & body and prepares you to accomplish other tasks.
    Engage in something purposeful, play something that you love, try to learn something new even if it's just for 15 minutes. Guaranteed, you're going to come out of there not only feeling refreshed, but something is going to strike you. You're going to have that eureka moment.

    Show Highlights:

    1:54 - Lisa tells about herself

    Sure. Well, first and foremost, I am a podcaster like yourself, so it's awesome to be on a fellow board. podcasters show I host Raise Your Frequency podcast, which like your show is primarily targeted at entrepreneurs, although probably a little bit more segmented.

    4:24 - What was her teaching experience like?

    Yes, So way back when this is gonna date me, but well before the world of social media and digital online marketing. I wanted to study journalism and communications, which I did. So here in Canada, we go to university, you guys call it college up

    9:18 - Does she use advertisers on her show?

    Indirectly. Currently, My show is commercial and sponsor free. That may change but I am monetizing the podcast just an indirect way.

    10:58 - The story of Lisa's failure and success

    There we go. Oh, awesome. I love California by the way. So here's where this stems from, and my whole idea of failing and succeeding actually being seasons in your business and life. This comes from, I think self identifying as a multi passionate entrepreneur, politely called a serial entrepreneur. But let's be real. It's shiny object syndrome masked as a multi passionate entrepreneur.

    16:42 - How did she lose her assets and what did she do about it

    It was but I mean, they were that platform that went under within about a year and a half of me opening the store. So unfortunately, I had built a client base. I had all of these products up online, but I didn't prepare myself for the eventuality of what if this platform does go under? What if you know I don't have the infrastructure after?

    20:44 - When should we stop overpreparation?

    Here's what I'd say to that. If it impedes your everyday working and it impedes you from doing what you do best, then it's too much. And if you still feel the need to dot all the i's and cross all the T's then you need help. You need a virtual assistant or you need someone that you can keep on a retainer that will do these things for you so that it's out of sight out of mind.

    22:13 - Her rock bottom moment and how she get past tha

    • 54 min
    The Solution To Different Learning Curves with Jeff Gargas (012)

    The Solution To Different Learning Curves with Jeff Gargas (012)

    In this episode, Jeff Gargas, the COO and co-founder of the Teach Better Team, tells us about his roller-coaster journey of being a college dropout, a rockstar and finally fulfilling his mission to students everywhere and changing the way they think about their education.

    He shares about the struggles of the students with different learning styles and how they created a methodology that promises to leave no one behind the class.

    "No one should be left behind. Every student deserves to be guided with full attention according to their learning style. Asking them what their challenges are is a big help in making progress and leading them to their success."

    Important Links:

    Cool Runnings

    3 Exceptional Takeaways:

    It allows students to get in what they need when they need it versus get in what we think they need when we think they need it.
    You have to figure out who you are and be self-aware. Be happy with the person you are not the title you have or the success you've shown.
    “Gold medals are an amazing thing but if you're not enough without them, you'll not be enough with them.”

    Show Highlights:

    2:42 - Who is Jeff Gargas?

    Yeah, so I'm actually the co-founder of Teach Better and I operate us our CEO or Chief Operating Executive which really means that I do a little bit of everything. We're a small business. So we all wear a whole bunch of hats to do a lot of things but I'm also like the CFO and head of HR and marketing teams.

    4:19 - What was Jeff's dream when he was a child?

    Yes, I want to be a rockstar. I had bands and with the specific band that we were together for a while starting doing decently just on the very local scene and we had decided that we were going to put a paper label on our album….

    5:30 - How he got into the professor position.

    That's actually how I got into the professor position at Kent State University is that I actually taught in class in the music industry.

    6:40 - His financial struggle and what he realized

    We were struggling to make money and I promised myself that if ever got to a point where I thought even for a second about taking advantage of an artist, I was done and I was at the point where we just substitute going so much to make any kind of revenue.

    7:31 - How he met his Teach Better co-founder

    So it's kind of a weird story. So Chad Ostrowski is my co-founder with Teach Better. Back in the day I actually managed this band. He's a very talented rock drummer.

    11:42 - Does his methodology fit into Common Core?

    Yeah. So there's a lot of parts. So Teach better is like the overall brand. So again, so Teach Better mindset is really just a continual and relentless pursuit of being better for your students.

    13:10 - What is the Grid Methodology?

    The grid method is it's a methodology right? But it seems like for what you just said, you can both deal with the kids in class who are struggling and deal with the kids in class who are brilliant and moving far faster than anybody else because the Grid Method focuses on what each student is doing and not the class.

    23:20 - What is their mission statement?

    Yes, our mission is to help teachers create environments where every student thrives in the classroom. It's really basic and broad because that's just basic. That's what it is.

    25:43 - How did they start building Teach Better

    It's a long-term game and I mean when we first started, you know Chad and I work and we both had full-time jobs outside of that and we you know, we work in this from about 9 or 10 p.m. Until you know, one or two three am before we got up…….

    35:22 - Biggest takeaway from the movie Cool Runnings

    “Gold medals are an amazing thing but if you're not enough without them, you'll not be enough with them.”

    Originally recorded 4/18/2019
    Special Guest: Jeff Gargas.

    • 49 min

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