515 episodes

Do you want to read the Bible every day but don't know where to start? Do you struggle to keep up with Bible reading plans -- especially once you get to books like Leviticus? We've been there! But reading the Bible in a year IS possible - and we're here to help! 

We're Tricia Goyer and Michelle Hill, two friends inviting you to join us in reading through the Bible chronologically this year. Reading the Bible every day can be a challenge, even with a great daily bible reading plan. We're here to sum up each day's passage and provide action steps ... all in under 15 minutes. You don't need to start in the New Year - you can jump in today!

Grab a buddy and join our community. Take the plunge, and let’s read through the Bible together. We'll be cheering you on all the way!

⭐️ All the info you need to START this Daily Bible Podcast Plan + the printable schedule + links to the Bible we use is on our website: http://dailybiblepodcast.net!

Daily Bible Podcast - Audio Bible Reading Plan Support

    • Religion & Spirituality

Do you want to read the Bible every day but don't know where to start? Do you struggle to keep up with Bible reading plans -- especially once you get to books like Leviticus? We've been there! But reading the Bible in a year IS possible - and we're here to help! 

We're Tricia Goyer and Michelle Hill, two friends inviting you to join us in reading through the Bible chronologically this year. Reading the Bible every day can be a challenge, even with a great daily bible reading plan. We're here to sum up each day's passage and provide action steps ... all in under 15 minutes. You don't need to start in the New Year - you can jump in today!

Grab a buddy and join our community. Take the plunge, and let’s read through the Bible together. We'll be cheering you on all the way!

⭐️ All the info you need to START this Daily Bible Podcast Plan + the printable schedule + links to the Bible we use is on our website: http://dailybiblepodcast.net!

    Day 149 - Focusing on Preparation (Proverbs 5-7) - Year 2

    Day 149 - Focusing on Preparation (Proverbs 5-7) - Year 2

    All the info you need to START + the printable schedule + links to the Bible we use is on our website: http://dailybiblepodcast.net!  


    - Proverbs 5-7


    -  Prepare

    In Proverbs 5, we find a father urgently warning his son about the dangers of succumbing to the allure of an immoral woman. Her lips may seem sweet like honey, but in the end, she leads to destruction and death. The father’s plea is clear: avoid the temptation at all costs and stay true to the one God has given you.

    This chapter resonates deeply as it highlights the deceptive nature of sin. Sexual sin, in particular, can quickly ensnare a person, bringing regret and pain. The analogy to Eve’s temptation in the Garden of Eden reminds us that sin often appears desirable but ultimately leads to ruin. God sees every path we take, and He examines our actions. This is a call to stay vigilant and avoid the traps of sin, whatever form they may take.

    Proverbs 6 offers a wealth of practical advice, cautioning against unwise financial agreements and encouraging diligence and hard work. The example of the industrious ant serves as a reminder of the value of preparation and planning. This chapter also addresses the severe consequences of adultery, emphasizing the destruction it brings to one’s life and reputation.

    Proverbs 7 continues the theme of avoiding sexual immorality, with the father urging his son to guard his heart and obey God’s commands. The seductive tactics of the immoral woman are vividly described, highlighting how temptation can be alluring but ultimately destructive.

    The commentary on this chapter underscores the power of experience to shape our habits. Surrendering to temptation strengthens its hold on us, making it increasingly difficult to resist in the future. This is a powerful reminder of the importance of building godly habits and relying on God’s strength to overcome temptation.

    Word of the Day: Prepare

    The wisdom in Proverbs serves to prepare us by teaching what is right and wrong, and giving advice on how to please God. As Proverbs 6:20-22 says:

    “My son, keep your father’s command and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. Bind them always on your heart; fasten them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you.”

    Preparation is a theme that runs throughout our lives. Whether it’s planning a garden, preparing for a trip, or guiding our children, taking the time to prepare is crucial.

    Reflecting on these chapters, I am reminded of the importance of preparation in my spiritual journey. Just as my parents prepared the garden for planting, I need to prepare my heart to receive God’s wisdom. This involves studying His Word, seeking His guidance, and building habits that honor Him.

    Moreover, understanding what God hates and recognizing the seductive nature of sin helps me stay vigilant. I am thankful for Jesus, who faced God’s wrath on our behalf and offers forgiveness and freedom from sin. With the Holy Spirit’s help, I can live differently, aligning my life with God’s will.

    Proverbs 5, 6, and 7 provide timeless wisdom that prepares us to navigate life’s challenges. By embracing these teachings, we can avoid the pitfalls of sin and live in a way that honors God. Let’s take to heart the lessons from these chapters, prepare ourselves with God’s wisdom, and strive to live lives marked by righteousness and integrity.


    Tricia: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

    Michelle: Instagram | LinkedIn

    Daily Bible Podcast: Instagram | Facebook | Join the Community 

    DISCLAIMER: The Daily Bible Podcast, Tricia Goyer, Michelle Hill, and affiliates are not a church, pastor, spiritual authority, or counseling service. Listeners and viewers consume this content on a voluntary basis and assume all responsibility for the resulting consequences and impact.

    • 20 min
    Day 148 - The Importance of Wisdom (Proverbs 1-4) - Year 2

    Day 148 - The Importance of Wisdom (Proverbs 1-4) - Year 2

    All the info you need to START + the printable schedule + links to the Bible we use is on our website: http://dailybiblepodcast.net!  


    - Proverbs 1-4


    -  Wisdom

    The book of Proverbs is a rich collection of wisdom literature, primarily attributed to Solomon. It’s structured into six units, with chapters 1-9 serving as a general prologue. A recurring theme is that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, a phrase unique to Israelite poetry.

    Proverbs 4:13 urges us to "Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life."

    Proverbs 1

    Proverbs 1:8-9 emphasizes the importance of parental teaching:

    “Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.”

    Key lessons include:

    The importance of teaching our children about dangers and wisdom.

    The consequences of ignoring wisdom: “For they hated knowledge and chose not to fear the LORD. They rejected my advice and paid no attention when I corrected them. Therefore, they must eat the bitter fruit of living their own way, choking on their own schemes.” (Proverbs 1:29-31)

    Proverbs 2

    This chapter lists desirable attributes to seek: wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and insight. God provides these to protect and guide the faithful.

    Proverbs 3

    Proverbs 3:21 encourages us to maintain common sense and discernment:

    “My child, don’t lose sight of common sense and discernment. Hang on to them, for they will refresh your soul. They are like jewels on a necklace.”

    Proverbs 3:5-6 is a well-known passage:

    “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

    Proverbs 4

    A reinforcement of earlier lessons: don’t forget wisdom and guard your heart diligently. The heart is described as the wellspring of life, emphasizing the need for vigilance in what influences it.

    Word of the Day: Wisdom

    Definition: The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.

    Application #1: Seeking Wisdom in Today's World

    In an age of information, true wisdom is often overlooked. Young people today may fill their minds with fleeting entertainment rather than seeking lasting wisdom. To seek wisdom:

    Fear of the Lord: Have reverence and awe for God.

    Accept Correction: Be open to learning from mistakes and receiving guidance.

    Proverbs 3:11-12 reminds us:

    “My child, don’t reject the LORD’s discipline, and don’t be upset when he corrects you. For the LORD corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights.”

    Application #2: Guarding Our Hearts

    Proverbs urges us to guard our hearts against negative influences. Be mindful of what we consume and who we spend time with.

    Jerry Bridges notes, “As Satan keeps special watch here, so must we keep special watch as well. If the citadel is taken, the whole town must surrender. If the heart is captured, the whole man—affections, desires, motives, pursuits—will be handed over.”

    Personal Takeaway

    Reflect on how you can apply these principles of wisdom and vigilance in your life. How can you seek God’s wisdom and guard your heart against distractions?


    Tricia: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

    Michelle: Instagram | LinkedIn

    Daily Bible Podcast: Instagram | Facebook | Join the Community 

    DISCLAIMER: The Daily Bible Podcast, Tricia Goyer, Michelle Hill, and affiliates are not a church, pastor, spiritual authority, or counseling service. Listeners and viewers consume this content on a voluntary basis and assume all responsibility for the resulting consequences and impact.

    • 20 min
    Day 147 - The Reign of Solomon (1 Kings 4, Psalms 72, Psalms 127) - Year 2

    Day 147 - The Reign of Solomon (1 Kings 4, Psalms 72, Psalms 127) - Year 2

    All the info you need to START + the printable schedule + links to the Bible we use is on our website: http://dailybiblepodcast.net!  


    - 1 Kings 4, Psalms 72, Psalms 127


    -  Abundance

    1 Kings 4 details Solomon’s officials and governors, who managed provisions for his vast kingdom. Each of the twelve district governors ensured the kingdom had ample food for one month a year. The people of Judah were numerous and content, enjoying plenty to eat and drink. Solomon's rule extended from the Euphrates River to Egypt, and neighboring kingdoms paid him tribute. “God gave Solomon very great wisdom and understanding, and knowledge as vast as the sands of the seashore” (1 Kings 4:29). Solomon composed 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs and spoke with authority on various subjects, attracting people from all around to hear his wisdom.

    Psalm 72 is a prayer for the king, asking God to grant the king a heart for righteousness, a hand for justice, and compassion for the poor and needy. This psalm, attributed to either Solomon or David, reflects a heart of humility and recognition that all good things come from God.

    Psalm 127, a song of ascents written by Solomon, emphasizes that everything we have is from the Lord. It highlights the blessing of children, describing them as a gift and reward from God.

    Word of the Day: Abundance

    Have you ever experienced a time when everything seemed to be going well? This was the case for King Solomon in Israel. He had an abundance of wisdom, population, wealth, and peace. This prosperity resulted not from Solomon’s military victories but from the wise leadership of his father, King David, and God’s providence.

    God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 22:17 was fulfilled during Solomon’s reign: “I will certainly bless you. I will multiply your descendants beyond number, like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will conquer the cities of their enemies.” Israel thrived and grew, as David prayed in Psalm 72:6-7, “May the king’s rule be refreshing like spring rain on freshly cut grass, like the showers that water the earth. May all the godly flourish during his reign. May there be abundant prosperity until the moon is no more.”

    When we’re doing well and have plenty, we should praise God for everything, including our children. It’s essential to be humble and thankful, recognizing that God's goodness and mercy allow us to enjoy life. However, we must also remember that in times of abundance, we can easily forget our need for God.

    What does abundance look like in your life? It might be time—what I wouldn’t give for a few more hours in my day! Maybe you have more money than you need, an abundance of creativity, leadership abilities, love, or friends.

    Think of a flourishing garden in the fall, reaping an abundant harvest of vegetables and fruit. The rain, like in Psalm 72, nurtures the plants, and the right balance of sun and clouds allows them to thrive. You tend to your garden, pulling weeds and caring for it throughout the summer. As you harvest, prepare food for your family, share with friends, and preserve some for the winter, you experience true abundance. God blesses us, and we do some of the work.

    Reflect on Solomon’s reign and the importance of seeking wisdom, humility, and obedience in your own life. How can you apply these principles to experience God’s blessings and prosperity?

    Explore the depths of King Solomon's wisdom and God's blessings in our Daily Bible Podcast. Tune in for more insights and inspiration! 


    Tricia: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

    Michelle: Instagram | LinkedIn

    Daily Bible Podcast: Instagram | Facebook | Join the Community 

    DISCLAIMER: The Daily Bible Podcast, Tricia Goyer, Michelle Hill, and affiliates are not a church, pastor, spiritual authority, or counseling service. Listeners and viewers consume this content on a voluntary basis and assume all responsibili

    • 18 min
    Day 146 - The Golden Reign of Solomon (2 Chronicles 8, 1 Kings 9-10, 2 Chronciles 9, 2 Chronicles 1) - Year 2

    Day 146 - The Golden Reign of Solomon (2 Chronicles 8, 1 Kings 9-10, 2 Chronciles 9, 2 Chronicles 1) - Year 2

    All the info you need to START + the printable schedule + links to the Bible we use is on our website: http://dailybiblepodcast.net!  


    - 2 Chronicles 8, 1 Kings 9:15-28, 1 Kings 10:1-13, 2 Chronciles 9:1-12, 1 Kings 10:14-29, 2 Chronicles 9:13-28, 2 Chronicles 1:14-17


    -  Prosper

    Solomon’s Accomplishments

    Building and Rebuilding

    Temple and Palace: Solomon dedicated 20 years to constructing the temple and his palace.

    Rebuilding Towns: He rebuilt towns given by King Hiram and settled Israelites there.

    Conquering and Developing: Solomon conquered towns, rebuilt others, and constructed supply centers.

    Jerusalem and Lebanon: “He built everything he desired in Jerusalem and Lebanon and throughout his entire realm.” (2 Chronicles 8:6)

    Labor Force: Conscripted former enemies into his labor force.

    Military Assignments: Assigned Israelites as fighting men and commanders.

    Religious Duties: Offered sacrifices, assigned priests and Levites to their duties, and led people in praise.

    Wealth and Trade

    Maritime Ventures: Solomon's ventures extended to the Red Sea, where King Hiram’s ships brought back wealth from distant lands, including almost seventeen tons of gold (2 Chronicles 8:18).

    In 2 Chronicles 9, the Queen of Sheba visits Solomon, intrigued by his fame. She tests him with challenging questions, and Solomon answers them all with ease. Impressed by his wisdom and wealth, she praises God for placing Solomon on the throne:

    “How happy your people must be! What a privilege for your officials to stand here day after day, listening to your wisdom! Praise the LORD your God, who delights in you and has placed you on the throne as king to rule for him. Because God loves Israel and desires this kingdom to last forever, he has made you king over them so you can rule with justice and righteousness.” (2 Chronicles 9:7-8)

    Solomon's annual revenue included 25 tons of gold, in addition to income from merchants and traders. He created shields and a majestic throne, and his trading ships brought back gold, silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks. Silver was as common as stones in Jerusalem.

    These passages highlight the fulfillment of God’s promises to Israel, as stated in Deuteronomy 28:1, 10:

    "Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the LORD your God will set you high above all nations of the earth... Then all peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the LORD, and they shall be afraid of you."

    Word of the Day: Prosper

    Solomon’s reign exemplifies how wisdom and humility before God lead to prosperity and blessings. His kingdom thrived, and he gained wealth and fame due to his wisdom and dedication to God.

    Obedience to God's commands is crucial for a prosperous and fulfilling life. As Deuteronomy 5:33 states:

    "Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess."

    Humility and obedience to God are key to experiencing His blessings. By prioritizing our relationship with Him, we align ourselves with His will and purpose for our lives.

    Reflect on Solomon's reign and the importance of seeking wisdom, humility, and obedience in your own life. How can you apply these principles to experience God’s blessings and prosperity?


    Tricia: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

    Michelle: Instagram | LinkedIn

    Daily Bible Podcast: Instagram | Facebook | Join the Community 

    DISCLAIMER: The Daily Bible Podcast, Tricia Goyer, Michelle Hill, and affiliates are not a church, pastor, spiritual authority, or counseling service. Listeners and viewers consume this content on a voluntary basis and assume all responsibility for the resulting consequences and impact.

    • 20 min
    Day 145 - A Lesson in Faith and Abandonment (1 Kings 8, 2 Chronicles 7, 1 Kings 9) - Year 2

    Day 145 - A Lesson in Faith and Abandonment (1 Kings 8, 2 Chronicles 7, 1 Kings 9) - Year 2

    All the info you need to START + the printable schedule + links to the Bible we use is on our website: http://dailybiblepodcast.net!  


    - 1 Kings 8:54-66, 2 Chronicles 7:1-10, 1 Kings 9:1-9, 2 Chronicles 7:11-22, 1 Kings 9:10-14


    -  Abandon

    After Solomon’s heartfelt prayers to the Lord, he turns to the congregation of Israel to address them. The sacrifices and offerings to the Lord during this period were staggering in number, enough to feed a vast multitude for two weeks. The dedication occurred during the Festival of Shelters, drawing people from far and wide, including the distant Brook of Egypt. The sheer number of sacrifices symbolizes the people's dedication and gratitude towards God, reflecting the importance of giving our best to the Lord.

    In a dramatic display of divine approval, fire comes down from heaven to consume the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord fills the Temple. This visible proof of God’s presence leads the people to praise and worship Him. God’s approval through fire and His presence filling the Temple underscores the significance of worship and reverence in our lives.

    God responds to Solomon, reaffirming His covenant with David and promising to watch over the Temple. However, God also issues a stern warning about the consequences of abandoning Him and worshiping other gods.

    God’s conditional promises highlight the importance of faithfulness and obedience to His commands.

    Solomon’s humility is evident as he stands before the altar, blessing the entire congregation and praising God for His faithfulness. He also generously gifts King Hiram twenty towns, though Hiram finds them lacking in value.

    “Praise the LORD who has given rest to his people Israel, just as he promised. Not one word has failed of all the wonderful promises he gave through his servant Moses.” (1 Kings 8:55-56) Solomon’s humility and generosity serve as examples of how we should acknowledge God’s blessings and share them with others.

    In Solomon’s blessing, he prays, “May the Lord our God be with us as he was with our ancestors; may he never leave us or abandon us.” (1 Kings 8:57) However, God warns Solomon about the dire consequences of abandoning Him.

    We are called to be temples of the Holy Spirit. As 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 states, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." We should allow the Holy Spirit to fill us and make our hearts a place of worship.

    Building doesn’t happen alone. Solomon’s construction of the Temple involved a vast workforce and collaboration. In our spiritual lives, we also need each other. Community and shared effort help us build up the Lord’s kingdom.

    Do we consider ourselves pillars in the community of faith? Are we living lives that reflect the craftsmanship and dedication that went into building the Temple?

    As the Temple was dedicated, the people demonstrated their love for God. In response, God appeared to Solomon, promising to hear their prayers, forgive their sins, and heal their land—if they remained faithful.

    Loving God with total abandon means trusting Him completely and surrendering every aspect of our lives to His authority. It liberates us from the need to control our own lives and allows us to experience the fullness of life that God intends for us.


    Tricia: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

    Michelle: Instagram | LinkedIn

    Daily Bible Podcast: Instagram | Facebook | Join the Community 

    DISCLAIMER: The Daily Bible Podcast, Tricia Goyer, Michelle Hill, and affiliates are not a church, pastor, spiritual authority, or counseling service. Listeners and viewers consume this content on a voluntary basis and assume all responsibility for the resulting consequences and impact.

    • 21 min
    Day 144 - Solomon’s Prayer and the Glory of God (1 Kings 8, 2 Chronicles 5-6, 1 Kings 8) - Year 2

    Day 144 - Solomon’s Prayer and the Glory of God (1 Kings 8, 2 Chronicles 5-6, 1 Kings 8) - Year 2

    All the info you need to START + the printable schedule + links to the Bible we use is on our website: http://dailybiblepodcast.net!  


    - 1 Kings 8:1-11, 2 Chronicles 5, 1 Kings 8:12-21, 2 Chronciles 6:1-11, 1 Kings 8:22-53, 2 Chronicles 6:12-42


    -  Knelt

    After 500 years since the Exodus, Solomon summons all the elders of Israel to Jerusalem. The Temple's completion and dedication occur during the Festival of Shelters, a significant Jewish holiday that commemorates God's protection during the Israelites' 40-year journey in the wilderness. Solomon’s assembly marks a momentous occasion where God’s promise to David is fulfilled, and His presence is visibly manifested among His people.

    As the priests exited the Holy Place, a thick cloud filled the Temple, signifying the glorious presence of the Lord. The musicians and singers praised God, creating an atmosphere of reverence and worship. “He is good! His faithful love endures forever!” (2 Chronicles 5:13) The cloud's presence signifies God's approval and His dwelling among His people, reinforcing the importance of worship and reverence in our lives.

    Solomon stands before the altar, lifts his hands toward heaven, and prays a heartfelt prayer of dedication. He acknowledges God's faithfulness, seeks His continued presence, and asks for forgiveness and guidance for Israel.

    “May your eyes be open to my requests and to the requests of your people Israel. May you hear and answer them whenever they cry out to you.” (1 Kings 8:52) Solomon's prayer underscores the importance of humility and seeking God’s guidance and forgiveness in our lives.

    Solomon's prayer also recognizes the inclusion of foreigners who will come to know God through His great name and power.

    “In the future, foreigners who do not belong to your people Israel will hear of you...and grant what they ask of you. In this way, all the people of the earth will come to know and fear you.” (2 Chronicles 6:32-33) The Temple is a place for all nations, reminding us that God’s love and salvation are available to everyone.

    Word of the Day: Knelt

    Kneeling is a powerful act of worship and humility. Throughout history, it has symbolized submission to a higher authority and respect for the sacred.

    We are called to be temples of the Holy Spirit. As 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 states, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." We should allow the Holy Spirit to fill us and make our hearts a place of worship.

    Building doesn’t happen alone. Solomon’s construction of the Temple involved a vast workforce and collaboration. In our spiritual lives, we also need each other. Community and shared effort help us build up the Lord’s kingdom.

    Do we consider ourselves pillars in the community of faith? Are we living lives that reflect the craftsmanship and dedication that went into building the Temple?

    The dedication of the Temple and Solomon’s prayer offer profound lessons about priorities, craftsmanship, and humility. They remind us to invest our best efforts in honoring God and to see ourselves as living temples and pillars in His kingdom. Let's commit to building our lives and communities with the same care and devotion, honoring God in all we do.


    Tricia: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

    Michelle: Instagram | LinkedIn

    Daily Bible Podcast: Instagram | Facebook | Join the Community 

    DISCLAIMER: The Daily Bible Podcast, Tricia Goyer, Michelle Hill, and affiliates are not a church, pastor, spiritual authority, or counseling service. Listeners and viewers consume this content on a voluntary basis and assume all responsibility for the resulting consequences and impact.

    • 21 min

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