32 épisodes

Welcome to Mindfulness with Arlinda Podcast 🕊️(Mind, Body & Soul)

This is not a coincidence. You’re guided naturally and instinctively to where you need to be.

We are a lovely safe space for you to seek spiritual development, healing and mindfulness meditation or to simply remember who you are.

Arlinda is here to assist you to develop the ability to find your own personal power, to understand your mind, body and soul, to activate your powers, and awaken you to your true vibrational essence!

Thanks for subscribing and reviewing. Stay tuned...

Mindfulness with Arlinda Podcast 🕊️ (Mind, Body & Soul‪)‬ Arlinda A.

    • Religion et spiritualité

Welcome to Mindfulness with Arlinda Podcast 🕊️(Mind, Body & Soul)

This is not a coincidence. You’re guided naturally and instinctively to where you need to be.

We are a lovely safe space for you to seek spiritual development, healing and mindfulness meditation or to simply remember who you are.

Arlinda is here to assist you to develop the ability to find your own personal power, to understand your mind, body and soul, to activate your powers, and awaken you to your true vibrational essence!

Thanks for subscribing and reviewing. Stay tuned...



    Living through many different life experiences as a child leaves every human being with multidimensional wounds. Some children experience physical trauma while others experience mental or emotional trauma, or both. There are also spiritual wounds that can happen throughout the early years of life that affect the way we grow and evolve. If there are any childhood wounds that are affecting your human experience as an adult, it is time to heal those wounds. The past is the past and this moment is all we really have. No one can change the past, but we don't have to allow the past to control our present moment (the now) once we fully love and accept our human experiences and self we can live in freedom. It is the decisions your inner child makes about themselves, others and the world that holds us back in adulthood. We come here as divine beings but as children we may be subjected to various forms of abuse, exposed to the limiting beliefs of our elders or peers, or we may have experiences where we feel judged or to blame. When this happens, possibilities collapse in our matrix. It's like options that were available and believable to us suddenly don't feel safe or we no longer feel capable. When we heal the inner child at various points of consciousness that need our love, we open up those possibilities once more. Remember: you are good enough and it wasn't your fault, you have nothing to be ashamed of or feel guilty and you are enough and so loved. Finally, please allow yourself to cry any old experience out of your body for good. Tears are one way the body can release old patterns of thought and emotion previously held in our physical bodies and are good for cleansing our soul. For best results listen to this affirmations every night before bed for 21 days, or if you want a short version you can just say to yourself this prayer each night: I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. You will definitely experience a positive change/shift in your reality. Love ~ Arlinda

    • 7 min
    Develop an Abundance Mindset ~ 12/12 Activation Affirmations

    Develop an Abundance Mindset ~ 12/12 Activation Affirmations

    There is abundance all around you! All you have to do is align with the frequency of abundance. These Affirmations for an Abundance Mindset will assist you with releasing lack and scarcity consciousness (I'II never have enough) to an abundance mindset (abundance flows easily to me).
    Listen to it as many times as you feel drawn and remember you are worthy. I see you and I love you ~ Arlinda

    • 7 min
    Rich Harvest ~ God's Affirming Words rooted in Scripture

    Rich Harvest ~ God's Affirming Words rooted in Scripture

    A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction, the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a rich harvest if we do not give up. Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires, but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he". - Proverbs 23:7 is what God uses to determine a person’s authenticity. However there is something about this verse that cannot be overlooked. Who you are on the inside and what you say on the outside, don’t always line up. - When words and actions don’t match. The root or core meaning of this verse is one of hypocrisy. You say one thing but you really don’t mean it. The bottom line is: God hates hypocrisy. Never trust what people say, actions speak louder than words. Next time someone tries to convince you that they care, look at what they do, not what they say. If you need to know who a person really is, you can’t determine that by the things they say, you have to look at the root of who they are, and that root is the heart. Everything a person is flows out of their heart, not out of their mouth. That’s why what is on the inside is so much more important than what is on the outside. You can mask the outside to others, and you can try to bury it to the world around you. But, ultimately, what’s in your heart will reveal who you really are. You need to always guard your heart, paying close attention to what’s in them. You want to get to the place where everything you say is agreeing with everything that is truly in your heart. Because as you think in your heart, so are you. Here’s a Prayer for Your Heart:

    Lord, let it be that the things that come from my mouth are a reflection of the true condition of my heart. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight. For you Lord are my Rock and my Redeemer. Amen 🤍🕊️ I see you and I love you~ Arlinda

    • 4 min
    Infinite Intelligence & Divine Love ~ Affirmations

    Infinite Intelligence & Divine Love ~ Affirmations

    Why Infinite Intelligence? Because is the most powerful force that gives order and origin to everything in the entire universe. Why Divine Love? Because ordinary love is selfish, darkly rooted in desires and satisfactions, and divine love is without condition, without boundary, without change. Prayers and Affirmations are the best tool to reprogram your mind because the part of your mind that communicates with and receives guidance from Infinite Intelligence is your subconscious mind. Pray and meditate daily to train your subconscious mind to think positively and believe in your goals and dreams. I see you and I love you~ Arlinda

    • 2 min
    Reclaiming Sovereignty ~ 11/11 Portal Activation

    Reclaiming Sovereignty ~ 11/11 Portal Activation

    Today, November 11th, we enter a new portal that brings with it a very Powerful Energy.

    What energies does 11/11 Portal bring exactly?

    • The energy of cosmic justice (this is the energy of karma) people will reap the seeds they sow. HARVEST TIME
    •The energy to be who you really are (your authentic self) but most importantly,
    • The energy to reclaim your sovereignty and power.

    This portal is very powerful and also opens up the realms of creativity, ideas and abundance. The period from November 11th to the end of the month is energetically the best to forge new paths, start new beginnings and bring unique visions to life.

    There is a MASS AWAKENING taking place now that will not be televised. They* are trying to hide the truth.

    This deep wisdom that are hiding is UNITY

    Unity is the greatest threat to the systems that seek to disconnect us from our power, sovereignty and abundance.

    That's why it's important not to give them the power, but to take back our power and sovereignty so that we can step into our true authentic selves and create a life of love and abundance and not fear and scarcity like they expect of us.

    Listen to this activation as often as you’re called to or just repeat this affirmation as often as possible: I now reclaim my personal power and sovereignty.

    I see you and I love you ~ Arlinda

    • 8 min
    God’s Riches & Power ~ 11/11 Portal Activation

    God’s Riches & Power ~ 11/11 Portal Activation

    Praise the LORD! Blessed are those who serve the LORD, who greatly delight in His commandments! Their children will be successful everywhere; an entire generation of godly people will be blessed. Wealth and riches will be in their houses and their good deeds will last forever. Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. Seek first the Kingdom of God and live righteously, and all these things will be provided to you. - Happy 11/11 Portal. I see you and I love you ~ Arlinda

    • 3 min

Classement des podcasts dans Religion et spiritualité

Coran de Ton coeur
Zaynab - Coran de mon Coeur
La vie du Prophète Mohammad ﷺ
Mohammad ﷺ, le prophète de la miséricorde
Je médite tous les jours
Les Lueurs
Les Lueurs
Mosquée Mirail Toulouse
Les Histoires des Prophètes