7 min

Day 6: Sleepy or Grumpy Quitting Marijuana

    • Développement personnel

Side effects of quitting pot will probably hit you in bed first.Want to share your story to help me and others stay the course? Email quittingmarijuanapodcast@gmail.com. Send me 1 negative consequence of smoking weed, 1-2 reasons why quitting will improve your life, and maybe a future dream as well. I'm just an average dude, not saving email addresses or anything like that just be sure to include an alias I can use when saying whose story it is.

Side effects of quitting pot will probably hit you in bed first.Want to share your story to help me and others stay the course? Email quittingmarijuanapodcast@gmail.com. Send me 1 negative consequence of smoking weed, 1-2 reasons why quitting will improve your life, and maybe a future dream as well. I'm just an average dude, not saving email addresses or anything like that just be sure to include an alias I can use when saying whose story it is.

7 min