48 épisodes

The Discerning Truth podcast is an introduction to the Philosophy of the Divine Law. A philosophy based on the primal understanding, inherent within each of us, that we are all an integral aspect of one profound and collective truth, connected by the Divine Essence of God. Each week we will present one or more of the Divine Law's core concepts, to promote the understanding of how humanity can apply its principles and guidance, to prevent the social destruction of humankind.

Discerning Truth Beyond The Rituals

    • Culture et société

The Discerning Truth podcast is an introduction to the Philosophy of the Divine Law. A philosophy based on the primal understanding, inherent within each of us, that we are all an integral aspect of one profound and collective truth, connected by the Divine Essence of God. Each week we will present one or more of the Divine Law's core concepts, to promote the understanding of how humanity can apply its principles and guidance, to prevent the social destruction of humankind.

    On Sharing

    On Sharing

    Adam discusses how vital sharing is to humanity's survival.

    Pale Blue Dot

    Pale Blue Dot

    Our responsibility is not only for ourselves but also for other people and our planet.

    Oath and Honor

    Oath and Honor

    Adam reviews Oath and Honor by Liz Cheney

    Our Actions Betray Us

    Our Actions Betray Us

    Adam contrasts our words with our actions.

    A Blueprint for the Future

    A Blueprint for the Future

    Adam explains that the Philosophy of the Divine Law addresses many of the existential challenges faced by our generation.

    The Silence of the Gods

    The Silence of the Gods

    Adam asserts that though many believe everything is according to their god's plan, a god or gods are not required for things to be as they are.

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